Tiger Mom

9 Stories

Inside the Downfall of 'Tiger Mom' and Husband
How 'Tiger Mom' and Her
Husband Fell From Grace

How 'Tiger Mom' and Her Husband Fell From Grace

Inside Amy Chua and Jed Rubenfeld's downfall in the world of Yale Law

(Newser) - Amy Chua, aka the "tiger mom" from her controversial book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother , used to sit atop the Yale Law School social stratosphere alongside her husband and fellow Yale professor, Jed Rubenfeld. Known as "Chubenfeld," the couple was also famous for being quite connected...

Why French Parents Are Better
 Why French Parents Are Better 

Why French Parents Are Better

Pamela Druckerman: They teach their kids patience

(Newser) - Tiger Mom showed us why Chinese parents were better, and now Pamela Druckerman is making a case for the French. Short version: The grownups are in charge, and they don't cater to their kids' every whim. They teach their children patience and tend not to wind up with spoiled...

Tiger Mom: I'm a Paper Tiger When It Comes to College

'Most hands-off parents we know,' says Amy Chua

(Newser) - You can all relax. Tiger mom Amy Chua isn't driving her first-born daughter nuts haranguing her to study and barring sleepovers and TV now that she's in college ( Harvard, of course ). The fiercely strict mom is "probably the most hands-off" college parent, Chua writes in...

Move Over Tiger Mom, It's 'Wolf Dad'
Move Over Tiger Mom,
It's 'Wolf Dad'

Move Over Tiger Mom, It's 'Wolf Dad'

Chinese father is media sensation at home for his tough discipline

(Newser) - "Tiger Mother" Amy Chua may have been strict with her daughters, pushing academics ahead of sleepovers, but she's practically a kitten compared to "Wolf Dad" Xiao Baiyou, who has written a bestselling book in mainland China originally called Beat Them Into Peking University, reports NPR . Xiao...

Lori Gottlieb: Caring Too Much Can Land Kids in Therapy
Too-Perfect Parents Are Landing Kids in Therapy
in case you missed it

Too-Perfect Parents Are Landing Kids in Therapy

Loving, supportive parents leave kids ill-equipped for adulthood, Lori Gottlieb writes

(Newser) - Working as a therapist upended everything Lori Gottlieb thought she had learned about parenting, she writes in an Atlantic piece certain to stir a Tiger Mom-sized controversy. Gottlieb found many depressed, anxious patients on her couch—who instead of recounting their horrible childhoods, waxed poetic about their loving parents who...

Tiger Mom's Daughter Is Valedictorian

Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld gets the last laugh

(Newser) - Maybe the final, happy note in the Tiger Mom brouhaha? Amy Chua's daughter was valedictorian of her high school class, reports the Daily Caller . Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld even poked a little fun at the controversy over mom's Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother book, joking that she was going...

Tiger Mom Amy Chua: Parents in East and West Can Learn From Each Other
Tiger Mom: East-West Combo May Be Best for Kids

Tiger Mom: East-West Combo May Be Best for Kids

Asia teaches discipline, America creativity: Let's combine

(Newser) - Tiger Mom Amy Chua, no stranger to how nasty the mommy wars can be , thinks her fellow Americans are "strangely close-minded" when it comes to parenting, she writes in USA Today . Everyone gets hyper-defensive whenever a new philosophy of child-raising is mentioned, which is "odd because anyone can...

Time's Most Influential List: Julian Assange, Justin Bieber, Michele Bachmann, Oprah
 Time Unveils Influential List 

Time Unveils Influential List

A look at some of the more interesting entries from this year's list

(Newser) - Time has just released its annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world, and there are some perennial favorites (Barack Obama, Oprah), some recent newsmakers (Julian Assange, Mark Zuckerberg), some villains (Anwar al-Awlaki, Saif al-Islam Gadhafi, Kim Jong Un, all of whom get very brief write-ups), some...

Tiger Mom's Cub Shares Deep Thoughts on New Blog

Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld can't decide between Harvard or Yale

(Newser) - Tiger Mom's control over her perfect daughter may be slipping. Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld, spawn of Amy Chua, is now indulging in a favorite pasttime of slackers everywhere: blogging. "When the whole world's calling you a mindless robot, you kind of get the urge to start talking," she...

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