Syrian refugees

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Syrian Refugees Could End Up in US

State Department 'ready to consider the idea,' official says

(Newser) - Thousands of Syrian refugees could end up living in America, as Washington and other international capitals consider a resettlement plan to help relieve the Middle Eastern countries that have so far taken in 1.6 million refugees. The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees has not yet made...

Entire Generation of Syrian Kids Could Be Doomed: UN

After 2 years of fighting, millions of children in serious need, says report

(Newser) - March brings the start of the third year of the Syria conflict, and UNICEF is seeing doom for the country's children. A rep for the children's aid organization warns that "the risk of a lost generation grows every hour, every day, and every month," and backs...

Syria Refugees Could Double, Triple By 2014: UN

'Risk of an explosion' in their numbers, says Antonio Guterres

(Newser) - The U.N. chief for refugees says the number of refugees from Syria could increase by "two or three times" the present level by the end of the year if the country's conflict doesn't end. UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres says the international community should...

Syria&#39;s Refugee Tally: 1M
 Syria's Refugee Tally: 1M 

Syria's Refugee Tally: 1M

And half of them are children, according to UN report

(Newser) - A million people have now fled Syria to avoid the war raging there—and half of them are children, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees reported today . "Syria is spiraling towards full-scale disaster," commissioner António Guterres said. "We are doing everything we can to help, but...

Tearful Angie: Syrian Refugee Stories 'Horrific'

Jolie visits refugee camps, Brad Pitt talks ... salaries

(Newser) - A tearful Angelina Jolie told the AP today of her time spent with Syrian refugees at a camp in Jordan, calling their stories "horrific" and "heartbreaking." Jolie visited the Zaatari camp as part of her role with the UN, and hopes her visit will bring more attention—...

Record 100K Fled Syria Last Month: UN

And that's just the registered asylum seekers

(Newser) - Not only was August Syria's deadliest month yet , it was also the month that saw the highest number of refugees fleeing the country since the uprising began. Some 103,416 people "sought asylum in neighboring countries" last month, according to the UN, bringing the total number of registered...

Rebels Strike Back at Syrian Air Force

Turkey calls for 'safe zones' to protect waves of refugees

(Newser) - Syrian rebels struck back at the nation's air force today by taking over a military airport and an air defense facility in oil-rich eastern Syria, Reuters reports. The strikes follow other rebel attacks at military airports near the Turkish border. President Bashar al-Assad has been relying on Syria's...

UN Observers Leave Syria
 UN Observers Leave Syria 

UN Observers Leave Syria

Four-month mission a bust, and violence continues

(Newser) - The UN's Syria observer mission officially ended last night, and monitors were seen leaving today after their four months in the country failed to bring an end to the violence. The last monitors should be out by Friday, leaving just a small liaison office in Damascus, Reuters reports. But...

Russia: We Won't Stop Arming Assad

Assad's forces capture Free Syrian Army stronghold of Idlib

(Newser) - Russia has rejected calls to stop arming and training Bashar al-Assad's regime, despite evidence that its weapons are being used against civilians. "Russia enjoys good and strong military technical co-operation with Syria, and we see no reason today to reconsider it," Russia's deputy defense minister said...

Syria Studding Refugee Routes With Mines

Human Rights Watch cites eyewitness near Turkey, Lebanon

(Newser) - Earlier reports accused Syria of planting landmines along its Lebanese border, and according to witnesses, the practice shows no sign of waning. Mines are being placed along the routes refugees typically use to flee into neighboring Lebanon and Turkey, Human Rights Watch said today, citing eyewitness reports. One former...

Army Defector: 'Hitler Awoke in Syria'

Rebel tells New York Times of atrocities by Assad's forces

(Newser) - What drives the rebels of the Free Syrian Army? Ask Ammar Cheikh Omar. Raised in Germany to Syrian parents, he'd moved to Syria to attend law school and start a family. But in 2010 he was drafted into the Syrian military, and soon found himself in Daraa, ordered to...

Hundreds of Thousands of Syrians Defy Protest Ban

Assad opponents say five protesters are killed

(Newser) - Hundreds of thousands of Syrians defied a violent government crackdown today, insisting they will not be terrified into submission through bullets, mass arrests, and more than four months of attacks by security forces. At least five people were killed, activists said. Today marked a clear attempt by the opposition to...

Syria Toll Hits 20; Hundreds Flee

Refugees stream into Lebanon

(Newser) - Hundreds of Syrians, some with gunshot wounds, have crossed into neighboring Lebanon in search of a refuge from the growing violence in their homeland, a Lebanese security official said today. Most arriving at the border came after Syrian security forces opened fire on protesters demanding the ouster of President Bashar...

Syrian Troops Push to Turkish Border

Refugees flee regime's advance

(Newser) - Syrian troops pushed to the Turkish border Thursday in their sweep against a 3-month-old pro-democracy movement, sending panicked refugees, including children, rushing across the frontier to safe havens. The European Union, meanwhile, announced it was slapping new sanctions on the Syrian regime because of the "gravity of the situation,...

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