abortion clinic

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After Roe, an Abortion 'Underground' Emerges

Meet the doulas and others in this 'makeshift national network of helpers'

(Newser) - Waiting in a long post office line with the latest shipment of "abortion aftercare kits," Kimra Luna got a text. A woman who'd taken abortion pills three weeks earlier was worried about bleeding—and disclosing the cause to a doctor. "Bleeding doesn't mean you need...

In Push for Abortion Rights, Harris to Notch a Big First

Vice president will visit Minnesota abortion clinic as part of her reproductive rights tour

(Newser) - A Planned Parenthood clinic in Minnesota that offers abortions will host an unusual guest on Thursday. As part of her "Fight for Reproductive Freedoms" tour across the US to bring awareness to abortion rights, Vice President Kamala Harris will visit the Twin Cities-area clinic, where she'll tour the...

She Burned Abortion Clinic, Must Pay $298K

Lorna Roxanne Green also will serve 5 years in prison for setting fire to Wyoming's only full-service clinic

(Newser) - A judge has ordered a woman who set fire to Wyoming's only full-service abortion clinic to pay nearly $300,000 in restitution, the full amount sought by prosecutors. Lorna Green is serving five years in prison for burning Wellspring Health Access weeks before the clinic was set to open...

Arizona Clinic Comes Up With Abortion Pill Workaround

Patients can get pill via telehealth appointment with California doctor, have it mailed to border

(Newser) - A Phoenix abortion clinic has come up with a way for patients who can end their pregnancy using a pill to get the medication quickly without running afoul of a resurrected Arizona law that bans most abortions. Under the arrangement that began Monday, patients will have an ultrasound in Arizona,...

Abortion Clinic at Center of SCOTUS Decision Ends Court Challenge

Mississippi clinic is moving to New Mexico

(Newser) - The Mississippi abortion clinic that was at the center of the US Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade ended a lawsuit Tuesday in which it had sought to block the state from enforcing a law that bans most abortions, the AP reports. Jackson Women's Health Organization dropped...

State's Sole Abortion Clinic Sues to Stop Ban

North Dakota law took effect after Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade

(Newser) - North Dakota's sole clinic that provides abortion services filed a lawsuit in state court Thursday seeking to block a law that banned abortion following the US Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade . The Red River Women's Clinic argues that the ban violates the rights to...

Missouri Health Chief Tracked Planned Parenthood Patients' Periods

Data indicated 4 failed abortions out of thousands

(Newser) - Missouri's health director admitted Tuesday to tracking the menstrual periods of women who visited the sole abortion clinic in the state with the goal of identifying those who had failed procedures. Planned Parenthood's St. Louis clinic is facing accusations of failed medical abortions as it fights to remain...

Planned Parenthood: We Built a Huge Clinic in Secret

Facility in Illinois will be open later this month, not far from last abortion clinic in Missouri

(Newser) - One of the largest abortion clinics in the US has been under hush-hush construction for more than a year, but Planned Parenthood is now revealing details. In August, CBS News got one of the first glimpses of the 18,000-square-foot "mega-clinic" in southern Illinois, built about 15 miles from...

For Missouri's Only Abortion Clinic, a 'Last-Minute Reprieve'

St. Louis Planned Parenthood can keep offering abortions at least until Aug. 1 license hearing

(Newser) - A Missouri commissioner on Friday ruled that the state's only abortion clinic can continue providing the service at least until August as a fight over its license plays out, adding that there's a "likelihood" that the clinic will succeed in the dispute. Administrative Hearing Commissioner Sreenivasa Rao...

Supreme Court Dumps Texas' Tough Abortion Laws

Justices vote 5-3 that clinic regulations are unconstitutional

(Newser) - In what the AP is calling the Supreme Court's "biggest abortion case in nearly a quarter century," a 5-3 vote Monday has deemed Texas' restrictions on abortion clinics unconstitutional, refuting the state's assertion that these regulations were medically necessary to protect women's health. These rules...

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Major Abortion Case

For the first time since 2007

(Newser) - The Supreme Court is taking on its first abortion case in eight years, a dispute over state regulation of abortion clinics. The justices said Friday they will hear arguments over a Texas law that would leave about 10 abortion clinics open across the state. A decision should come by late...

Most Texas Abortion Clinics Shut Down Overnight

Court decision closes 13 of 21 clinics

(Newser) - All but eight of the remaining 21 abortion clinics in Texas were forced to shut down overnight after a federal appeals court upheld the state's tough restrictions on abortion. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals decided that the law's requirement for abortions to take place in expensive ambulatory...

Court: Mississippi Can't Close Only Abortion Clinic

Judges: state shouldn't force women to go elsewhere

(Newser) - A law that would have forced the only abortion clinic in Mississippi to close appears doomed after a federal court ruled against it once again. An appeals court panel decided 2-1 that State House Bill 1390, which requires abortion providers to have admitting privileges at local hospitals, would shift Mississippi'...

Killer Abortion Doc Gets 30 More Years

Kermit Gosnell convicted in pill mill case

(Newser) - Kermit Gosnell, already sentenced to life in prison without parole for murdering babies who were still alive at his Philadelphia abortion clinic, was sentenced to 30 more years in prison yesterday, CNN reports. The 72-year-old ran a "pill mill" out of the same abortion clinic, and pleaded guilty to...

Ruling Will Close 38% of Texas Abortion Clinics

Appeals court reinstates central part of abortion law

(Newser) - Just this week , a federal judge called a central part of a new Texas abortion law unconstitutional; now, a US appeals court in New Orleans has reversed that ruling, the New York Times reports. In a temporary decision, judges yesterday said a rule requiring doctors performing abortions to have local...

Texas Abortion Vote Misses by Minutes, Amid Chaos

Deadline missed on heels of Wendy Davis' epic filibuster

(Newser) - A contentious end to a wild day and night in Texas, where a bill that would ban abortions in the state after 20 weeks just barely failed to pass the state Senate before its midnight deadline, the AP reports. The GOP-controlled chamber was only able to vote on the bill...

Texas Lawmaker Trying to Kill Abortion Bill With Filibuster

State Sen. Wendy Davis has to make it until midnight local time

(Newser) - A Texas lawmaker is trying to keep sweeping new abortion restrictions from taking effect in the state, but she'll have to stay on her feet for about 13 hours to be successful. Democrat Wendy Davis began a filibuster at 11:18am local time and needs to make it until...

Court Ruling Saves Lone Abortion Clinic in Mississippi

State could have been first with none if law had stood

(Newser) - Mississippi's only abortion clinic will remain open—at least for now—following a federal judge's ruling yesterday that blocked part of a state law requiring abortion clinic doctors to have local hospital admitting privileges. The two doctors behind most abortions at the Jackson Women's Health Organization lack...

Alabama About to Put Its Abortion Clinics in Jeopardy

New restrictions go to governor today

(Newser) - Alabama's state legislature has passed a bill placing tough new restrictions on abortion providers, and critics say it's intended to shut down the five clinics in the state, the New York Times reports. The bill is headed for Gov. Robert Bentley's desk today, and he's said...

Slain Kansas Abortion Doc's Clinic Reopening

Protesters seek rezoning to block facility

(Newser) - After George Tiller was killed in 2009, his abortion clinic in Kansas shut down. This spring, it will once again open its doors—but not without plenty of controversy, the Huffington Post reports. An abortion rights group purchased Tiller's former building, but anti-abortion activists are fighting the reopening. As...

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