Republican Party

Stories 661 - 668 | << Prev 

Alienated Business Voters Ditching GOP

'The party left me' says one; poll, donations show eroding support

(Newser) - Disappointed fiscal conservatives are less likely than ever to vote Republican, the Wall Street Journal reports, despite the GOP's designation as the pro-business party for more than a century. The Iraq war, ballooning debt, and right-wing social policy have all turned off business leaders—and as fiscal conservatives' support for...

The Case for a Newt Candidacy
The Case for a Newt Candidacy

The Case for a Newt Candidacy

Okay, it's a long shot. But Gingrich could be a Barry Goldwater for beleaguered GOP

(Newser) - When Newt Gingrich makes noises about running for president, as he did again this week, eyes roll all over America. He’s deeply unpopular, according to polls, and it seems too late to mobilize a serious campaign. But Newsweek sees an opportunity for the former House speaker in the gloom...

Greenspan Attacks Bush, GOP
Greenspan Attacks Bush, GOP

Greenspan Attacks Bush, GOP

Former Fed Chair decries Republican economic policies

(Newser) - Former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan lambastes President Bush and his own party  for disastrous economic policies in a memoir published next week. He criticizes the GOP for abandoning fiscal restraint while it had control of both Congress and the White House, the Wall Street Journal reports. Republicans in Congress, he...

GOP Heads to Brand Rehab
GOP Heads to Brand Rehab

GOP Heads to Brand Rehab

Republicans look to private sector for pointers on revitalizing party's image

(Newser) - As the Republican Party continues to languish in the polls, leaders are hoping that the GOP can be reintroduced to Americans with a bit of corporate-style rebranding. House minority leader John Boehner has convened an ad hoc committee to develop a new pitch for the party as one of small...

The Karl Rove Question: Were Federal Assets Used to Further GOP?

(Newser) - In the wake of Karl Rove's resignation, the Washington Post  does a detailed account of the political strategist's use of the White House to pursue his dream of insuring GOP dominance for the foreseeable future. While all administrations send senior officials out to help party members get elected, the Post...

Bloomberg Waves Goodbye to GOP
Bloomberg Waves Goodbye to GOP

Bloomberg Waves Goodbye to GOP

NY mayor's party shift may foretell White House run

(Newser) - Mike Bloomberg has changed the party in his voter registration from Republican to "unaffiliated," sparking speculation that he will throw the 2008 campaign into turmoil by running for president as an independent. The New York mayor has vowed to leave politics after his term expires in 2009, the...

Immigration Debate Splits GOP
Immigration Debate Splits GOP

Immigration Debate Splits GOP

Fears for party's future amp up rhetoric for and against legalization path for immigrants

(Newser) - Deep divisions within the GOP over immigration reform have become increasingly bitter in recent weeks, the LA Times reports, with senior figures on both sides  engaging in a rare public spat. On one side are those who fear alienating the mostly white conservative base; on the other those who want...

Breaking from Bush, GOP Splinters
Breaking from Bush, GOP Splinters

Breaking from Bush, GOP Splinters

Rove, DeLay, and Gingrich on the future of the conservative movement

(Newser) - The Republican Party is fracturing politically and strategically, writes the New Yorker's Jeffrey Goldberg. As Bush's approval ratings continue to sink, current and former GOP bigwigs—like Newt Gingrich and Tom DeLay—are looking to redirect the conservative movement as the 2008 election nears.

Stories 661 - 668 | << Prev