GOP candidates

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Romney, Santorum Tied in Ohio

Super Tuesday outcome too close to call in new poll

(Newser) - Ohio is by most accounts the most important prize at stake in next week's Super Tuesday voting, and right now it's too close to call, says a new poll from Quinnipiac University . The survey has Rick Santorum at 35% and Mitt Romney at 31%, within the margin of...

Mitt Romney Holds Onto Lead, Sort Of

 Mitt Romney 
 Holds Onto 
 Lead, Sort Of 
Primary Postgame

Mitt Romney Holds Onto Lead, Sort Of

Pundits weigh in on what his Michigan, Arizona victories mean

(Newser) - Mitt Romney may have had to sweat a little, but he won in both Michigan and Arizona last night. Is he the favorite for the nomination again? Here's what pundits are saying:
  • We'll let Romney himself have the first word: "We didn't win by a lot,

Gingrich's Billionaire Backer Coughs Up Yet More Dough

'Substantial' contribution made to pro-Newt super PAC

(Newser) - Sheldon Adelson has injected yet more money into the super PAC supporting Newt Gingrich's presidential campaign. The billionaire casino owner donated another "substantial" amount to Winning Our Future, helping it to air new TV ads in seven states starting today, the AP reports. A source says the new...

Rick Santorum: Here's My Alternative to 'Obamanomics'

Unveils 'Economic Freedom Agenda'

(Newser) - Rick Santorum unveils his "Economic Freedom Agenda" in the Wall Street Journal today, arguing that "Obamanomics has left one in six Americans in poverty, and one in four children on food stamps" and opponent Mitt Romney's economic plan doesn't go far enough. He lists 10 key...

Radicals Creating &#39;Ghastly Outdated Party&#39;
 Radicals Creating 
 'Ghastly Outdated Party' 
Maureen Dowd

Radicals Creating 'Ghastly Outdated Party'

Even Republican leaders turning against current 'losers'

(Newser) - With even top Republicans such as Jeb Bush, Rudy Giuliani, and Alan Simpson turning on the current crop of GOP candidates, "their crazed Reagan fixation," and their antiquated views on sex, gays, and more, it's becoming clear the GOP has become the "Ghastly Outdated Party,"...

Mitt Romney: the 'Gotcha Candidate'

Politico says he's become adept at going on offense

(Newser) - Heavy opposition research and 'gotcha' moments—never have they been used by a front-runner as much as Mitt Romney has used them this political season, writes Politico . (The article even dubs him the "gotcha candidate.") Throughout 20 Republican debates, Romney has been the most consistently ready...

Newt Privately Groused About Reagan: Records

Little-explored documents reveal other choice tidbits

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich likes to compare himself to Ronald Reagan , but little-noticed documents from his decades in government reveal choice tidbits from Gingrich like this one: "Really, Reaganomics has failed." The thousands of documents were compiled by a Gingrich aide, archived at a university, and recently examined by the...

Daily Kos Hatches Scheme: Get Dems to Vote Santorum!

Liberal blog plans 'Operation Hilarity' to give Romney a headache

(Newser) - The Daily Kos may be a liberal blog, but it's throwing its support behind Rick Santorum—sort of. In a post yesterday announcing "Operation Hilarity," Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas urged Democrats to take advantage of the upcoming open primaries and caucuses in Michigan, North Dakota, Tennessee,...

Santorum's New Ad Is Very, Very Unfortunate

It appears to show him surrounded by, well, ' santorum '

(Newser) - When your last name has been turned into an unfortunate synonym for fecal matter , it's maybe not a great idea to air an ad that appears to show you surrounded by … fecal matter. In Rick Santorum's new anti-Romney ad , a Romney lookalike is shown shooting what is...

Santorum Asks for Secret Service After Protest

Protesters got 'rowdy' at Tacoma event this week

(Newser) - Rick Santorum must really be a frontrunner now, because the Republican presidential candidate is requesting Secret Service protection. His campaign sent the request to the Department of Homeland Security yesterday after what Fox News calls a "rowdy rally" in Washington state Monday night. Occupy protesters crashed the outdoor event...

