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Dinosaur Gets Diagnosed About 76M Years Later
Dinosaur Gets Diagnosed
About 76M Years Later
new study

Dinosaur Gets Diagnosed About 76M Years Later

A 'Centrosaurus apertus' was stricken with advanced cancer

(Newser) - A dinosaur that hobbled around some 76 million years ago has finally been diagnosed—with cancer, New Atlas reports. Researchers in Canada spotted a large growth in a Centrosaurus apertus leg bone and ran it through a battery of tests, making CT scans, constructing a cross-section, and cutting it into...

Scientists: 'Smallest Dinosaur' Wasn't Really a Dinosaur

They now believe Oculudentavis was a lizard

(Newser) - Oculudentavis khaungraawas was a strange and fascinating creature, scientists say—but it probably wasn't a dinosaur. Researchers who identified the hummingbird-sized animal as the smallest known dinosaur in a study published earlier this year have retracted their claim following new research and the discovery of another Oculudentavis fossil, NBC...

Forerunner to Dinosaurs Was Tiny Enough to Take Anywhere

Kongonaphon kely fed on bugs and was less than 4 inches tall, researchers say

(Newser) - Meet Kongonaphon kely, a pocket-size dinosaur forerunner that was smaller than your cellphone. The creature, which predated dinosaurs and flying pterosaurs, was just shy of 4 inches tall, according to a study published Monday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "Some of these things would...

Court: Fossils Worth Millions Belong to Montana Family

Mary Ann and Lige Murray own surface rights to land where 'dueling dinosaurs' found

(Newser) - Dinosaur fossils worth millions of dollars unearthed on a Montana ranch belong to the owners of the land’s surface rights, not the owners of the mineral rights, a US appeals court ruled. The June 17 ruling by the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a 2016 decision by...

We&#39;ve Never Seen a Dino Stomach Preserved Like This
Dinosaur's Last Meal
Preserved Down to the Cells

Dinosaur's Last Meal Preserved Down to the Cells

Researchers 'could see the different layers of cells in a leaf fragment'

(Newser) - Scientists say they've uncovered the "best-preserved dinosaur stomach ever found to date," offering an unprecedented look at a 110-million-year-old chewed salad. It's extremely rare to find a preserved dinosaur stomach, and even rarer to find one with much evidence of diet. But the soccer-ball-size stomach of...

Some Dinosaurs Resorted to Cannibalism
Rare Paleo Find Suggests
Gruesome Dino Dinners

Rare Paleo Find Suggests Gruesome Dino Dinners

Researchers say bite marks on carnivore bones in Colorado indicate dinosaur cannibalism

(Newser) - Bite marks on dinosaur bones aren't often found—but they recently turned up in multitudes at the Mygatt-Moore Quarry in Colorado, and researchers say the find could indicate certain carnivorous dinos were cannibals. According to a study published in PLOS One Wednesday, scientists found that, of the 2,368...

One Thing That Doomed Dinosaurs: a Bad Angle

Asteroid's steep trajectory caused maximum damage

(Newser) - Dinosaurs might still be roaming the Earth today if not for an incredible run of bad luck 66 million years ago. Researchers had already determined that the city-sized asteroid that hit the planet, leading to the mass extinction, struck at the exact wrong place at the exact wrong time . Scientists...

This Dinosaur Could Move Like No Other
This Dinosaur Had
a Unique Skill
in case you missed it

This Dinosaur Had a Unique Skill

Spinosaurus spent a lot of time swimming, say researchers

(Newser) - When Nizar Ibrahim suggested in 2014 that Spinosaurus was the first known dinosaur built to swim, not everyone was convinced. Skeptics wanted a better explanation of how the giant creature would have propelled itself through the water, notes Live Science . Now, Ibrahim and other researchers say they have the answer:...

Scientists Spot the 'Most Dangerous Place in History'

100M years ago, Morocco was not for the faint of heart

(Newser) - Morocco looked a lot different 100 million years ago—and it wasn't too inviting. This according to scientists who studied fossils from southeastern Morocco and say the area was heavily populated with animals, including three of the biggest predatory dinosaurs ever discovered. "This was arguably the most dangerous...

Smallest Known Dino Was a Weirdo
Smallest Known
Dino Was a Weirdo

Smallest Known Dino Was a Weirdo

99-million-year-old species weighed about as much as a couple of dollar bills

(Newser) - Scientists say they've discovered the smallest known dinosaur which, at an estimated 2 grams, was roughly "the weight of two dollar bills," per Live Science . The skull of the new birdlike species, about the size of the smallest hummingbird on Earth today, was found in a 99-million-year-old,...

