Danroy Henry

2 Stories

Cop Who Shot College Kid Wins 'Officer of the Year'

Family of Pace University football player Danroy Henry furious

(Newser) - The family of slain Pace University football player Danroy “DJ” Henry called out a New York police union today, after discovering that it had named the cop who shot and killed Henry their “Officer of the Year.” Aaron Hess’ award was especially galling, the family told the...

Police Fatally Shoot Pace Univ. Football Player

Danroy Henry drove into two cops outside bar fight

(Newser) - Police shot and killed a Pace University football player after he drove his car into two officers outside a bar where customers were fighting early yesterday morning, the New York Daily News reports. Danroy Henry and two friends were parked in a fire lane outside the bar; after police responding...

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