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3 Auschwitz Suspects Arrested
 3 Auschwitz Suspects Arrested 

3 Auschwitz Suspects Arrested

Germany raids homes of 9 suspected former guards

(Newser) - In a last push to punish Nazi atrocities, German authorities have swooped in on the homes of nine suspected former guards at the Auschwitz death camp. Three men aged 88, 92, and 94 were arrested yesterday in the southern state of Baden-Wuerttemberg and are now in a prison hospital, reports...

Virginia Woman: My Dad Ran Auschwitz

German immigrant reveals amazing long-kept secret

(Newser) - Every family has some dirty laundry but not like this: A woman in Virginia is now revealing that her father was the Kommandant of Auschwitz. Brigette Höss (which is her maiden name; she is keeping her married name secret out of fear for her own safety) had kept the...

Germany Has Tracked Down 40 Auschwitz Guards

They're still alive, and could face prosecution

(Newser) - Germany's last-ditch effort to go after Nazi guards has reportedly taken a big step forward. An investigation based on a list of 50 former Auschwitz guards who were never prosecuted found that at least 40 of them are still alive and living in Germany—and they may now face...

98-Year-Old Charged With Nazi War Crimes

Laszlo Csatary's trial to begin within 3 months

(Newser) - Laszlo Csatary has made it almost to the century mark, but even that wasn't long enough to escape the Nazi hunters. The 98-year-old, who was arrested last year in Hungary after being named the Simon Wiesenthal Center's most wanted, was charged today with war crimes for his role...

Netanyahu Opens New Auschwitz Exhibit

Israeli prime minister also says Israel will defend itself from new Holocaust

(Newser) - Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu dedicated a new exhibit at the Auschwitz death camp in Poland today, and he used the occasion to issue a warning to Iran and other Israeli enemies, reports the BBC and Jerusalem Post .
  • "From here, the place that attest to the desire to destroy us,

93-Year-Old Arrested Over Auschwitz Ties

Hans Lipschis admits to being a cook at camp, says he committed no war crimes

(Newser) - A 93-year-old man who was deported from the US in 1983 for lying about his Nazi past was arrested by German authorities today on allegations he served as an Auschwitz death camp guard. Hans Lipschis was taken into custody after authorities concluded there was "compelling evidence" he was involved...

Holocaust Survivor Tries Viral Search for Lost Twin
Holocaust Survivor's Search for Lost Twin Goes Viral

Holocaust Survivor's Search for Lost Twin Goes Viral

Genealogist hoping Facebook can help locate 'Jolli'

(Newser) - Menachem Bodner doesn't remember the horrors he suffered as an experiment subject of Dr. Josef Mengele at Auschwitz. But he knows he had a twin brother, and deep down always believed he was alive somewhere. Now, thanks to help from a genealogist, the 72-year-old has proof his brother, Jolli,...

Horrific Death Camp Draws Record Tourism

Auschwitz-Birkenau has 1.43M visitors in 2012

(Newser) - Perhaps the most tragic site in modern European history is drawing record tourist traffic, AFP reports. The Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp in southern Poland—where some 1.1 million people, mostly Jews, were killed by Nazis during World War II—saw 1.43 million visitors in 2012. "Over the last...

Germany Targets Philly Man in Nazi Probe

Johann 'Hans' Breyer is accused of aiding in genocide

(Newser) - German prosecutors have thrown an elderly Philadelphia man back in the spotlight for allegedly aiding in the genocide of Jews at Auschwitz, the AP reports. The new investigation into 87-year-old Johann "Hans" Breyer, a retired toolmaker, comes nearly a decade after the Justice Department gave up trying to deport...

Alleged Nazi War Criminal Hiding in Hungary

Simon Wiesenthal Center tracked down Ladislaus Csizsik-Csatary

(Newser) - A Jewish rights group has hunted down a 97-year-old alleged Nazi war criminal living in Budapest, apparently under the eye of Hungarian authorities, CNN reports. Representatives from the Simon Wiesenthal Center knocked on the door of Ladislaus Csizsik-Csatary's 2-bedroom apartment and had the door slammed in their face, according...

