Scott McCreery

2 Stories

Oops: Idol Winner Has Lip Sync Miss at Macy's Parade

Scotty McCreery is a wee bit off

(Newser) - Entertainers of the world, we understand you need to lip sync every now and then. All we ask is that you at least come close to making it look real. Today at the Macy's parade, American Idol winner Scotty McCreery most definitely did not, notes the Huffington Post . The...

Great Scotty! McCreery Wins Idol

NC country singer become Idol's youngest champ

(Newser) - Scott McCreery won the battle of the teenage country singers last night and walked off with this year's American Idol crown. The deep-voiced grocery store clerk from North Carolina is, at 17, the youngest ever to win the singing contest, reports the New York Daily News . Defeated finalist Lauren...

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