Republican Party

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>

Young GOPers: Party Is 'Racist,' 'Old-Fashioned'

Youths call Republicans 'closed-minded,' 'racist'

(Newser) - Earlier this year, an RNC report cited major concerns with public perception of the party. Now, a 95-page report by college Republicans based on youth surveys offers a similarly bleak portrait, citing a "dismal present situation." Those surveyed called the GOP "closed-minded, racist, rigid," and "...

Many Angry Over Benghazi Don't Know Where It Is


(Newser) - Republicans remain pretty stinkin' mad over Benghazi, with 41% of GOP voters telling Public Policy Polling that they think it is the biggest political scandal in our country's history. Just 10% of Democrats feel similarly. But here's the most interesting nugget: Among those voters who ranked it as...

GOP Hispanic Outreach Honcho Turns Democrat

Pablo Pantoja slams Republican 'intolerance'

(Newser) - In 2012, Pablo Pantoja headed the Republican National Committee's Hispanic outreach work in Florida; now, the Puerto Rican native is becoming a Democrat, the Tampa Bay Times reports. He explains his reasons for the switch in an email slamming "the culture of intolerance surrounding the Republican Party today....

Dems Are Ignoring Their Own Racism
 Dems Are 
 Ignoring Their 
 Own Racism 


Dems Are Ignoring Their Own Racism

And it could get worse as GOP gets more diverse: Peter Beinart

(Newser) - Republicans don't have a monopoly on racism, much as Democrats might like to believe it, writes Peter Beinart in the Daily Beast . Case in point: Former South Carolina Democratic Party chair Dick Harpootlian recently said the state's Indian-American governor, Nikki Haley, should be sent "back to wherever...

Illinois GOP Chair Exits After Backing Gay Marriage

Pat Brady opposed party platform

(Newser) - The head of the Illinois Republican Party is stepping down after publicly backing gay marriage in January. Pat Brady's support for a measure currently under state consideration ran counter to the party's platform; he said his stance was personal and not made in his capacity as party chief,...

Obama Budget Leaves GOP With 'No Excuses'

Ezra Klein: White House aims to expose Republican 'intransigence'

(Newser) - President Obama's budget proposal is the latest move in his administration's "systematic" effort to expose flimsy GOP excuses for government inaction, writes Ezra Klein in the Washington Post . Republicans had complained that Obama didn't extend a hand to them; now, he's constantly meeting with them....

Rand Paul, Hardline Gun Group in Dogfight With GOP

Supports group attacking GOP's Eric Cantor, Scott Rigell

(Newser) - It's a showdown at the GOP corral: CPAC prom king Rand Paul is in a shootout with fellow Republicans Eric Cantor and Scott Rigell after a gun group backed by the Kentucky senator launched about $50,000 worth of attack ads accusing the Virginia reps of "wanting to...

GOP Quaking in Its Boots Over Sanford's Chances

Women dislike him, and he's playing defense already

(Newser) - Yesterday, Politico was calling Elizabeth Colbert Busch the underdog in South Carolina's special congressional election; today, the site seems to have changed its tune . It's reporting that Republicans are concerned Mark Sanford's candidacy could cost them a safe seat in a district Mitt Romney took by 18...

GOP Botched Its Own Autopsy
 GOP Botched 
 Its Own Autopsy 

GOP Botched Its Own Autopsy

No one much impressed with party's toothless self-reflection

(Newser) - Republicans were pretty harsh on themselves in yesterday's much-discussed autopsy of the 2012 campaign , but did they actually get to the root of their electoral woes or propose decent solutions? "Unfortunately, the answer on both counts is, not really," the National Review laments. The report concludes that...

GOP Report: Voters Are 'Rolling Their Eyes' at Us

Report by RNC task force calls for messaging overhaul

(Newser) - The GOP is taking a hard look in the mirror in what the Wall Street Journal calls a "scathing self-analysis." In a new 98-page report, a Republican National Committee task force assesses the party's image and what led to its presidential loss in November, and it doesn'...

