war games

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Russian Warships Are Headed to Caribbean: Officials

Naval and air exercises are expected, but are not considered to be a threat to the US

(Newser) - Russia is expected to soon begin air and naval exercises in the Caribbean, for the first time since 2019. The move is being taken as a response to US support for Ukraine as well as the US increasing its own exercises with NATO allies—but, as the exercises are believed...

China's Military Is Joining Russian War Games

PLA confirms it is taking part in massive 'Vostok' joint exercises

(Newser) - Chinese troops will be taking part in Russian war games starting later this month—a not unprecedented move, but one that is getting extra attention because Russia is taking part in a real war in Ukraine and China has been threatening military action against Taiwan. China's defense ministry has...

Russia Plans Biggest War Games Since Soviet Era

'Vostok-2018' will run from Sept. 11-15

(Newser) - In 1981, the Soviet Union staged a pretend attack on NATO. Nearly 40 years later, Russia will move forward with its biggest war games since. The BBC reports some 300,000 military personnel will participate; that's thought to be a little less than a third of the country's...

If Russia Fought the West, It Would Look Like This
If Russia Fought the West,
It Would Look Like This
the rundown

If Russia Fought the West, It Would Look Like This

Massive war games underway have neighbors worried

(Newser) - Pity, poor Veishnoria. Russia and Belarus are conquering the nation with a mighty show of military force that began on Thursday. Veishnoria, fortunately, happens to be a fictional nation invented for six days of intense war games. In fact, this year's Zapad games ("Zapad" means "West")...

Officials Fear Upcoming Russian War Games Are 'Trojan Horse'

There is concern Russia is trying to maneuver equipment into Belarus

(Newser) - Russia is staging war games in Belarus in September, but US officials and US allies in the area are concerned the country's real aim is to bring military equipment into the country and leave it there. "People are worried this is a Trojan horse. They say, 'We'...

For First Time, NATO Stages War Games in Baltic 'Weak Spot'

Suwalki Gap is vulnerable due to geography

(Newser) - NATO has a weak spot along the Poland-Lithuania border, a 65-mile-long frontier in an area known as the Suwalki Gap that, if seized by Russia, would cut off not just Lithuania but Latvia and Estonia from the rest of the Western alliance. Over two days recently, the first large-scale NATO...

As War Games Begin, N. Korea Threatens to Turn DC to 'Ashes'

Cue the military rhetoric amid tensions over defection of top diplomat

(Newser) - South Korea and the United States began annual military drills Monday despite North Korea's threat of nuclear strikes in response to the exercises that it calls an invasion rehearsal. Such fiery rhetoric by Pyongyang is not unusual, but the latest warning comes at a time of more tension following...

Russia-NATO War Games Run Risk of Actual War

Military exercises between Cold War rivals could spur real conflict: report

(Newser) - Like a game of Risk, Russia and NATO have not only been suspiciously eying each other in recent months, but also conducting military exercises in border areas that the Washington Post says are making Europe "a region of high military drama." Now a UK-based think tank is warning...

Pyongyang Fires Missiles as War Games Begin

US-South exercises draw threats of 'merciless strikes'

(Newser) - The US and South Korea launched their annual joint military exercises early today—and North Korea delivered its annual response of missile launches and dire threats. According to Yonhap News , Pyongyang fired two short-range missiles into the East Sea from the western city of Nampo as the drills began. South...

N. Korea Fires Missiles Amid South-US War Games

Believed to be short-range Scud missiles, launched into the sea

(Newser) - A North Korean ship slipping across the South's borders was apparently just the opening act. Days after South Korea began its war games with the US, North Korea has fired four, suspected short-range missiles from its southeastern coast toward the sea, a South Korean defense official said, per Yonhap...

Russian War Games the Biggest Since USSR Days

Effort may be aimed at China, Japan: experts

(Newser) - Economic struggles following the Soviet Union's collapse hit Russia's military hard—but today, its power was on full display in the country's biggest war games since the Soviet era. Some 160,000 troops and 5,000 tanks were deployed in Siberia and far eastern Russia, the AP...

US Sends Stealth Bombers to South Korea

They drop inert munitions as part of drills

(Newser) - The US sent B-2 stealth bombers—which can carry nuclear weapons—from Missouri to South Korea for military drills, Washington said today. Following the drills, which involved them dropping inert munitions, they returned home, CNN reports. The move "demonstrates the United States' ability to conduct long range, precision strikes...

S. Korea to North: You Can't Just Scrap Armistice

US calls threats 'hyperbolic'

(Newser) - South Korea has some news for North Korea: You can't just go scrapping the armistice on your own. Legally speaking, both sides must declare the armistice invalid, according to Seoul, which called on Pyongyang to dial down the rhetoric. South Korea wants to "absolutely keep the armistice agreement,...

25 Nations Practice War Against Iran

Naval armada plays 'war game' in Persian Gulf

(Newser) - A whole lot of firepower is headed to the Persian Gulf today as Israel and Iran pound their war drums and Benjamin Netanyahu urges Washington not to let Tehran score a nuclear "touchdown." The US, Britain, France, and 22 other countries are sending a naval armada to the...

Pentagon Fantasy War Sparks China, Military Gripes

Does it have to be so expensive, wonder bosses

(Newser) - China's relationship with the US is taking a hit thanks to a fantasy war cooked up by the Pentagon. "Futurist" Andrew Marshall, 91, has spent 20 years carefully plotting a war—dubbed the "Air-Sea Battle"—against an imagined aggressive China using stealth US bombers and submarines,...

Navy Will Again Sink Ships Off US Coast

Re-starting old practice instead of recycling

(Newser) - The US Navy is resuming its practice of using old warships for target practice and sinking them in US coastal waters after a nearly two-year moratorium spurred by environmental and cost concerns. Later this month, three inactive vessels—Kilauea, Niagara Falls, and Concord—will be sent to a watery grave...

N. Korea to South: We'll Attack
 N. Korea to South: We'll Attack 

N. Korea to South: We'll Attack

Kim Jong Un vows retaliatory strike if US or South intrude '.001 millimeter'

(Newser) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un threatened a powerful retaliatory strike against South Korea if provoked, state media said today, a day before the annual South Korean-US military drills that Pyongyang calls an invasion rehearsal. South Korean and US officials have said the 12-day, largely computer-simulated war games are defensive...

Iran's Navy Launches War Games

Warships head into international waters

(Newser) - Saber rattling just in time for the holidays. Iran is launching war games in international waters in the Persian Gulf today. The 10 days of exercises will likely bring warships close to US Navy vessels patrolling beyond the Strait of Hormuz, reports AP. The exercises are intended to display Iran'...

US, Japan Flex Muscles in Korean Waters

China complains about large exercises

(Newser) - Japan and the US began some of their biggest military exercises ever today, conspicuously mobilizing more than 44,000 troops, 400 aircrafts, and a US supercarrier right under North Korea’s nose. These “keen sword” maneuvers are an annual exercise, but this year’s display is especially large, and...

Iran Flaunts Defense Systems in War Games

4K miles of radar turned on as planes simulate attack

(Newser) - War games are underway in Iran as the country puts its defensive prowess on display: Radar and signal detection equipment was turned on around 4,200 miles of borderland; military forces went on alert; and six planes staged a mock raid, likely simulating a US or Israeli attack on nuclear...

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