Shadrack McGill

2 Stories

Wife to Facebook Floozies: Stay Away From Lawmaker

Heather McGill is tired of women sending husband Shadrack photos

(Newser) - The wife of an Alabama state senator helps run his Facebook account, so she's plenty familiar with all the women sending her husband come-hither photos and messages. "NO MORE!" wrote Heather McGill on Facebook on Monday night, in a diatribe spotted by Gawker . "It is a...

God Doesn't Want Teachers to Be Paid More: State Sen.

Alabama's Shadrack McGill: But lawmakers should definitely get raises

(Newser) - Teacher pay shouldn't be increased, an Alabama lawmaker explained at a prayer breakfast this week, because the Bible says so. "If you double what you're paying education, you know what's going to happen?" asked state Sen. Shadrack McGill. "I've heard the comment many times,...

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