
Stories 81 - 87 | << Prev 

Gitmo Prisoner Kills Himself
Gitmo Prisoner Kills Himself

Gitmo Prisoner Kills Himself

Saudi detainee found dead in cell; fourth suicide at US prison

(Newser) - A Saudi prisoner is dead at Guantanamo Bay in an apparent suicide. US officials are still stingy on details, offering only that "the detainee was found unresponsive and not breathing in his cell by guards." They still haven't released a name.

Guantanamo Detainee Returns to Australia

Al-Qaeda supporter goes straight to prison

(Newser) - After five years in custody at Guantanamo Bay, David Hicks is back in his native Australia, where the convicted Al-Qaeda supporter will spend the next seven months in a maximum-security prison. His family and other supporters spent years campaigning for his release before Hicks pleaded guilty in March to providing...

Supreme Court Blocks Gitmo Detainees

Justices rule on police chases, patents; will hear Texas death-penalty case

(Newser) - The Supreme Court will not hear the cases of two Guantanamo detainees who sought to challenge the government's policy on military tribunals, it announced today. But it will hear arguments this fall in the case of a Texas death row inmate, a Mexican national whose appeal was supported by the...

Gitmo Prisoners Go On Hunger Strike
Gitmo Prisoners Go
On Hunger Strike

Gitmo Prisoners Go On Hunger Strike

13 protest supermax conditions

(Newser) - Thirteen detainees at the Guantanamo Bay detention center are on hunger strike, protesting conditions at a maximum-security block known as Camp Six, where 160 inmates are locked in their 8-by-10-foot cells for at least 22 hours a day. It's the first major strike since early 2006, when Gitmo commanders started...

They're Lucky They're Not in Guantánamo

Novelist notes British captives have it easy, as detainees go

(Newser) - Iran's British captives may be embarrassed and anxious, but they  appear to be better off than many detainees in American and British hands, observes novelist Ronan Bennett. "They have not been hung from a forklift truck and photographed for the amusement of their captors. They have not had electrodes...

Gitmo Detainee Pleads Guilty
Gitmo Detainee Pleads Guilty

Gitmo Detainee Pleads Guilty

Australian who trained with al Quaeda has spent five years in custody

(Newser) - David Hicks became the first person convicted under President Bush's much-maligned military tribunal system after entering a surprise guilty plea  to charges of providing material support to terrorists. The contentious proceedings may prove a new source of controversy, however, as the judge excluded Hicks' stwo civilian lawyers from court and...

British Torture Trial Backfires
British Torture
Trial Backfires

British Torture Trial Backfires

Acquittal in case that mirrors Abu Ghraib sparks public outrage

(Newser) - The prosecution of a group of British soldiers for mistreating Iraqi detainees—one of whom died under questioning—has backfired on the British government. Four soldiers have been acquitted of various crimes after a three-year investigation. Now the knives are out for leading members of the British government over the...

Stories 81 - 87 | << Prev