
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

&#39;Bad&#39; Carbs Nearly Double Cancer Risk
 'Bad' Carbs 
 Nearly Double 
 Cancer Risk 

'Bad' Carbs Nearly Double Cancer Risk

The link is especially strong to prostate cancer

(Newser) - Meat is often the bad guy linked to higher cancer rates: The World Health Organization says bacon is carcinogenic and red meats in general "probably" are, while grilling meats is linked to higher kidney cancer rates . But researchers out of New York University report in ScienceDaily that their latest...

Why Hot Dogs May Get a Warning Label in California

It all boils down to the state's Proposition 65

(Newser) - Roughly three decades ago, California's Proposition 65 came into being, and it's a proposition likely on the minds of many a processed meat producer this week. That's because Prop 65 forces the state to add any item known to up one's cancer risk to a list;...

Meat Industry: Bacon Causes Cancer? Baloney

Group says WHO report 'defies common sense'

(Newser) - Meat producers are out in full force to combat the WHO's assertion on Monday that processed meats cause cancer , while red meat is "probably" carcinogenic. The National Cattlemen's Beef Association says that though the WHO considered 800 studies, its report came from a panel of 22 experts...

WHO: Bacon Is a Carcinogen
 WHO: Bacon Is a Carcinogen 

WHO: Bacon Is a Carcinogen

Health agency issues controversial warning about processed meats

(Newser) - The World Health Organization delivered bad news to bacon lovers Monday morning, declaring that the breakfast staple causes cancer. In fact, the report by a WHO research arm found that all processed meats, including sausages, ham, and hot dogs, are carcinogens, reports the Guardian . Specifically, the report says that 50...

Turning Up Voltage on E-Cigs a Very Bad Idea
Turning Up Voltage on E-Cigs Is a Very Bad Idea

Turning Up Voltage on E-Cigs Is a Very Bad Idea

It produces much more formaldehyde than tobacco

(Newser) - It's still too early to say whether e-cigarettes cause cancer the way regular cigarettes do, researchers say, but what they can tell at this stage is that at high voltage, the vapor they produce is a lot higher in at least one carcinogen than traditional smokes. A new study...

Scientists Find 6 Flame Retardants in Our Bodies

Small study analyzed urine of 16 Californians

(Newser) - Much of the furniture in your home is likely coated in flame retardants—and it turns out those same flame retardants may be making themselves at home in our bodies. The Silent Spring Institute, working in tandem with Belgian researchers, tested 16 Californians for biomarkers of six flame-retardant chemicals using...

In Some E-Cigs, Carcinogens Lurk

 Some E-Cig Users 
 Inhale Formaldehyde 

Some E-Cig Users Inhale Formaldehyde

Studies find dangers in hot-burning, tank-style systems

(Newser) - On the heels of the FDA's new crackdown on e-cigarettes comes more bad news for aficionados of nicotine vapor: Though many assume e-cigs to be infinitely safer than their regular counterparts, the New York Times cites a pair of new studies that find that some e-cigs burn so hot...

Switching to E-Cigarettes? Read This Study First

Researchers find cause for concern in preliminary study

(Newser) - As the FDA considers how to regulate e-cigarettes, a recent study finds very tentative reason for concern: When it comes to promoting cancer development in certain types of lung cells, it may not matter whether you're smoking the real thing or the nicotine-laced vapor in an electronic cigarette. How...

Marinating Meat With Beer Is Good for You

Study reveals that it reduces carcinogen production

(Newser) - If you're like us at this time of year, you're craving some warm spring days, some barbecue, and some beer. Well, now a team of European chemists has discovered that those last two things are even better together than you thought. Normally meat grilled at high temperatures produces...

Most Common Soda Color Could Pose Health Risk

FDA taking closer look at caramel color

(Newser) - The caramel color widely used in soft drinks contains a chemical that could be dangerous to your health but isn't listed in the ingredients, a Consumer Reports investigation finds. Some kinds of caramel color—the world's most widely used food coloring—contain a potentially carcinogenic chemical known as...

