US Army

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Army Plans to Limit Who Can Be Buried at Arlington

Under new rules, veterans would no longer automatically be eligible

(Newser) - In an effort to save dwindling space, the Army is proposing new rules to limit who can be buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Under the current rules, the cemetery, which dates to the Civil War, would run out of space by the mid-2050s, the Army says. The proposed restrictions would...

The US Army Has Never Seen Anything Like These 2 Before

Maria Barrett and Paula Lodi are first sisters in military branch to achieve the rank of general

(Newser) - Siblings are always trying to pull rank on each other, but these sisters have taken it to a whole new level. Meet Maria Barrett and Paula Lodi, who've both attained the title of general in the US Army—an achievement the Army believes is the first of its kind...

CDC to Army Lab: 'Cease and Desist' Studying Deadly Germs

Maryland's Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases temporarily shuttered over safety concerns

(Newser) - A "cease and desist" order from the Centers for Disease Control has been issued, a military biodefense lab has been shuttered, and "research is currently on hold" there, possibly for months. The issue: safety worries that cropped up over processes used to contain dozens of dangerous toxins and...

Army Tweet Gets Thousands of Tragic Responses

All the Army asked was, 'How has serving impacted you?'

(Newser) - For the US Army, this might have come as a surprise. It tweeted a video last week of Pfc. Nathan Spencer talking about how service has positively influenced his life, and wrote the question: "How has serving impacted you?" Some of the roughly 10,000 responses touched on positive...

Trump Pardons Rogue Soldier Who Killed Rumored Terrorist

Sarah Sanders says Michael Behenna is 'entirely deserving'

(Newser) - President Trump has granted a full pardon to a former US soldier convicted of killing a suspected al-Qaeda terrorist in Iraq. Press secretary Sarah Sanders described former Army 1st Lt. Michael Behenna as "entirely deserving" of the executive grant of clemency in a Monday statement, noting he was a...

Trump: I&#39;m Reviewing a Murder Case
Trump: I'm
a Murder

Trump: I'm Reviewing a Murder Case

The president says 'many' people want him involved

(Newser) - President Donald Trump said Sunday he will be "reviewing" the case of a former US Army commando being charged with murder , raising questions about the possibility he could jeopardize the ongoing military legal proceedings. Trump tweeted that "at the request of many" he will examine allegations that Mathew...

Green Beret 'Admitted to Murder' in Job Interview

Army Maj. Mathew L. Golsteyn faces murder charges

(Newser) - A celebrated Green Beret admits to killing a man, but insists it wasn't murder—an impression the US Army no longer shares, NBC News reports. Army Maj. Mathew Golsteyn has admitted twice to the 2010 killing of an Afghan male in Marjah, Afghanistan, insisting the victim was a dangerous...

The $7M Legwear to Turn US Troops Into 'Super Soldiers'

ONYX exoskeleton being developed by Lockheed Martin to reduce weight, help troops move better

(Newser) - The Army is pushing for a new generation of "super soldiers," and critical in that effort is a cutting-edge technology first used to help people with serious medical conditions (e.g., multiple sclerosis, osteoarthritis) stay on the move. Reuters reports the Pentagon is pumping nearly $7 million into...

West Point Prank Injures Air Force Mascot

Gyrfalcon was returned with bloodied wings

(Newser) - The United States Military Academy at West Point has apologized for a "prank" that injured the Air Force Academy's official mascot. Aurora, a 22-year-old white gyrfalcon, suffered injuries initially thought to be life-threatening after she was abducted along with another bird ahead of Saturday's annual Army-Air Force...

Soldier Gets 11 Years for Detonating Chemical Weapon

'Everything I had worked so hard for, given my all for, was ripped away from me,' one victim says

(Newser) - He'd faced up to life in prison, but Ryan Keith Taylor got a decidedly lighter sentence after pleading guilty to setting off a bomb near a US Army post in April 2017. CNN reports the 24-year-old got hit with just over 11 years behind bars for "manufacturing, possessing,...

