military tribunal

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9/11 Defendant Alleges 'Torture': No Lunch

Ramzi bin al-Shibh demands to leave Gitmo hearing

(Newser) - A 9/11 defendant abruptly asked to leave a pre-trial hearing yesterday, alleging that there had been "problems between me and the guards on a daily basis" revolving around food. Ramzi bin al-Shibh was the only 9/11 defendant who had decided to attend the hearings; the other four had opted...

Hasan: 'I Am the Shooter'
 Hasan: 'I Am the Shooter' 

Hasan: 'I Am the Shooter'

Fort Hood killer makes opening statement, says he's an 'imperfect Muslim'

(Newser) - Nidal Malik Hasan is going to make things pretty easy on the jury in his murder trial. The Fort Hood shooter is representing himself, and in his opening statement, he made no bones about his guilt. "The evidence will clearly show that I am the shooter," he told...

11-Year Gitmo Detainee: Please, Let Me Plead Guilty!

Detainees see conviction as the only way out

(Newser) - Sufiyan Barhoumi is desperate to plead guilty to war crimes—but prosecutors won't even charge him with anything unless he does them a favor first. Such is the twisted logic that prevails at Guantanamo Bay, where being convicted is the best route home, the Wall Street Journal reports. Barhoumi...

Manning Put Info Into Enemy Hands: Prosecutor

Day 1 of trial, prosecutor says Manning put soldiers at risk

(Newser) - Three year after his arrest, Bradley Manning's trial finally began today , with both sides offering their opening statements and two conflicting narratives of the man emerging. Tasked with proving that Manning actively aided US enemies, prosecutor Capt. Joe Morrow told the courtroom that this was a case of "...

5 Things to Know as Bradley Manning Trial Starts

Kicks off 3 years after arrest

(Newser) - Bradley Manning's trial officially begins today, after years of pretrial hearings and angry protests. If you haven't been keeping up, here are some things you'll want to know:
  • The trial is already one of the longest in military history, a Yale military law professor tells NPR , adding,

KSM, Accused 9/11 Plotters to Face One Less Charge

Move reveals 'flaw' in military tribunals

(Newser) - The five men accused of plotting the 9/11 attacks will now face seven charges instead of eight, after the chief prosecutor yesterday moved to withdraw a conspiracy charge that he believed might not hold up on appeal. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four co-defendants still face charges that include just shy...

Death Penalty Trial to Resume for KSM

Alleged 9/11 mastermind's military trial will continue

(Newser) - The long-delayed effort to put alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed on trial lurched forward today, when the Pentagon approved a death penalty trial for Mohammed and his four alleged co-conspirators, the Washington Post reports. The trial will be conducted by a military commission at Guantanamo Bay, with an arraignment...

Death Penalty May Await Soldier in Afghan Killings

Army soldier accused of killing 16 Afghans would face lethal injection: lawyer

(Newser) - The US soldier accused of gunning down 16 Afghan civilians near Kandahar may himself be killed for the crime, a military defense attorney tells MSNBC . "Based on what we’re hearing I suspect this will be prosecuted as a death penalty case," says Philip Cave, who is based...

Prosecution Links Manning to Assange

Recovered files put Manning in 'serious trouble': expert

(Newser) - Prosecutors unveiled a damning litany of evidence yesterday at a pretrial hearing linking Bradley Manning to the massive leak of government materials posted on WikiLeaks, reports the Washington Post. The trove includes chat logs between Manning and Julian Assange, testimony that Manning's computers contained more than 100,000 State...

Bradley Manning Military Hearing Enters 3rd Day

Witnesses describe lax security, scuffle with fellow analyst

(Newser) - Bradley Manning's pre-trial hearing rolled on today with witnesses testifying about lax US military security and a scuffle Manning had with a fellow soldier, CNN reports. Prosecution witnesses said Manning, an "outcast" in his Iraqi unit, should have lost his security clearance after assaulting a female intelligence analyst,...

Obama Throws Away Civil Liberties With Defense Bill

President to sign bill allowing indefinite detention of Americans

(Newser) - President Obama is taking a lot of heat today for dropping his threat to veto a controversial defense bill that could allow the military to capture and indefinitely detain American citizens on US soil. In a fiery editorial, the New York Times today called it "a complete political cave-in,...

Hasan Faces Military Trial, Death Penalty

Alleged Fort Hood shooter's lawyer loses argument

(Newser) - Nidal Hasan, the alleged shooter in the Fort Hood massacre, will face a military trial and could, if convicted, be sentenced to death, Fort Hood's commanding general announced today. Hasan's lawyers had tried to convince the military that a death penalty case would be too expensive, time consuming,...

US Files New Charges Against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Four Alleged Co-Conspirators
 New Charges Filed Against KSM 

New Charges Filed Against KSM

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, four others charged again

(Newser) - Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, self-proclaimed mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, and four alleged co-conspirators face new conspiracy and murder charges filed today by US military prosecutors. All five defendants were originally charged during George W. Bush’s presidency, but those charges were dropped when President Obama attempted to move the trials...

Military Court Less Likely to Sentence KSM to Death

Military hasn't executed anyone in 50 years

(Newser) - Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is dying to be executed. He’s confessed to plotting the 9/11 attacks and a host of other terrorist activity, and said he’d like to be a martyr. But that’s significantly less likely to happen now that he’ll be tried by a military commission,...

Cowardice Wins In Khalid Sheikh Mohammad Trial

Spineless Obama, pandering congress to blame

(Newser) - Eric Holder’s decision to try 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammad in a military tribunal is “a victory for Congressional pandering and an embarrassment for the Obama administration, which failed to stand up to it,” the New York Times declares in a scathing editorial today. The administration’s...

9/11 Mastermind Gets Gitmo Military Trial

Obama turns back on pledge to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammad in civilian court

(Newser) - Khalid Sheikh Mohammad will be tried by a military commission at Guantanamo Bay, rather than the civilian court President Obama has long advocated, sources tell CBS News . Eric Holder will announce this new plan soon. Previously, Holder had put forward a plan to try the confessed 9/11 mastermind in New...

Obama Restarts Guantanamo Trials

Administration ends 2-year military prosecution freeze

(Newser) - President Obama today reversed a two-year freeze on military prosecutions against Guantanamo Bay detainees, the AP reports. In an executive order, the president restarted the process of trying the high-risk detainees—the latest acknowledgment of the political difficulties of fulfilling his campaign promise to close the Cuban detention facility. Defense...

Obama Resurrects Gitmo Military Trials

Move an admission that detention center is here to stay

(Newser) - President Obama has given Robert Gates the go-ahead to initiate new military commissions against Guantanamo detainees—something Obama originally banned on the first day of his presidency. Within weeks one or more detainees may face new charges—the Justice Department has already designated some prisoners for military tribunal, including suspected...

Fort Hood Hearing Hits Speed Bump

Attorneys request delay as Hasan returns to base for military hearing

(Newser) - The trial of the Army psychiatrist accused in the Fort Hood shooting rampage may be delayed. A pretrial hearing at the military base's courtroom for Maj. Nidal Hasan was scheduled to begin yesterday, but the defense team asked for a month to "process some paperwork," finds the Austin ...

Gitmo Juror Rejected for Agreeing with Obama

Khadr trial halted after lawyer collapses

(Newser) - A military officer who says he believes the Guantanamo Bay detention center should be closed was disqualified from serving on the jury at detainee Omar Khadr's trial this week. The other 15 officers considered for the panel all either said that Gitmo should stay open or that they had no...

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