Republican Party

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Trump: GOP 'Never Trumpers' Are 'Human Scum'

He says they're more dangerous than Democrats

(Newser) - President Trump turned his fire on members of his own party Wednesday—and they did not take kindly to being called "human scum." "The Never Trumper Republicans, though on respirators with not many left, are in certain ways worse and more dangerous for our Country than the...

Man Trump Called 'My African American' Is Ditching GOP

Gregory Cheadle is fed up with the party's 'pro-white agenda,' Trump's 'white superiority complex'

(Newser) - Gregory Cheadle didn't cringe in 2016 when then-candidate Donald Trump called him "my African American" at a rally in Northern California. But the 62-year-old is now backing away from not only President Trump, but the entire Republican party, too—which is why he's defecting from the GOP...

Surprise in Georgia: Both Senate Seats Up for Grabs

GOP Sen. Isakson's retirement changes the 2020 election

(Newser) - Facing health challenges, Republican Sen. Johnny Isakson of Georgia said Wednesday he will retire at year's end, a departure that sets up a rare election in November 2020 when both of the state's Senate seats will be on the ballot. The 74-year-old lawmaker said he is leaving the...

GOP Group Sorry for 'Jihad Squad' Post

'Political jihad is their game,' Illinois group said of Democratic lawmakers

(Newser) - An Illinois Republican group has apologized and removed from its Facebook page a post that showed images of four Democratic congresswomen who have been criticized by President Trump and referred to them as the "Jihad Squad." The post appeared Friday night on the Republican County Chairman's Association...

Trump to Justin Amash: Good Riddance
Trump Responds to Surprise
From Justin Amash
the rundown

Trump Responds to Surprise From Justin Amash

President happy to see 'dumbest' and 'most disloyal' member of GOP leave party

(Newser) - Justin Amash is leaving the GOP , and President Trump is happy to see him go. After the conservative Michigan congressman—the only member of his party to have supported the idea of impeaching Trump—made his big announcement Thursday, the president responded on Twitter. "Great news for the Republican...

Trump Critic in the GOP Makes Surprise July 4 Announcement

Rep. Justin Amash is leaving his party

(Newser) - He'd already quit a Republican caucus ; now Justin Amash is abandoning the GOP altogether. In a Fourth of July surprise, the Michigan congressman, who's made recent headlines for being the "lone-wolf GOP Trump critic," made a big announcement in the Washington Post : "Today, I am...

Justin Amash Could Be a Huge Problem for Trump

He's rumored to be planning a run as a Libertarian

(Newser) - Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan isn't likely to win any popularity contests among his fellow Republicans after saying President Trump engaged in "impeachable conduct" —and he may struggle to win the GOP nomination in his district this year. State Rep. Jim Lower says he plans to challenge...

Iowa&#39;s Longest-Serving GOP Lawmaker Ditching Party
'If This Is the New Normal,
I Want No Part of It'
the rundown

'If This Is the New Normal, I Want No Part of It'

Iowa State Rep. Andy McKean leaving GOP, cites Trump as a big part of his reasoning

(Newser) - An Iowa lawmaker's exit from the Republican Party is making national headlines, largely because of his reasoning. State Rep. Andy McKean will register as a Democrat because he feels that "I need to be able to support the standard bearer of our party," and "unfortunately, that'...

In Rare Move, Congressman Punished Over Race Remarks

Steve King loses his committee assignments after defending white supremacy

(Newser) - Rep. Steve King, the lawmaker that Stephen King hates being confused with , has finally gone too far for his fellow House Republicans. The Iowan is being stripped of all his committee assignments after his controversial remarks about white supremacism , the Hill reports. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said Monday that...

Top GOP Adviser: Star Senator Could Lose

Mick Mulvaney spoke at a closed-door GOP meeting

(Newser) - Two top Republicans put it simply: A wave of political "hate" for President Trump is driving the midterm elections and could even unseat Sen. Ted Cruz, the New York Times reports. Speaking at a closed-door GOP event in New York City, the two conservatives—Mick Mulvaney, federal budget director,...

