Republican candidates

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New Poll: Gingrich Actually Leading in SC

Gingrich at 34%, Romney at 28% in first night of tracking

(Newser) - We already knew Newt Gingrich was surging in South Carolina , but a new Public Policy Poll has even more dramatic results: Last night, the first of three nights of tracking, Gingrich actually led Mitt Romney 34% to 28%. Romney's 28% is consistent with the numbers PPP has seen in...

100 Tea Party Leaders Will Endorse Newt

Leaders to announce coalition today

(Newser) - It's a big day for Newt Gingrich: After news of his surge in South Carolina and an endorsement from Rick Perry , the Daily Caller reports that he can also expect backing from 100 Tea Party leaders. The leaders, who represent 25 states, will announce a coalition supporting Gingrich today:...

Iowa Was Actually &#39;a Split Decision&#39;
 Iowa Was Actually 
 'a Split Decision' 
recount results

Iowa Was Actually 'a Split Decision'

Who won? Well, either Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum

(Newser) - We'll never know for sure who actually won the Iowa caucuses. After a recount, Rick Santorum was found to have finished ahead of declared winner Mitt Romney by 34 votes, but the results from eight precincts are missing and will never be certified—meaning "it’s a split...

President Obama Faces Struggle for Independents in Election 2012

 Achilles Heel: 

Obama's Achilles Heel: Independents

But they've turned on GOP in Congress even more

(Newser) - Independent voters were key to President Obama's victory in 2008, but this year he may have a tougher time winning them over. Only 31% of independents say they view Obama favorably, while two-thirds say he's done little to improve the economy, a New York Times /CBS poll finds....

Gingrich: If I Win SC, I Win the Nom

Speaker is swinging relentlessly in bid to unite conservative vote

(Newser) - With little more than three days left before the polls close in South Carolina, Newt Gingrich is continuing a verbal onslaught that seems not to require oxygen: "If I carry this state on Saturday, I will be the Republican nominee," he vowed last night, telling his audience that...

Romney: I'll Release Taxes ... in April

When he'll most likely have clinched the nomination

(Newser) - Calm down, everyone. Mitt Romney will release his tax returns … just as soon as he has clinched the GOP nomination. "If I become our nominee, and what's happened in history is people have released them in about April of the coming year and that's probably what...

Nevada Prostitutes 'Pimpin' for Ron Paul'

Clients encouraged to donate to his campaign

(Newser) - The latest group to get into Ron Paul's corner: prostitutes. Working girls at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch, a legal brothel in Nevada, launched a "Pimpin' for Paul" campaign weeks ago that's getting new attention thanks to a recent CNN segment. "If a client comes into the...

Why Huntsman Is Dropping Out, Endorsing Romney

He doesn't want to get in Mitt's way in SC, officials explain

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman will officially drop out of the presidential race and endorse Mitt Romney at 11am today in South Carolina—but why? Just last Tuesday, Huntsman was suggesting that Romney was "pretty much unelectable" after his statement about liking to fire people . Politico explains:
  • Huntsman "didn’t want

Blame These 3 Billionaires for Drawn-Out GOP Primary

They're contributing millions to candidates that aren't Romney

(Newser) - If you can't believe how many Republican presidential candidates are still in the race and you fear the possibility of a drawn-out primary that leads to a lower chance of unseating President Obama ... blame these guys. Politico reports on the three billionaires who are contributing millions to groups attacking...

Anti-Mitts Pin Hopes on SC
 Anti-Mitts Pin Hopes on SC 

Anti-Mitts Pin Hopes on SC

Tea Partiers, evangelicals starting to panic

(Newser) - Mitt Romney now has two wins under his belt, and some conservative activists are starting to panic. Many see South Carolina's Jan. 21 primary as their last chance to unify support behind a conservative candidate, but there's no agreement on who that candidate should be, the Washington Post...

