Donald Rumsfeld

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A 'Patriot' and a 'Killer': Rumsfeld in 4 Takes
Donald Rumsfeld
Had a 'Curse'

Donald Rumsfeld Had a 'Curse'

'People assumed he was responsible for everything,' writes Matt Latimer

(Newser) - Donald Rumsfeld was no stranger to controversy, and that remains the case even in death , with debates raging over his legacy. Four takes:
  • A 'patriot': "[We] learned a great deal listening to him," writes the editorial board at the Wall Street Journal , describing Rumsfeld as "a

Donald Rumsfeld Dead at 88
Donald Rumsfeld Dies

Donald Rumsfeld Dies

Defense secretary under 2 presidents never expressed regrets over Iraq war

(Newser) - Donald Rumsfeld, the oldest—and youngest—defense secretary in American history, has died. Relatives said in a statement Wednesday that the 88-year-old "was surrounded by family in his beloved Taos, New Mexico," the AP reports. A family spokesman says the cause was multiple myeloma. Rumsfeld, who grew up...

From All 10 Ex-Defense Secretaries, an 'Exceptional' Op-Ed

They note Biden has won, warn the military has no place getting involved in any election disputes

(Newser) - "The time for questioning the results has passed; the time for the formal counting of the electoral college votes, as prescribed in the Constitution and statute, has arrived." So reads an unusual op-ed that appeared Sunday in the Washington Post , co-signed by all 10 living ex-defense secretaries. The...

Donald Rumsfeld Develops 'Diabolical' Solitaire App

He's behind a new iPhone, iPad app inspired by Winston Churchill

(Newser) - Meet Donald Rumsfeld, app developer. Yes, the 83-year-old former defense secretary is behind Churchill Solitaire , available on iPhones and iPads as of last week, the Wall Street Journal reports. Rumsfeld says that while he was US ambassador to NATO in Brussels in 1973, he learned the version of solitaire Winston...

Elder Bush's Book Sets Off Rare Family Disagreement

Sons George and Jeb backtracking from father's views

(Newser) - The elder George Bush's surprising public slam of Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld has resulted in what the Washington Post sees as a rarity: a "public quarrel," or something close to it, among a family known for its loyalty. Sons Jeb and George were busy trying to...

Bush Sr. Slams Cheney, Rumsfeld in New Book

'Iron-ass' advisers 'served the president badly'

(Newser) - George HW Bush has finally broken his silence on what he thought about his son's administration—and it turns out he was no fan of Dick Cheney or Donald Rumsfeld. In Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush, the senior Bush tells biographer Jon Meacham...

Jon Stewart Bares Biggest Daily Show Regret

He thinks he went too easy on Donald Rumsfeld

(Newser) - A "turd miner" no more: Jon Stewart opens up about his reasons for leaving the Daily Show, his biggest regret over the show's 16 years, and his plans for the future in a newly published Guardian interview conducted partly last October and partly a few days after he...

Rumsfeld to IRS: I Have 'No Idea' If My Taxes Are Right

Former defense secretary gets snarky with IRS

(Newser) - Can't make heads or tails of your taxes? Well don't feel too bad, because at least one former secretary of defense can't either. Donald Rumsfeld sent his tax returns the IRS along with a cheeky letter informing them that he has "absolutely no idea" whether they'...

Rumsfeld: 'A Trained Ape' Could Do What Obama Can't

Rumsfeld savages president for declining relations with Afghanistan

(Newser) - Well, we're sure no one will take this the wrong way. Last night Donald Rumsfeld savaged the Obama administration's handling of Afghan President Hamid Karzai, who yesterday came out in support of Russia's Crimea invasion. "Our relationship with Karzai and with Afghanistan was absolutely first rate...

Cheney Cracks Joke About Waterboarding

Interrogation technique a punchline for Cheney, Rumsfeld at roast

(Newser) - Hey, did you hear the one about strapping people down and forcing them to inhale water so they feel like they're drowning? Waterboarding was just one of the questionable punchlines at a recent roast of Dick Cheney, according to attendees. Cheney told a joke—which he attributed to Jay...