Auschwitz Publishes Death Camp Sketches
 Death Camp Sketches Published 

Death Camp Sketches Published

Auschwitz Memorial Museum prints Birkenau inmate drawings

(Newser) - The Auschwitz Memorial Museum has published a collection of death camp sketches by a mystery inmate of Birkenau that was found stuffed in a bottle. The chilling pencil sketches of the camp, by a prisoner who signed them "MM," show children being torn from the arms of their...

Record 1.4M Visited Auschwitz Last Year

Increased number of visitors putting strain on structures

(Newser) - Auschwitz had a record number of visitors last year, with more than 1.4 million people visiting the onetime Nazi death camp. Most visitors were from Poland, but the site also saw many American, British, Italian, Israeli, German, and French tourists. Auschwitz-Birkenau is one of the most-visited Holocaust memorials in...

Diary of Teen Who Survived Auschwitz to Be Published

Helga Weiss narrowly escaped death at the hands of Nazi doctor Josef Mengele

(Newser) - Anne Frank was not the only teen to record her harrowing Holocaust account in a diary—or to have the chronicle of her ordeal published. Helga Weiss, now an artist in her 80s, kept her journal as a young girl, beginning in 1939. Her family's Prague apartment was taken...

Bachmann Film Links Fed Ed Standards to Auschwitz

Video offers new insight into candidate's Orwellian views

(Newser) - Being forced to follow national education standards would be so heinous it could bring about another Holocaust, proclaims a video made years ago by Michele Bachmann and an activist colleague. A scene in the 2002 film, Guinea Pigs II, shows an Auschwitz image superimposed with the words "Work Makes...

Auschwitz's 'Work Makes You Free' Sign Is Whole Again

Metal sign was mutilated by thieves

(Newser) - Auschwitz's notorious "Arbeit Macht Frei" (Work Sets You Free) sign is back in one piece again after undergoing a painstaking restoration, reports the AP . Thieves cut the sign into pieces, and twisted and crushed parts of it during a 2009 theft, according to a reparations leader. Officials at...

Neo-Nazi Pleads Guilty to Auschwitz Sign Theft

Prosecutors say Swedish neo-Nazi leader masterminded theft

(Newser) - A Swedish neo-Nazi has pleaded guilty to involvement in the theft of the infamous "Arbeit Macht Frei" sign from the gates of Auschwitz. As part of a plea bargain, the thief will serve close to 3 years in a Swedish prison. Five Poles, who authorities say were involved for...

Ground Zero Mosque Is Sacrilege

 Ground Zero Mosque 
 Is Sacrilege 
Charles Krauthammer

Ground Zero Mosque Is Sacrilege

Some places belong to others

(Newser) - There are some places you just don’t build. Some places are sacred, and Ground Zero is one of them. “It belongs to those who suffered and died there,” writes Charles Krauthammer of the Washington Post . That’s why a commercial viewing tower near Gettysburg was taken down,...

Holocaust Survivor Recalls Romantic Escape

He stole a Nazi uniform and walked out with her

(Newser) - In 1942, Jerzy Bielecki was a 21-year-old Catholic Pole in Auschwitz. Sent to work in a warehouse, he met Cyla Cybulska, a Jewish girl. "A pretty dark-haired one, winked at me," Bielecki recalled. The two fell in love, and Bielecki began working on a daring plan for escape,...

Holocaust Survivor Defends Auschwitz Dance Video

Says dancing at death camp a celebration of life

(Newser) - A Holocaust survivor is defending his participation in an online video that shows him dancing to "I Will Survive" at the infamous Nazi death camp Auschwitz. Adolek Kohn, 89, and his grandchildren posted footage of themselves dancing at several locations connected to the Holocaust, as an art project celebrating...

Israeli Plane Blocked From Turkish Airspace

Military officers en route to Auschwitz memorial forced to make detour

(Newser) - Turkey has closed its airspace to Israeli military flights following the deadly May 31 raid on a Gaza-bound aid ship, Turkish officials said today. The announcement came after an Israeli newspaper reported yesterday that a plane carrying Israeli military officers to a tour of memorial sites in Auschwitz, Poland, had...

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