Republican Party

Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>

GOP Wants to Resurrect That Town Hall Feeling

Party hopes to drum up anger over health bills

(Newser) - Republicans are hoping to re-create the late-summer town hall meetings at which angry voters lashed out over proposed health care legislation. Sen. Lamar Alexander tells Politico the party is planning 50 phone and in-person gatherings over the next few weeks. "If every American has a chance to read the...

GOP Bails on Its Feminine Side
 GOP Bails on Its Feminine Side 

GOP Bails on Its Feminine Side

Purge of moderates will render party male-dominated

(Newser) - Rebelling conservatives pushed Republican Dede Scozzafava out of the House race in New York’s 23rd District because she’s a moderate. But she’s also a woman, and her ouster points to a toxic side effect of the tea party revolution: the closing of the GOP to all but...

Paranoid GOP Could Make US 'Ungovernable'

 Paranoid GOP 
 Could Make US 

Paranoid GOP Could Make US 'Ungovernable'

Whack jobs' seizure of Republican Party 'no laughing matter'

(Newser) - The kind of paranoia that made last week's health care reform protesters wave signs showing corpses at Dachau is nothing new in right-wing American politics, but the fact that these people actually wield power is new—and deeply troubling, writes Paul Krugman . "The GOP has been taken over by...

Cantor: Limbaugh's Hitler Rhetoric Not 'Helpful'

House Republican whip makes rare criticism of mighty Rush

(Newser) - Eric Cantor ventured into unusual territory for a Republican lawmaker: criticism of Rush Limbaugh. Asked by a Bloomberg interviewer about Limbaugh's comparison of President Obama's governing style to Hitler's, the House Republican whip responded: “Do I condone the mention of Hitler in any discussion about politics? No, I don’...

Voters Seek&mdash;But Don't Find&mdash;Safety
 Voters Seek—But 
 Don't Find—Safety 


Voters Seek—But Don't Find—Safety

Independents flee Dems to avoid 'turmoil and risk'

(Newser) - Independent voters are more volatile than ever, and politicians who want their votes need to regain their trust first, writes David Brooks . Polls show those voters, especially in new suburbs hard hit by recession, trust the government less than ever before, leaving them "in the position of a person...

Voters Punished Obama, Dems for Going Deaf
 Voters Punished Obama, 
 Dems for Going Deaf 

Voters Punished Obama, Dems for Going Deaf

Election should be a wake-up call for out-of-touch White House

(Newser) - The Democratic Party should view its walloping in Tuesday's election as an opportunity to start listening before it's too late, writes Peggy Noonan . The Democrats have been focusing on the wrong issues since they gained power last year and that explains the huge swing to the Republicans in Virginia and...

Health Bill Will Speed Swing Back to GOP
Health Bill Will Speed
Swing Back to GOP

Health Bill Will Speed Swing Back to GOP

Suburban, independent voter trend is bad news for Dems

(Newser) - This week's election results spell out a trend that should scare Democrats in both red and blue states, warns Karl Rove . Suburban and independent voters turned away from the party at a rate that would have easily put John McCain into the White House last year, and the health bill...

Economic Fury Is the New Culture War
 Economic Fury 
 Is the New 
 Culture War 


Economic Fury Is the New Culture War

Deficits were the rallying cry for yesterday's winners

(Newser) - "Conservatives have supposedly gotten their groove back," Peter Beinart writes about the results of yesterday's state races, "but it's not the same old groove." The candidates who won—or almost won—downplayed social issues and focused on the economy, which Beinart calls the “new culture...

GOP 2nd Wind Doesn't Mean Smooth Sailing

Party back from last year's beating but upheaval still likely

(Newser) - The victories in Virginia and New Jersey look set to revitalize the Republican Party ahead of next year's elections, writes Adam Nagourney. The party now has the chance to re-energize its base and prepare for a proper comeback from last year's defeat, although the Democratic win in New York's 23rd...