National Review to Gingrich: Drop Out

Conservative magazine's editors urge Newt to exit presidential race

(Newser) - The editors of the National Review have a message for Newt Gingrich: It's time to go. Rick Santorum is increasingly emerging as Mitt Romney's main challenger, as he overtakes Gingrich in contests won , delegates, and poll numbers , and the conservative magazine's editors want to see a Romney-Santorum...

Santorum Could Grab Michigan From Romney

Candidate now polling at the top, focusing resources on the state

(Newser) - Could Rick Santorum pull off a win in Michigan, where Mitt Romney grew up during his father's tenure as governor? The latest Public Policy Poll shows that it's a definite possibility—Santorum leads Romney 39% to 24% in the state—and a half-dozen insiders tell Politico that Santorum'...

Romney&#39;s Problem: He&#39;s Whoever We Want Him to Be
Romney's Problem: He's Whoever We Want Him to Be
David Brooks

Romney's Problem: He's Whoever We Want Him to Be

Candidate is an 'other-directed personality': David Brooks

(Newser) - David Brooks has a theory about why Mitt Romney isn't winning the hearts of Republicans: He fits the classic definition of an "other-directed personality," a type of person who is "adept at pleasing others, at selling him or herself" rather than being guided by a strong...

Santorum Fears &#39;Other Emotions&#39; of Women in Combat
Santorum on Women in Combat:
Let Me Clarify

Santorum on Women in Combat: Let Me Clarify

It's men's emotions that concern him

(Newser) - Rick Santorum isn't on board with the Pentagon's decision to formally open up some combat roles to women , he told CNN's John King last night—but it's not because he thinks women are too emotional, as it originally seemed. Putting women in the front lines "...

Santorum&#39;s 10 Biggest Problems
 Santorum's 10 
 Biggest Problems 

Santorum's 10 Biggest Problems

He's surging now, but still has issues: Tim Mak

(Newser) - Rick Santorum may be hot right now , but he still has "some serious baggage," writes Tim Mak. On Politico , he offers up the top 10 problems that could give Santorum grief:
  • He lost by a landslide in 2006: Running for his third term in the Senate, he lost

Trump: I Handed Romney Nevada Landslide

The Donald tells 'Fox and Friends' he'll take credit for Mitt's victory

(Newser) - Mitt Romney easily won in Nevada Saturday—a result he had also achieved in 2008 , and a feat that the polls (and Newt Gingrich ) predicted before Donald Trump endorsed Romney . But never mind all that, Trump is just going to take credit for the victory. "There was a...

Gingrich&#39;s Fury a Boon for Romney

 Gingrich's Fury 
 a Boon for 

Gingrich's Fury a Boon for Romney

Newt paints Mitt as a moderate—handy for November: Jonathan Alter

(Newser) - You might think that Newt Gingrich's assault on Mitt Romney would give President Obama the upper hand in the general election—but actually, it's just the opposite, writes Jonathan Alter at Bloomberg . Gingrich's efforts will position Romney as the "more rational and centrist" candidate, which will...

Newt Should Stick a Fork In It ... but He Won&#39;t
Newt Should Stick a Fork
In It ... but He Won't

Newt Should Stick a Fork In It ... but He Won't

Campaign is all but over, pundits agree, but Gingrich is sticking around

(Newser) - Mitt Romney positively trounced Newt Gingrich in Florida last night, and the pundits agree that Gingrich's shot at the presidency has been all but obliterated. They also, however, agree that he won't drop out anytime soon:
  • In the New York Times , Ross Douthat offers up four reasons why

Gingrich: Yes, I'd Endorse Romney

Even though he's 'pro-abortion, pro-gun control, and pro-tax increases'

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich might spend most of his time bashing Mitt Romney , but that doesn't mean he wouldn't endorse the man if it came to that. "I think re-electing Obama is a disaster and I’ll certainly endorse the Republican nominee," Gingrich said today on Good Morning ...

Florida Winner Must Appeal to &#39;5 States&#39;

 Florida Winner 
 Must Appeal 
 to '5 States' 
Tue: primary day

Florida Winner Must Appeal to '5 States'

Florida primary a 'microcosm' of US politics: experts

(Newser) - All eyes will settle on Florida tomorrow as the Republican candidates battle to win the state—or, quips Politico , the "five states of Florida." The state is so diverse in its positions that "it's as good a microcosm of the country as you’re gonna find...

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