US Army

Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>

Army Pig-Shoot Angers Animal Rights Activists

Porkers shot and revived for medical training

(Newser) - The Army is butting heads with animal rights activists over a planned drill that involves shooting live pigs. As practice for battlefield medical care, soldiers will fire at the pigs, then rush to save them. "It's to teach Army personnel how to manage critically injured patients within the first...

Taliban Shows Fresh Fangs in US Base Attack

Secure in Pakistan, insurgents gain next door in Afghanistan

(Newser) - The Taliban demonstrated complex tactics and a renewed taste for conventional warfare in the attack on a remote outpost that claimed the lives of nine US soldiers yesterday, Reuters reports. The militants drove the residents from a nearby village and used it as a base of operations from which to...

Soldier Missing After Blaze in NC Apartment

24-year-old divorcing man she accused of domestic violence

(Newser) - North Carolina police are searching for a female soldier who disappeared yesterday, her apartment blackened by a fire police are calling an arson, the Fayetteville Observer reports. Holley Lynn Wimunc, 24, was in divorce proceedings with her husband, against whom she'd recently gained a restraining order after a domestic-violence incident....

Iraq Films Get Army's Attention

Film liaisons offer help; some directors see spin

(Newser) - War films can help shape public perception, and the Army is trying to guide moviemakers away from negative portrayals of the Iraq conflict like the ones that dominated films about Vietnam. Army liaisons to Hollywood offer equipment, expertise—and script alterations that some filmmakers see as spin. The LA Times...

Military Doc: Contractors In Good Condition

Freed Americans "in great spirits" at Texas military base

(Newser) - The three American hostages rescued after more than five years in captivity in Colombia are in good physical and psychological shape, the Washington Post reports. The defense contractors, who arrived at a military base in Texas last night, were held by Colombian rebels in “very cruel and very spartan”...

Pregnant Soldier's Death Homicide: Cops

'Zodiac'-style letter claims responsibility for Touma's murder

(Newser) - Police say the pregnant soldier whose body was found in a North Carolina motel last week was murdered, the Fayetteville Observer reports. The Observer, meanwhile, received a letter from someone claiming to be the killer, which contains a symbol sources say was also drawn in lipstick in the room where...

Iraq Planning Seriously Flawed: Army

At a loss after combat

(Newser) - The planning and execution of the Iraq occupation was seriously flawed, the Army concedes in an unclassified report to be released tomorrow. Built on some 200 interviews, the study is a detailed analysis of the Army's activities, aimed at military experts, reports the New York Times. A central problem identified...

Army Snubs Air Force, Takes On Air Duties in Iraq

Surveillance battalion became active last July

(Newser) - Fed up with what it sees as shoddy help from an overstretched Air Force, the Army has begun an unprecedented operation to provide its own air support in Iraq, the New York Times reports. The year-old Army program uses a hodgepodge of about 25 aircraft—some manned, some operated by...

Hero Soldier's Parents Accept Medal of Honor

Teen killed smothering grenade, saving comrades' lives

(Newser) - Ross McGinnis, a 19-year-old private who sacrificed his life in Iraq, was awarded the Medal of Honor today in a White House ceremony. Rather than fleeing a grenade an insurgent threw at his Humvee, McGinnis dived on it, saving four other soldiers, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports. His son "had...

Soldier Suicides Set Record
 Soldier Suicides Set Record 

Soldier Suicides Set Record

115 Army suicides last year

(Newser) - The Army recorded it highest ever number of suicides last year, with 115 soldiers killing themselves, Reuters reports. The rate is staying high this year, with 38 soldier suicides so far. The military said the statistics showed no direct link between the increase in suicides and repeated deployments to combat...

Stress Disorder Surges Among US Troops

Number of diagnosed cases rises 46% to 14,000 last year

(Newser) - Post-traumatic stress disorder is surging among US troops sent to Iraq and Afghanistan. New cases rose by more than 46% to nearly 14,000 in 2007, reports Reuters. In the last five years, about 40,000 cases have been diagnosed, most of them in the Army.

'Miracle Marine' Dead After 3-Year Struggle

Struck by roadside bomb, he endured 100+ surgeries

(Newser) - A Marine who endured burns on 97% of his body with good humor and hope has died during routine surgery, USA Today reports. Hit by a roadside bomb in Iraq, Sgt. Merlin German walked, talked, and even danced during his 3-year recovery. Undergoing more than 100 surgeries, he became a...

Rumsfeld Dodged Early Iraq Failures: Sanchez

Former general speaks out in new book, describes lies and 'total BS'

(Newser) - Early mistakes in Iraq—and the extent of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's involvement in them—are the subject of a Time excerpt from a book by the former commander of US forces in Iraq, Gen. Ricardo Sanchez. Sanchez details an effort by Rumsfeld to get him to agree, on paper,...

Soldier to Serve His Country ... as a Linebacker

Army grad, drafted by Detroit, skips active duty if he makes team

(Newser) - If linebacker Caleb Campbell hadn't been picked up by the Detroit Lions in the seventh round of the NFL draft Sunday, he'd  be suiting up for the battlefield, not the gridiron. Assuming he makes the team, Campbell, who graduates from the U.S. Military Academy  May 31, will be allowed...

Filthy Barracks Video Sparks Clean Up

Dad uploads photos that shock generals

(Newser) - The Pentagon ordered filthy barracks at Fort Bragg in North Carolina and garrisons throughout the US Army cleaned up after a soldier's father posted embarrassing images of foul living conditions on YouTube. The dad welcomed his 22-year-old son home safe from Afghanistan, but was horrified by the living conditions at...

Atheist Soldier Sues Army for Harassment

Says superior threatened charges over meeting in Iraq

(Newser) - An atheist soldier is suing the US military for harassment after commanders pressured him to find faith, the Topeka Capital-Journal reports. One officer broke into Jeremy Hall's atheist meeting in Iraq last year and said, “People like you are going against what the founding fathers, who were Christians, wanted...

Armed Forces Enlist More Criminals
Armed Forces Enlist More Criminals

Armed Forces Enlist More Criminals

Trend may undermine 'military readiness,' lawmaker says

(Newser) - The US Army and Marines are signing up more felons in an effort to overcome flagging enlistment, the AP reports. The Army doubled its recruitment of felons last year and the Marines upped theirs from 208 to 350—including conscripts with sex crime and manslaughter convictions. The rise in felon...

Death of Sadr Aide Sparks Battles in Baghdad

Iraqi prez condemns attacks but meets al-Sadr MPs

(Newser) - The murder of a Moqtada al-Sadr aide triggered heavy fighting in Baghdad today after al-Sadr’s men attacked US and Iraqi forces, Reuters reports. The cleric blamed “the hand of the occupier” for the death of Riyadh al-Nuri, a close relative, and vowed not to forget “this precious...

Female Troops' Divorce Rate More than Double Men's

Rate was much higher even in peacetime

(Newser) - Female troops divorce at nearly twice the rate of their male comrades, Divorce360 reports, and the military is stumped as to why. Data from 2006 show male soldiers divorce at a rate of 2.7%—lower than the general population's 3.6%—but that leaps to 7% among women. The...

Army Battles High Divorce Rates

'Marriage education' aims to bridge gulf between love and war

(Newser) - A jump in divorce rates since the start of the Iraq war has the Army concerned. Marriages are falling apart as soldiers return home from tours of combat duty emotionally distant and unwilling to discuss their experiences. The military has now launched 'marriage education' retreats to try and repair the...

Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>