Maid of Honor on Abnormal Outfit: &#39;I Regret Nothing&#39;
Maid of Honor Was
Told to Wear Anything.
She Didn't Disappoint
in case you missed it

Maid of Honor Was Told to Wear Anything. She Didn't Disappoint

Christina Meador shows up at sister's wedding in T. rex outfit, with bride's blessing

(Newser) - Most bridesmaids appreciate when they're told they can wear what they want on the big day, though usually that means choosing a favorite dress style or color. Christina Meador went ... a different route. Her get-up of choice at her sister Deanna Adams' Aug. 10 wedding in Nebraska: a T....

Scientists Unearth the &#39;Rex of Rexes&#39;
Scientists Unearth
the 'Rex of Rexes'

Scientists Unearth the 'Rex of Rexes'

'Scotty' weighed more than 19K pounds, the biggest T. Rex ever found

(Newser) - It took a long time to unearth, but it’s a whopper: Paleontologists have announced the discovery of the largest Tyrannosaurus rex ever found. With a skeleton measuring 42 feet, the giant dinosaur is estimated to have weighed in at over 19,400 pounds, reports ABC News . “Scotty,"...

Here Are Your 5 New National Monuments

They tell of disaster, division, dinos

(Newser) - President Trump signed a bipartisan public lands bill Tuesday that will protect 1.3 million acres from California to Kentucky and establish five national monuments. But it's the lack of action on ex-Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke's recommendations in a review of 27 national monuments that's drawing attention....

Mighty T. Rex Had a Pipsqueak Predecessor
Mighty T. Rex Had
a Pipsqueak Predecessor
new study

Mighty T. Rex Had a Pipsqueak Predecessor

Moros intrepidus stood 3 to 4 feet tall

(Newser) - Tyrannosaurus rex may have been the fiercest dinosaur on the planet just before the creatures went extinct, but even T-rex had humble beginnings. A new fossil found in Utah shows that an earlier iteration of the behemoth stood just 3 feet to 4 feet tall and weighed about 170 pounds....

Scientists ID Largest Dino Foot Ever Found, 20 Years Later

Body part from Wyoming belongs to 'Bigfoot' brachiosaur

(Newser) - "Bigfoot" has been found, just not the apish version. An international team of paleontologists has announced the discovery of the largest known dinosaur foot, which belonged to a close relative of the Brachiosaurus now dubbed "Bigfoot." Appropriately so, as a nearly complete left hind-foot fossil totaling 13...

Dinosaur Skeleton Sold in Controversial Auction

Anonymous buyer shells out $2.3M for possibly new species, over scientists' objections

(Newser) - An anonymous bidder is now the new owner of a huge and possibly unprecedented dinosaur skeleton, and scientists aren't happy about it. The buyer paid $2.3 million for the 150-million-year-old fossil at an auction in the Eiffel Tower in Paris on Monday, reports AFP . The skeleton of the...

Spruce Up Your Yard With Giant Dino Skeleton

The Jurassic-era specimen is likely to fetch over $1M

(Newser) - It was nearly 30 feet long and 9 feet tall when it died about 155 million years ago, and it could be yours for a cool million or two dollars. A Jurassic-era dinosaur skeleton discovered in Wyoming in 2013 is going to be auctioned off in Paris, at the Eiffel...

Tire-Sized Footprints Found on Scottish Coast

They were left by sauropods some 170M years ago

(Newser) - Some imprints are so big, they look like tidal pools. Perhaps that's why the footprints were able to hide in plain sight for years before observant paleontologists spotted the tell-tale signs of dinosaur toes. They're now celebrating the discovery of some 50 rare footprints left by long-necked sauropods...

Study Reveals Why Some Dinosaurs Had Horns

Hint: It's the same reason peacocks have such impressive tail feathers

(Newser) - The horns and frills of dinosaurs like Triceratops and Styracosaurus weren't for defending against predators, regulating body temperature, or even attaching fearsome battle helmets , according to a study published this week in Proceedings of the Royal Society B . Rather researchers found the defining features of ceratopsian dinosaurs were actually...

Sahara Desert Reveals 'Holy Grail' of Dino Discoveries

African dinosaur suggests link to Europe in late Cretaceous Period

(Newser) - Researcher Matt Lamanna calls it "the Holy Grail" of dinosaur discoveries. After decades of digging had left a 44-million-year gap in the fossil record for dinos in Africa, Lamanna says his jaw "hit the floor" when he saw photos of skull fragments, a lower jaw, neck and back...

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