Jerry Sandusky

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Paternos Blast Freeh Report as 'Rush to Injustice'

Dead coach's family commission own report to salvage legacy

(Newser) - Joe Paterno 's family is trying to get the last word in on the tarnished legacy of the legendary Penn State coach, releasing this morning a report of their own that blasts the findings of the Freeh Report. Calling Louis Freeh's conclusion that Paterno concealed Jerry Sandusky'...

Judge: No New Trial for Sandusky

Lawyers for former Penn State coach plan to appeal

(Newser) - Jerry Sandusky has lost his first bid for a new trial. A judge today rejected the request by lawyers of the convicted pedophile, disputing their contention that they didn't have enough time to prepare for the trial. The former Penn State assistant football coach is serving a 30- to...

Sandusky Back in Court, Says Trial Wasn't Fair

Court to hold new hearing today to see if re-trial needed

(Newser) - Jerry Sandusky was sentenced months ago , but hearings in the Penn State abuse case aren't over. Today, the court will hear lawyers debate the fairness of the trial, the AP reports. Calling for a new trial, Sandusky's team holds that it wasn't afforded enough preparation time. Defense...

Pa. Gov to Sue NCAA Over Sandusky Sanctions

Lawmakers don't want Penn State fine spent in other states

(Newser) - Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett plans to sue the NCAA in federal court over stiff sanctions imposed against Penn State University in the wake of the Jerry Sandusky child sexual abuse scandal. The Republican governor plans to hold a news conference today to announce the filing. The suit is an antitrust...

Sandusky: I Want Better Prison Conditions

Former Penn State coach planning an appeal

(Newser) - Jerry Sandusky is gearing up for another legal battle, says his lawyer: He wants better living conditions in prison. In a five-tier security rating system, Sandusky is a Level 2 prisoner—but he is living in harsher Level 5 conditions, lawyer Karl Rominger tells the AP following Sandusky's first...

Sandusky: I Want My Pension
 Sandusky: I Want My Pension 

Sandusky: I Want My Pension

He says state had no legal grounds to revoke it

(Newser) - Jerry Sandusky worked hard for his pension, and he doesn't think he should lose it over a few dozen pesky rape convictions. The former Penn State coach has appealed a decision to revoke his $59,000-a-year pension , arguing that he's still legally entitled to it, the AP reports....

Penn State's Ex-President Arraigned, Free on $125K Bond

Spanier faces charges in Sandusky scandal

(Newser) - Former Penn State University president Graham Spanier, facing multiple charges for his alleged role in covering up the Jerry Sandusky sex abuse scandal, was released today on $125,000 bond after his arraignment, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports. Spanier's lawyer called the charges—conspiracy, obstruction, perjury, and child endangerment—"...

Ex-Penn State Prez Faces Perjury Charges

Graham Spanier accused of trying to cover up Jerry Sandusky case

(Newser) - Pennsylvania's attorney general is expected to announce charges today against ex-Penn State President Graham Spanier for his alleged role in covering up Jerry Sandusky's sex crimes. Spanier, who was ousted along with Joe Paterno when the scandal broke, faces perjury and obstruction of justice charges, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette...

In Letters to Judge, Sanduskys Blame Victims

Couple describes abused boys as liars, ingrates

(Newser) - Jerry Sandusky and his wife, Dottie, blamed his victims for his sex abuse conviction in letters written to the judge before his sentencing earlier this week. Instead of expressing regret, the Sanduskys labeled the young men ingrates and liars in the letters, which have now been made public, CNN reports....

Jerry Sandusky Sentenced to 30 to 60 Years

Sentence 'will never make me whole,' Victim No. 5 tells court

(Newser) - Jerry Sandusky remained defiant today, insisting that "I did not do these disgusting acts" as he was sentenced to 30 to 60 years in the child sex abuse scandal that rocked Penn State to its foundation, reports CNN . Sandusky, who apparently arrived in court this morning wearing a smile,...

As Sentence Looms, Defiant Jerry Sandusky Faces Victims

And blames conviction on a vast conspiracy

(Newser) - Jerry Sandusky is moments away from his sentencing hearing, which begins at 9am , and at which he will have to face as many as six of his victims, who plan on addressing the judge. One young man who was abused at age 12 or 13 will "tell the judge...

Sandusky Will Assert His Innocence: Lawyer

Ex-football coach has hearing tomorrow

(Newser) - Jerry Sandusky's lawyer said today "it's as certain as certain can be" that the former Penn State assistant football coach will address the judge and assert his innocence before he is sentenced on 45 counts of child sexual abuse. Nobody else is expected to speak on Sandusky'...

Sandusky Judge to Reporters: No Hasty Tweets

Giant clock will count down to when they can tweet his sentence

(Newser) - The judge who will issue the hotly anticipated sentence in the Jerry Sandusky case tomorrow doesn't want the media getting hold of his decision while court is in session, so he's come up with some new rules for tweet-happy journalists, reports the Washington Post . A giant digital clock...

Star Witness McQueary Sues Penn State

Whistleblower suit says school ruined him over Sandusky case

(Newser) - Mike McQueary is suing Penn State for $4 million over the way he says he was treated in the Jerry Sandusky sex-abuse case, reports the Philadelphia Inquirer . The former assistant football coach says in his whistleblower suit that the university fired him for cooperating with authorities and cast doubt on...

Child Prostitute: Sandusky Had Tri-State Pedophile Ring

Which included Poly Prep coach Phil Foglietta

(Newser) - Jerry Sandusky was once part of a pedophile ring that included former Poly Prep football coach Phil Foglietta, a man identifying himself as a former child prostitute is alleging. In an email to Poly Prep officials, Greg Bucceroni, now 48, says he was paid to have sex with Foglietta in...

Book: Paterno Sobbed After Penn State Firing

New biography out Tuesday

(Newser) - Joe Paterno spent the day after he was fired from his position as Penn State's legendary football coach crying "continually," writes Joe Posnanski in his new biography of the coach, Paterno. "He sobbed uncontrollably" in a meeting with his coaches at his home. Later, speaking to...

Sandusky Writing Book in Prison

Book would be follow-up to 2001's 'Touched'

(Newser) - Jerry Sandusky is using his time in jail to write a follow-up to his 2001 autobiography, the unfortunately named "Touched," sources tell WJAC-TV . The former Penn State assistant coach, who is awaiting sentencing on 45 child sex abuse charges, is getting help writing his second book from his...

Penn State's Accreditation 'in Jeopardy'

Officials vow to set things right

(Newser) - The Jerry Sandusky fallout hasn't only seriously damaged Penn State's legendary football program. Now the university faces serious accreditation problems. The Middle States Commission on Higher Education, which determines if schools are meeting standards and can continue to function as a university, has warned that Penn State's...

Witness: I Saw Sandusky, Booster Molesting Boys

Witness comes forward as part of child porn investigation

(Newser) - The horrifying allegations against Jerry Sandusky seem to have no end: Now a witness says he saw the former Penn State coach and a prominent booster from the school sexually abusing two boys on a private plane. The witness has spoken to the US Postal Inspectors and the FBI as...

New Sandusky Allegation: Child Porn

Feds reportedly find images on his computer

(Newser) - As if the Jerry Sandusky child-rape scandal were not bad enough, now the US Postal Service and Justice Department are investigating whether the former Penn State assistant coach was involved in a child-porn ring, reports CBS News . Investigators have apparently dug up child pornography on Sandusky's computer, although they...

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