It&#39;s Official: Air Pollution Causes Cancer
 It's Official: 
 Air Pollution 
 Causes Cancer 
says who agency

It's Official: Air Pollution Causes Cancer

WHO agency classifies it as carcinogen

(Newser) - What many commuters choking on smog have long suspected has finally been scientifically validated: air pollution causes lung cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer declared today that air pollution is a carcinogen, alongside known dangers such as asbestos, tobacco, and ultraviolet radiation. The decision came after a consultation...

Study Finds Carcinogens in Lipstick

Don't 'panic,' says study co-author, but maybe 'use it less'

(Newser) - A new study of 32 popular lipsticks and lip glosses uncovered nine metals including lead, aluminum, chromium, and cadmium, some at levels that could be toxic, researchers say. The UC Berkeley study found that, in particular, average lipstick users (who apply lipstick an average of 2.3 times a day...

Johnson & Johnson Booting Harsh Chemicals by 2015

And for baby products, even sooner

(Newser) - By 2015, almost every single Johnson & Johnson product will no longer contain dangerous chemicals, the company pledged yesterday. It had already promised to remove "chemicals of concern" from baby products by the end of next year, and is still on track to do so. Now it also plans...

WHO Panel: Diesel Exhaust Causes Cancer

Agency labels it a carcinogen

(Newser) - Steer clear of diesel engine exhaust or raise your risk of cancer, a WHO health panel declared today. The International Agency for Research on Cancer labeled the exhaust a carcinogen, putting it on par with asbestos and tobacco, reports Reuters . It specifically cited a link to lung and bladder cancer....

Could Your Manicure Give You Cancer?

UV lamps raise concerns, but some say not to worry

(Newser) - Gel manicures, which take less time to dry and more time to chip than traditional manicures, are increasing in popularity—but are they safe? In order to dry the polish, gel manicure clients put their hands under ultraviolet lamps for as long as 10 minutes—about twice as long as...

China: Rotten Feed Causing Cancerous Milk

Feed and milk being destroyed, say authorities

(Newser) - A cancer-causing toxin found in milk produced by two major dairy companies in China—including the nation's largest—is being caused by rotten feed fed to cows, say Chinese authorities. The mildewed feed is creating high levels of carcinogenic aflatoxin in milk in the latest dairy scandal to rock...

Rice Could Expose You to Arsenic
 Rice Could 
 Expose You 
 to Arsenic 
study says

Rice Could Expose You to Arsenic

Although not in levels higher than EPA standards: study

(Newser) - Rice: It seems so innocent, but a new study finds that eating it can expose you to arsenic. Chronic high exposure to the chemical has been linked to cancers and other health problems, but scientists are also growing concerned about low-dose exposures. Pregnant women are especially vulnerable because links have...

Consumer Reports Warns of Arsenic in Fruit Juices

It wants FDA to tighten standards

(Newser) - Apple juice and grape juice have levels of arsenic that could raise kids' risk of cancer, according to an investigation by Consumer Reports . The study of 88 samples of fruit juice bought in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut found that 10% had arsenic levels that exceeded standards set for...

Formaldehyde Joins List of Carcinogens

Common chemical styrene added to suspected category

(Newser) - The government has declared formaldehyde to be a carcinogen, and it says the common chemical styrene—used in everything from plastic cups to bathroom stalls and boats—is on the list of suspected cancer triggers, reports Bloomberg . Consumers should do what they can to steer clear, but the risks are...

So Do Pickles Really Cause Cancer?

Relax: your local brand is probably fine

(Newser) - The World Health Organization is sounding the alarm about yet another possible cancer-causer: your cell phone. But far less ominous items also crowd that list, including, yes, the humble pickle. Chinese studies have shown that populations which suffer a certain esophageal cancer also depend on fermented veggies for long periods...

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>