Rumsfeld: Obama Is Rushing to War

Iraq architect believes Washington hasn't justified military action

(Newser) - The architect of the Iraq war believes that President Obama hasn't given sufficient justification for military action against Syria. "There really hasn't been any indication from the administration as to what our national interest is" in Syria, Donald Rumsfeld tells CNN . He continues:
  • "When you think

GOP Shreds White House 'Cronyism,' 'Intimidation'

Republicans, administration spar over series of scandals

(Newser) - The GOP pulled no punches in lambasting the Obama administration over the series of scandals—ranging from the IRS to Benghazi and the AP—dogging it of late. On Benghazi, Mitch McConnell says he wants "the investigations to go forward," because clearly the White House "made up...

Wait, Isn't Mitt Romney Supposed to Be Boring?

Gail Collins thinks he's looking a little unhinged lately

(Newser) - Up until now, we'd all assumed that a President Romney would be a lot less rash than Candidate Romney. There was a deal: Anything goes in the campaign, "as long as he sent out signals that once he got in the White House he was not likely to...

House Panel to TSA: Stop Patting Down Beyonce

Celebs like her are not terrorists: Rep. Mike Rogers

(Newser) - House officials have some words of wisdom for the TSA: Don't pat down Beyonce. Seriously. After all, "she's not going to blow a plane up," says Rep. Mike Rogers, who heads the House Homeland Security Transportation Subcommittee. "There are certain people that are just so...

Rumsfeld Kills NYT Subscription Over Krugman

Rummy fumes after reading columist's 'repugnant piece'

(Newser) - Donald Rumsfeld is mad as hell and he's not going to take it anymore—so he's canceled his subscription to the New York Times. "After reading Krugman’s repugnant piece on 9/11, I cancelled my subscription to the New York Times this AM," the former defense...

Donald Rumsfeld: Terrorists Didn't Shut Pentagon
 Didn't Shut 


Rumsfeld: Terrorists Didn't Shut Pentagon

Giuliani, Bloomberg, Wolfowitz reflect on 9/11

(Newser) - As bells tolled today at Ground Zero, the Pentagon, and in a Pennsylvania field, politicians gathered on the Sunday talk shows to offer up their memories and interpretations of 9/11. “It was clear they had hit the seat of economic power in New York and the seat of military...

Judge Lets Army Vet Sue Rumsfeld Over Detention

American contractor says defense sec approved his detention, torture in Iraq

(Newser) - An Army vet who says he was imprisoned unjustly and tortured by the US military in Iraq can sue former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld personally for damages, a judge ruled yesterday. The veteran, a private contractor who worked as a Marine translator in the volatile Anbar province, says he was...

Prosecute Bush, Cronies: Human Rights Watch

Group wants torture allegations investigated

(Newser) - Human Rights Watch wants George W. Bush and his top officials prosecuted for war crimes and criminal conspiracy, the Guardian reports. In a new report, the US group calls for foreign governments to move forward with the prosecution if the Obama administration does not investigate. In addition to allegations of...

Iran to Try Bush Officials for Human Rights Abuses

Trial designed to counter accusations of Tehran's own abuses

(Newser) - Iran intends to try 26 current or former US officials in absentia for human rights violations and forward its findings to international tribunals, one lawmaker said today. He didn’t specify which officials, but Reuters believes it’s likely to be the same people listed on a bill currently in...

Rumsfeld: We Woulda Hit bin Laden Same Way

Praises intel, SEALs, says hit was years in the making

(Newser) - Add Donald Rumsfeld to the list of Republicans heaping praise for Osama bin Laden's killing on anyone but the Obama administration: "The capabilities to do it were developed over time by previous administrations, and they benefit the country, and the intelligence had been gathered over a long period...

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