GOP Leaders Splurge on Coffee, Donuts
 GOP Leaders Splurge 
 on Coffee, Donuts 
$24K ... in 3 months

GOP Leaders Splurge on Coffee, Donuts

Blew $24k on Whole Foods, Dunkin Donuts, PF Chang's in just 3 months: report

(Newser) - While serving up sound bites on belt-tightening and cost-cutting to the public, House Republican leaders have been helping themselves to the exact opposite behind closed doors, chowing through $24,000 in taxpayer dollars on food and beverages in just three months, according to an investigation by the Washington Guardian . John...

Christie Snub Proves GOP Loves Crazy, Unelectable Candidates

Republicans embrace losing as sign of 'purity:' Roger Simon

(Newser) - The GOP seems determined to embrace "crazy" candidates while eschewing moderates who could actually win national elections, writes Roger Simon on Politico . Take the recent snub of Chris Christie, who was not invited to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference. Who was invited? Such "winners" as Sarah...

GOP Needs to Get Real About Caring for Poor

Arthur Brooks: Time for conservatives to focus on the needy

(Newser) - The Republican Party has a serious image problem: Too many Americans think the GOP cares "only about the rich and powerful," writes Arthur Brooks at the Wall Street Journal . Indeed, Mitt Romney's 2012 loss can be linked to a single figure: The fact that as of April,...

75 GOP Bigwigs Sign Brief Backing Gay Marriage

Top Republicans show support before key Supreme Court case

(Newser) - Scores of prominent Republicans have made an unprecedented show of support for gay marriage. The GOPers, including Jon Huntsman, former George W. Bush administration officials, and four former governors, have signed a legal brief arguing that gay people have the constitutional right to marry, the New York Times reports. The...

Supreme Court to Consider Campaign Donation Limits

Case challenges the limit on how much an individual can give

(Newser) - The Supreme Court will hear a challenge to a campaign finance law that limits how much an individual can give to political campaigns. The justices today decided to hear an appeal from Shaun McCutcheon of Alabama and the Republican National Committee. They're arguing that the "aggregate limit" is...

Senate GOP Is Neutering Our Consumer Watchdog
 Senate GOP Is Neutering 
 Our Consumer Watchdog 
paul krugman

Senate GOP Is Neutering Our Consumer Watchdog

GOP wants to kill watchdog aimed at preventing another 2008: Krugman

(Newser) - Four-plus years after Wall Street's meltdown "brought the world economy to its knees," at least we have a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to prevent us from ever toppling over that cliff again. Or do we? Not if Senate Republicans, who are "going all out in an...

Rove Creates New PAC, Will Butt Heads With Tea Party

Predictably, many conservatives not happy

(Newser) - A big split in the Republican party? Karl Rove's new super PAC, the Conservative Victory Project, appears to be taking aim at Tea Partiers. The Victory Project, led by the same people who run American Crossroads, has the official aim of nominating "the most conservative candidate in the...

The GOP Needs a Voice
 The GOP Needs a Voice 

The GOP Needs a Voice

Mitch McConnell and John Boehner won't cut it, Daniel Henniger argues

(Newser) - President Obama's press conference this week drew front-page coverage from all the major papers, but Mitch McConnell and John Boehner's responses were buried. "Media bias? No, media reality," writes Daniel Henninger in the Wall Street Journal . "It isn't that no one is listening to...

Republicans Need Colin Powell
 Republicans Need Colin Powell 
Joe Scarborough

Republicans Need Colin Powell

Joe Scarborough: Embrace Powell, or party may not survive

(Newser) - Colin Powell's criticism of the GOP Sunday did not go over well with many members of his party—but Joe Scarborough thinks moderate, electable Powell is exactly what Republicans need. As the late William F. Buckley put it, conservatives need to take reality into account. Or as Scarborough puts...

Majority of House GOP Totally Cool With Defaulting

Even more are OK with government shutdown: sources

(Newser) - More than half of House Republicans are OK with a government default if President Obama won't accept their budget-cut demands, party officials tell Politico . Even more GOP lawmakers are willing to allow a government shutdown come March 27. Taking the shutdown route would help ensure "President Obama understands...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>