Romney Wins Easily in NH; Paul, 2nd; Huntsman, 3rd

Huntsman staying in the race

(Newser) - Mitt Romney cruised to victory as expected in New Hampshire, with the race called by AP , CNN , and others immediately after the polls closed at 8. With 95% of returns in, he had 39.4%, followed by Ron Paul with 22.8, Jon Huntsman with 16.8, Newt Gingrich with...

Hypocritical GOP Wages Class Warfare on Romney
Hypocritical GOP Wages Class Warfare on Romney
jon stewart

Hypocritical GOP Wages Class Warfare on Romney

They're the 99%... of the 1%: Jon Stewart

(Newser) - The Republican presidential candidates can all agree on one thing: There is no place for class warfare or class resentment in the GOP ... except with regard to Mitt Romney. Yes, when it comes to that rich jerk, the other candidates are, one might say, resentful of his vast wealth. "...

NH Ballot Order Could Hurt Romney, Santorum

But it won't be enough to knock Mitt from the top: Washington Post

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has stayed at the top of the New Hampshire polls , but he's sunk when it comes to the state's ballot. On the 30-candidate list, Romney's name is third from the bottom, a position that could hurt him in today's primary. Research shows that ballot...

Huntsman Fails to Make Arizona Ballot

Campaign says he will fight state's ruling

(Newser) - For the second time , Jon Huntsman has failed to make it onto a state's primary ballot. He missed yesterday's 5pm deadline for the Arizona ballot, according to the secretary of state's office, which says that a notarized signature was missing from the paperwork Huntsman filed. A spokesman...

Romney in Hot Water Over 'I Like to Fire People' Quote

He may end up regretting health care observation

(Newser) - Whoops: Mitt Romney is probably wishing he had found a slightly different way to word this sentiment that's making the rounds. "I like being able to fire people who provide services to me," he said at a campaign event in New Hampshire today. Romney was discussing the...

Chasm Opens Between Mitt and 'The Rest'

Super PAC ad this week is out for Romney blood

(Newser) - The jumble that has been the race to be the GOP nominee is finally sorting itself out—into Mitt Romney and the rest of them. Romney has been tallying 20 points more than his closest rival in recent polls, and could be unstoppable if he hangs on to that lead...

Romney Could Cinch It This Month

If he wins SC, Florida, turn out the lights

(Newser) - The Washington Post says the Romney campaign is "quietly shifting gears" toward a new goal: Lock up the nomination by the end of January. The scenario: Cruise as expected Tuesday in New Hampshire, then rack up wins in South Carolina on Jan. 21 and in Florida on Jan. 31....

South Carolina Poll Has Mitt Romney Ahead of Rick Santorum by Three Points
 Santorum Closing on Mitt in SC 
Poll Numbers

Santorum Closing on Mitt in SC

Newt Gingrich falls to third with 18%

(Newser) - Just a month ago, Newt Gingrich had a huge lead in South Carolina, and two months ago Rick Santorum was languishing at 1%. Times, they have a'changed. Santorum has vaulted into second with 24% of the vote in the latest Rasmussen poll , just behind Mitt Romney's 27%. Gingrich...

Finally, Conservatives Get a &#39;Worthy&#39; Foe for Romney
Finally, Conservatives Get
a 'Worthy' Foe for Romney
charles krauthammer

Finally, Conservatives Get a 'Worthy' Foe for Romney

Rick Santorum is the real deal: Charles Krauthammer

(Newser) - Rick Santorum gets Charles Krauthammer's blessing today, not necessarily as the candidate who should be nominee but as the first "admirably worthy conservative alternative" to Mitt Romney. Yes, others have risen and fallen quickly, but Santorum is different, writes Krauthammer in the Washington Post . "He is the...

Conservative VIPs Plan Meeting to Topple Romney

Group will search for consensus anti-Romney candidate

(Newser) - Apparently, certain conservatives really, really don't want to see Mitt Romney win the nomination. Politico reports that an influential group is holding an emergency meeting next weekend in Texas in order to agree on a "consensus" Republican candidate. Prominent conservatives including Focus on the Family founder James Dobson,...

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