GOP Declares Victory in Tight Ohio Race
GOP Declares Victory
in Tight Ohio Race

GOP Declares Victory in Tight Ohio Race

Trump congratulates Balderson on 'great victory'

(Newser) - The year's last special election for a House seat was too close to call Tuesday night—but that didn't stop Republicans from declaring victory in an Ohio district they've held since 1983, the Washington Post reports. GOP state Sen. Troy Balderson was 1,754 votes ahead of...

Ex-GOP Leader Is Charged With a Sad, Strange Crime

Todd Kincannon, 37, is hospitalized after allegedly killing his mother's dog

(Newser) - The former head of South Carolina's Republican Party has continued his downward spiral by allegedly butchering his mother's dog and saying God told him to do it, the State reports. Police say Todd Kincannon, 37, choked and stabbed his mother's 10-year-old cattle/beagle mix at his parents' Greenville...

The Plot Thickens for Embattled Missouri Governor

Eric Greitens could face 2nd felony charge

(Newser) - Missouri's top Republican legislative leaders abandoned GOP Gov. Eric Greitens on Tuesday, calling on him to resign instead of continuing to fight allegations that he illegally took advantage of both a charity he founded and a woman with whom he had an affair. Greitens already is facing a May...

Vlogger Says He Warned FBI of 'Nikolas Cruz' in September

Bureau was unable to determine the identity of the YouTube commenter

(Newser) - It was a foreboding comment then and an especially eerie one now: "I'm going to be a professional school shooter" was posted to a YouTube video by a user named "Nikolas Cruz." Ben Bennight, the 36-year-old vlogger who'd uploaded the video, was alarmed enough that...

Mocking GOP Campaign Ad Doesn't Go Over Well in Illinois

Jeanne Ives' ad blasted as not reflective of 'who we are as Party of Lincoln'

(Newser) - On March 20, Illinois state Rep. Jeanne Ives will challenge Gov. Bruce Rauner in the GOP primary for his seat, but the most highly charged night in the race may not be that one. Ives is under fire for a campaign ad , one that the state's GOP chair says...

California Republican Says He Won't Defend His House Seat

He's the 29th House Republican to announce his retirement ahead of this year's midterms

(Newser) - Republican Rep. Ed Royce of California said Monday he will not seek re-election after serving out his 13th term in the House, the latest in a string of committee chairmen who have announced their retirement, the AP reports. Royce is the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. This was...

Amid 2017 Election Wave, Big Implications for 2018

Two House Republicans announced retirement Tuesday, as Dems eye grabbing power in House

(Newser) - Axios calls it "a big story that could get lost in the blizzard" of Tuesday's elections : Two longtime GOP lawmakers announced their retirements Tuesday from the House of Representatives, adding to the growing list of Republicans electing to leave Capitol Hill under the Trump administration rather than...

With Super PAC Entrance, GOP Infighting Hits New Level
Super PAC
Declares War
on Bannon

Super PAC Declares War on Bannon

Group allied with Mitch McConnell hopes to thwart his plans

(Newser) - Steve Bannon's campaign to replace mainstream Republicans in Congress with individuals adhering to his anti-establishment message won't go unimpeded. Per the Washington Post , a super PAC aligned with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has "declared open warfare" against the former White House chief strategist, who's reportedly...

Bannon: Bush Didn't Understand His Own Speech

He slams 'destructive' Bush for Trump criticism

(Newser) - Steve Bannon has published plenty of criticisms of the Trump administration since returning to Breitbart—but he's not happy about George W. Bush joining in with criticism from a different angle. In an address to the dinnertime banquet of the California Republican Party convention Friday night, Bannon apologized to...

Kasich: I'm in a 'Struggle for the Soul' of the GOP

And if Ohio governor can't find it, he hints he may leave the party

(Newser) - John Kasich revealed over the weekend he's been doing some soul-searching, but it's not his own soul he's scrutinizing. The Ohio governor chatted with Jake Tapper Sunday morning on CNN's State of the Union, and he had harsh words for both major political parties. He admitted...

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