US Army Falls Short of 2018 Recruiting Goal

Other service branches met their goals

(Newser) - For the first time since 2005, the US Army missed its recruiting goal this year, falling short by about 6,500 soldiers, despite pouring an extra $200 million into bonuses and approving some additional waivers for bad conduct or health issues, the AP reports. Army leaders said they signed up...

Hawaii Soldier to Plead Guilty to Trying to Help ISIS

Kang offered to become suicide bomber

(Newser) - A Hawaii-based Army soldier accused of attempting to support ISIS will plead guilty, one of his lawyers tells the AP . Sgt. 1st Class Ikaika Kang has agreed to plead guilty, but Alexander Silvert, an assistant federal defender representing him, won't say what charges he'll be pleading to. "...

US Army Discharging Immigrants Without Explanation

Army, Pentagon cite a pending lawsuit

(Newser) - Some immigrant US Army reservists and recruits who enlisted in the military with a promised path to citizenship are being abruptly discharged. The AP was unable to quantify how many men and women who enlisted through the special recruitment program have been booted from the Army, but immigration attorneys say...

ICE Detains Pizza Guy at NYC Army Base

Pablo Villavicencio, who's married to a US citizen and has no criminal record, is set to be deported

(Newser) - Pizza deliveryman Pablo Villavicencio says he'd delivered food to Brooklyn's Fort Hamilton many times before. But last week, the 35-year-old undocumented Ecuadorean immigrant found himself detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement at the US Army base. Now he faces deportation, the New York Times reports. CBS News and...

Army Surgeons Grow New Ear in Soldier's Forearm

Doctors use cartilage from Pvt. Shamika Burrage's ribs to create new ear

(Newser) - An Army private who lost an ear in a car accident now has a new one, fashioned from her own rib cartilage. Surgeons this week announced that the new ear has been successfully reattached to Pvt. Shamika Burrage of Mississippi, according to an Army news release . What's more, the...

The Army Would Please Like These Kisses to Stop

No more smooching soldiers on St. Patrick's Day in Savannah

(Newser) - The Army wants to halt a favorite St. Patrick's Day shenanigan in Savannah that for decades has left marching soldiers with cheeks smeared in bright red lipstick. Roughly 200 soldiers from nearby Fort Stewart plan to take part in the March 17 parade, which organizers say could draw 500,...

Army Failed Bomb-Sniffing Dogs From Afghanistan: Report

Report finds some dogs abandoned following tour of service

(Newser) - A report finds that the Army failed to do right by some of the more than 200 bomb-sniffing dogs that served with US soldiers in Afghanistan, detecting roadside bombs and saving lives, the AP reports. The Defense Department's inspector general has determined that, after the program ended in 2014,...

US Army Goes to War With Professional Hockey Team

It's upset over use of 'Golden Knights' by Las Vegas NHL team

(Newser) - The US Army has filed a challenge opposing the application of the NHL's newest franchise to register the trademark "Vegas Golden Knights," the AP reports. In a claim filed Wednesday with the US Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, the Army claims it will be damaged if the...

Smoked Pot and Want to Enlist? Army Issuing More Waivers

'I will waive that all day long,' says head of Army's recruiting command

(Newser) - Smoked pot? Want to go to war? No problem. The AP reports that as more states lessen or eliminate marijuana penalties, the Army is granting hundreds of waivers to enlist people who used the drug in their youth—as long as they realize they can't do so again in...

Army Members Accused of Misbehavior on Trump Trip

Military personnel accused of 'improper contact' with women in Vietnam

(Newser) - The Pentagon has confirmed it is investigating allegations that three service members on President Trump's Asia trip broke curfew and had what the Washington Post calls "improper contact" with women in Vietnam. Sources tell the Post that the Army noncommissioned officers have been reassigned from their White House...

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