Triangle Shirtwaist Company

2 Stories

Site of Horrific 1911 Fire Gets a Bold Memorial

146 died in Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in NYC

(Newser) - If people really looked for history at the New York City building where the Triangle Shirtwaist factory once existed, they could find it. There are plaques pointing out that it was the site of a horrific fire in 1911 that became a catalyst in the American labor movement's fight...

100 Years Ago Today, Factory Fire Changed America

Deadly blaze at Triangle Shirtwaist site galvanized labor movement

(Newser) - It was 4:40 in the afternoon on Saturday, March 25, 1911. The Triangle Shirtwaist Company was close to closing down for the day in New York City. Someone dropped a still-smoking object onto the factory floor. Within minutes, the eighth, ninth, and 10th floors of the building the company...

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