Republican Party

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Paul Ryan Is Finally Ready to Be Speaker

He announced he's running late Thursday

(Newser) - Despite all his protests to the contrary, it appears Paul Ryan is poised to become the next House speaker, NBC News reports. "I never thought I'd be speaker," Ryan wrote in a letter to fellow Republicans late Thursday. "But I pledged to you that if I...

Trump Pledges Loyalty to GOP
 Trump Pledges Loyalty to GOP  

Trump Pledges Loyalty to GOP

An eventual third-party run just became a lot less likely

(Newser) - Donald Trump has come to heel, agreeing to support the eventual Republican presidential nominee and not run as a third-party candidate, the AP reports. Despite being the only candidate to publicly mull a third-party run during the August GOP primary debate, Trump signed a party loyalty pledge today. The pledge...

Can Ben Carson Really Win This Thing?

Neurosurgeon tied with Trump atop Iowa poll

(Newser) - The perhaps somewhat surprising current Republican darling is neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who's polling second nationally and is tied with Donald Trump at 23% in all-important Iowa, the Hill reports. No other Republican candidates are even close to those numbers, and Carson supporters believe it's not surprising at all...

Fiorina Could Get Debate Spot After CNN Relents

Outcry leads network to change its mind

(Newser) - Up until this afternoon, it was looking like Carly Fiorina would be left out of CNN's Republican prime-time debate Sept. 16—even though Public Policy Polling's current polls put her at 10%, good enough for fifth among all GOP candidates, as Adweek reported. That's because the network...

8 Big, Little Things to Know About Tonight's GOP Debate

The time, the place, the really loud buzzer?

(Newser) - Election 2016 gets real at 5pm ET tonight, and very real four hours later. The first Republican primary debate will be a two-hour Fox News event beginning at 9pm, with those candidates who didn't make the Top 10 cut participating in a debate at that earlier hour. Here are...

Graham: Trump Is a &#39;Wrecking Ball&#39;
 Graham: Trump 
 Is a 'Wrecking Ball' 

Graham: Trump Is a 'Wrecking Ball'

Says rhetoric could cost the GOP the Latino vote, 'moral authority to govern'

(Newser) - There is a gaggle of Americans currently seeking the 2016 presidential nomination, and a fair number of them are using today to talk about Donald Trump. Lindsey Graham led the charge, calling Trump out on his anti-Latino rhetoric and labeling the mogul "a wrecking ball" that could take apart...

Glenn Beck to GOP: You Guys, I'm Done With You

Radio host is angry Republican leadership hasn't done what it said

(Newser) - Glenn Beck is done with the GOP, and apparently they're never, ever, ever, ever getting back together: "I’ve made my decision—I’m out. I’m out of the Republican Party," Beck said today on his radio show. "I am not a Republican; I will...

Romney to Say If He's Running at 11am

Romney camp sees more factors in favor of a run than against

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has reportedly decided whether he'll make a third presidential bid in 2016. In an email yesterday, the Romney camp invited supporters to listen in on a conference call at 11am today, promising "an update," the Washington Post reports. What supporters will get is clarification on...

Republican Party Will Try to Boot One of Its Own

Dave Agema has endorsed racist, homophobic material

(Newser) - It's so rare for the Republican National Committee to seek to oust one of its own members that the body doesn't have an official procedure for doing so. But this week, leaders will mull action against Dave Agema of Michigan, a committeeman who recently shared what he called...

Mitt Romney: I Might Run for President

Romney makes announcement to fund-raising group

(Newser) - Heads up, Jeb Bush and Chris Christie: Mitt Romney said today that he may run for president in 2016, the Wall Street Journal reports. Sources say he made the announcement at a meeting with Republican donors in New York City. "Mitt told the group of 30 or so guys...

5 Things to Know Before Election Day

We could be in for an early night ... or the total opposite

(Newser) - We're a day away from Election Day. Here are five things to know about what's expected, what to watch, and what's being said.
  1. All eyes are on the Senate, where Republicans need six seats to gain control. USA Today deems 10 races "still close enough to

How the House's No. 2 Plans to Save the GOP

Party needs to change fast: Kevin McCarthy

(Newser) - Eric Cantor's replacement as House majority leader has a warning for Republicans: The party needs to make big changes, fast, if it wants to win the White House in 2016. "If we don't capture the House stronger, and the Senate, and prove we could govern, there won'...

Out: Pol Who Said Women on Welfare Should Be Sterilized

Former Ariz. Sen. Russell Pearce resigns after controversial radio statements

(Newser) - The man described as "the John Wayne of the airwaves" on radio station KKNT will have a more limited platform for his tough talk about women on public assistance and their right to give birth. Russell Pearce, a former Arizona senator who has been outspoken on the subject of...

South Dakota GOP Votes to Impeach Obama

Resolutions cites Bergdahl trade

(Newser) - The South Dakota Republican Party has decided Rapid City is the place to get the ball rolling for the impeachment of President Obama. At the party's state convention Saturday, delegates voted 191-176 to impeach the president for violating his oath of office—specifically, by trading five Taliban combatants for...

Texas GOP Backs Gay 'Reparative Therapy'

Other states' bans on conversion treatment a 'freedom issue'

(Newser) - Texas Republicans are officially in favor of "treatment" to turn gay people straight. "We recognize the legitimacy and efficacy of counseling, which offers reparative therapy and treatment for those patients seeking healing and wholeness from their homosexual lifestyle," the party says in its newly approved platform. New...

Bergdahl Backlash Is Work of GOP
 Bergdahl Backlash 
 Is Work of GOP 


Bergdahl Backlash Is Work of GOP

Strategists organize interviews with soldiers, says columnist

(Newser) - The world has been hearing lately from soldiers criticizing freed soldier Bowe Bergdahl . While they have a right to their opinions, much of the publicity they're currently getting is thanks to a "GOP-run dog-and-pony show" reminiscent of the Swift Boat campaign against John Kerry, writes Adam Weinstein at...

Boehner: I Didn't Mean to Mock GOP on Immigration

He likened caucus members to crybabies

(Newser) - John Boehner, saying he can "rib people just a little bit too much sometimes," is trying to defuse tensions with fellow House Republicans after poking fun at them for their stance on immigration reform. In a speech last week, the House speaker likened his colleagues to crybabies who...

Democratic Rep: 'Not All' in GOP Are Racist

But party has 'elements animated by racism': Steve Israel

(Newser) - Does Democratic Rep. Steve Israel think his "Republican colleagues are racist"? His reply to Candy Crowley's question on CNN yesterday: "Not all of them, no. Of course not," said the head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. But "to a significant extent, the Republican...

Obama Approval at All-Time Low: Poll

WSJ /NBC finds just 41% back president's performance

(Newser) - President Obama's approval rating has dropped from 43% in January to 41%, an all-time low, according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC poll . Some 54% disapprove of the president's performance, a figure that's on par with December's. Obama's approval rating on foreign policy is also at...

Democrats to White Men: We Want You Back

But white men have preferred Republicans for generations

(Newser) - As midterm elections get closer, Democrats are debating whether to court a long-disaffected group of voters: white men, especially working-class ones without college degrees, the New York Times reports. Frank Houston, a party chairman in Michigan, says he and others like him refuse to "just write off 30-year-old to...

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