Arab Spring

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Turkey: We Want Missiles on Syria's Border

And Western officials engage in flurry of diplomatic moves

(Newser) - With President Obama's victory in the bag, the world is moving to resolve Syria's increasingly bitter civil war, the AP reports. Among the flurry of moves:
  • Turkey is having an ongoing discussion with its allies—the US included—about creating a safe zone inside Syria with Patriot missiles.

Bahrain Bans All Protests
 Bahrain Bans All Protests 

Bahrain Bans All Protests

Kingdom moves to quash pro-democracy rallies

(Newser) - Bahrain has imposed emergency-style rules banning all protest gatherings and threatening legal action against groups considered to be backing escalating demonstrations and clashes in the strategic Gulf kingdom. The order, announced by the Interior Ministry, is the most sweeping attempt to quash the kingdom's anti-government uprising since martial law...

Syrian Army Agrees to Holiday Truce

Ceasefire in effect for Eid al-Adha

(Newser) - The Syrian military says it will cease military operations for four days starting tomorrow in observance of a major Muslim holiday. In the announcement read on state TV today, however, the army said it would still respond to gunfire or roadside bombs and keep rebels from bolstering their positions or...

Now Syrian Rebels Have Missiles

Meanwhile, war reaches Damascus, the wealthy

(Newser) - This could change things: Some Syrian rebels now have antiaircraft missiles, rebels and regional officials say. Video footage appears to show the rebels using such weapons, which have been smuggled into the country, the Wall Street Journal reports. Rebels say they downed a military helicopter yesterday, one of at least...

Egypt Court Acquits 'Camel Battle' Plotters

Mubarak loyalists not guilty of savage attack on protesters

(Newser) - An Egyptian court yesterday acquitted 24 loyalists of ousted President Hosni Mubarak who had been accused of organizing one of the most dramatic attacks on protesters during last year's uprising, the "Camel Battle," in which assailants on horses and camels charged into crowds in Cairo's Tahrir...

Eyes on Syria, US Military Now in Jordan

Outpost is closest American presence to Syria

(Newser) - The US military now has a presence in Jordan, less than 35 miles from the Syrian border, that it secretly set up this summer; more than 150 specialists are stationed there. Right now, the mission is focused on helping Jordan deal with tens of thousands of Syrian refugees, but it'...

Libya Army Traps Militia Blamed for Stevens' Death

But Ansar al-Sharia remains 'very dangerous': commander

(Newser) - Libya's army has blockaded the militia blamed for Ambassador Chris Stevens' death, squeezing Ansar al-Sharia into an eastern wooded region. But the fight is far from over, officials say: "They have 150 to 200 men and 17 vehicles, Toyotas, and four-by-fours," notes a commander. "These people...

NATO Ready to Defend Turkey in Syria Conflict

Border conflict continues for sixth day

(Newser) - As Turkey continued firing back at Syria for a sixth day today after a Syrian shell crossed the border and killed five civilians last week, NATO says it is prepared to defend Turkey. The alliance has "all necessary plans in place to protect and defend Turkey if necessary,"...

Libya Parliament Ousts New PM
 Libya Parliament Ousts New PM 

Libya Parliament Ousts New PM

Mustafa Abu Shagur will stand down after failing to put together a Cabinet

(Newser) - Libya's parliament has passed a no-confidence vote in the newly-elected prime minister, removing him from his post. Mustafa Abu Shagur had until today to form a Cabinet or risk losing his job, but his initial list of ministers was criticized for not being diverse enough. Abushagur was Libya's...

Turkey OKs Military Ops in Syria as Shelling Continues

Syria apologizes for civilian deaths

(Newser) - Turkey continued shelling Syria for a second day today, reportedly killing several government soldiers, after Syrian shells killed at least five civilians in a Turkish border town yesterday. In what a prime minister's aide calls a warning to Syria, Turkey's parliament today authorized military operations inside Syria, even...

Four Blasts in Aleppo Kill 40
 Four Blasts in Aleppo Kill 40 

Four Blasts in Aleppo Kill 40

Explosions only minutes apart rock volatile Syrian city

(Newser) - Four separate explosions rocked the Syrian city of Aleppo today, claiming at least 40 lives and wounding more than 90 others in a government-controlled district where rebels have been clashing with forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad, reports Reuters by way of the country's state-run news agency. Three of...

Reporter Killed by Sniper in Syria During Live Broadcast

As military HQ is hit by 2 explosions

(Newser) - Damascus has been rocked by bombings for the past two days, with at least two large blasts hitting Syria's military headquarters there this morning. The Free Syrian Army claimed responsibility for the attack, said to be the largest since July explosions killed President Bashar al-Assad's brother-in-law and other...

A 'Palestinian Spring'? The Protest Nobody Noticed

Protests raged all week against politicians and high prices

(Newser) - One wave of Middle East protests received little attention this week: Angry Palestinians demonstrated across the West Bank for seven days, but not against an anti-Islamic film . They were opposing their own politicians and economic policies in what could be called a "Palestinian Spring," reports Foreign Policy . The...

US to Iraq: Inspect Iranian Planes en Route to Syria

Officials say planes are carrying weapons for regime

(Newser) - If Iraq is going to let Iran fly over its airspace to get to Syria, then it's going to have to inspect Iranian planes to ensure they're not smuggling weapons to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's troops, the Obama administration said yesterday. American officials tell the New York ...

Iran Supplying Syrian Regime via Iraq Airspace

Flights continue despite US objections

(Newser) - The Iraqi government is doing nothing to stop Iran from using its airspace for flights to supply the Syrian regime, reports the New York Times . Flights paused for a while earlier this year after the US pressured Iraq, but they resumed in July and have continued since, despite objections from...

US Planning $1B Egypt Bailout
 US Planning $1B Egypt Bailout 

US Planning $1B Egypt Bailout

Diplomats aim to keep Egypt stable, friendly by shoring up economy

(Newser) - American diplomats are close to finalizing a $1 billion bailout package to help save an Egyptian economy battered by political upheaval, reports the Wall Street Journal . The aid package, which includes debt relief and assistance for small- to medium-sized Egyptian businesses, was first announced last year but has been on...

Record 100K Fled Syria Last Month: UN

And that's just the registered asylum seekers

(Newser) - Not only was August Syria's deadliest month yet , it was also the month that saw the highest number of refugees fleeing the country since the uprising began. Some 103,416 people "sought asylum in neighboring countries" last month, according to the UN, bringing the total number of registered...

Egypt Agog as Hijab Debuts on State TV

Muslim Brotherhood seen as flexing muscle over secular state media

(Newser) - A female news anchor on one of Egypt's state-run television stations read the news yesterday while wearing a hijab, a first after a decades-long de facto ban on the Islamic head covering, reports the New York Times . While veiled women are common on many of Egypt's satellite and...

Angered by Egypt, Syrians Storm Out of Summit

Mohamed Morsi praises Syrian uprising at Nonaligned Movement Summit

(Newser) - Egypt's new president arrived in Iran today for a historic visit, the AP reports—and he promptly sparked a walkout at the Nonaligned Movement Summit. Mohamed Morsi, the first Egyptian leader to visit Iran since Tehran cut diplomatic relations with Egypt in 1979 over its peace treaty with Israel,...

Assad Rains Leaflets on Damascus: 'Surrender or Die'

In interview, he suggests he's dug in for the long haul

(Newser) - Syrian government helicopters rained fliers across Damascus yesterday telling rebels to surrender or "die a dishonorable death." One of the fliers was a "safe passage card," promising humane treatment for fighters who showed up at a checkpoint unarmed, the Washington Post reports. Rebels fear the fliers...

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