5 Things to Watch in NY-23 Race
5 Things to Watch
in NY-23 Race
election day

5 Things to Watch in NY-23 Race

Hoffman looks to pick up Scozzafava's supporters

(Newser) - With late polls inconclusive, Josh Kraushaar of Politico runs down five things to watch in the NY-23 congressional race as returns filter in:
  • Dede Scozzafava's supporters: The big question is whether independent-minded GOP voters will go to her endorsed candidate, Democrat Bill Owens, or Conservative Doug Hoffman. Results from her

GOP: It's Time to Rebrand to 'Conservative'

New name may have greater pull than tainted Repub label

(Newser) - Candidates on both sides are doing their best to hide their party affiliation but it's the Republicans who have the most to worry about, writes Nate Silver . "The Democratic brand is marginal in about half the country, but the Republican brand is radioactive in about two-thirds of it ,"...

Hoffman Race Takes Twist: Here's What It Means
Hoffman Race Takes Twist: Here's What It Means
bloggers' first takes

Hoffman Race Takes Twist: Here's What It Means

Conservative gets a boost, but maybe not a very big one

(Newser) - Republican Dede Scozzafava's surprise decision to suspend her congressional race in New York leaves Conservative Doug Hoffman to battle Democrat Dan Owens. Here's what the political blogosphere is saying:
  • Nate Silver , FiveThirtyEight: "Gun to my head? Sure, I'd take Hoffman at this point." But it's not that cut

GOP Foe of Conservative Hoffman Quits Race
GOP Foe of Conservative Hoffman Quits Race
political bombshell

GOP Foe of Conservative Hoffman Quits Race

Surprise decision leaves him alone against Democrat

(Newser) - Big political news from upstate New York: Republican Dede Scozzafava has suspended her campaign for Congress ahead of Tuesday's election. She endorsed no one, but the move "is a boost" to Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman, writes Josh Kraushaar at Politico . Hoffman is a political novice who surged into...

US Glum on Economy &mdash; and GOP, Too
 US Glum on Economy 
 —and GOP, Too 

US Glum on Economy —and GOP, Too

Republican Party lacks opposition bump usually accompanying hard times

(Newser) - Americans are bummed about the economy, but that hasn’t given Republicans the usual opposition party boost in Washington. “The mood in America may be blue, but attitudes toward Washington are just jet black,” a pollster tells the Wall Street Journal . Some 58% of respondents think the economy...

Afghan Surge Gains Favor; Public Sours on DC
Afghan Surge Gains Favor; Public Sours on DC

Afghan Surge Gains Favor; Public Sours on DC

Support for public option also grows; GOP isn't more popular, though

(Newser) - New poll numbers out today hold good news and bad for the Obama administration. Support is rising for a troop surge in Afghanistan, the NBC/Wall Street Journal survey finds, and nearly half now favor a public option in the health-care reform measures now under consideration. The bad news: 58% said...

Bank Reform Shatters Usual Party Lines
Bank Reform Shatters Usual Party Lines

Bank Reform Shatters Usual Party Lines

Next big domestic issue will be 'fascinating' to watch

(Newser) - Once health care reform is “settled,” Nate Silver writes, the White House will be searching for a new domestic issue. Card check is too hard, immigration will have to wait for 2012’s “younger, more diverse electorate,” and gay rights is a slog. The winner, in...

Beck, Limbaugh & Co. Scare GOP Brass

Top Republicans complain talkers are pushing party to fringe

(Newser) - Top Republicans are fed up with Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh—off the record at least. Without naming names, Politico says that “congressional leaders” privately complain that the conservative commentariat is hurting their chances in 2010 by pushing the party too far to the fringe. Operatives close to top...

In 2012, GOP Goes With Heart (Palin) Over Head (Romney)

Who knows, maybe her star power will make her the next Reagan

(Newser) - No matter what kind of gains Republicans make in the midterm elections next year, it’s going to be tough to unseat President Obama—and that’s why the GOP is going to choose Sarah Palin, its heart’s preferred candidate, over Mitt Romney, its head’s favorite. Or as...

Beck Could Be 'Major' Factor in 2010 Vote
Beck Could Be
'Major' Factor
in 2010 Vote

Beck Could Be 'Major' Factor in 2010 Vote

If he combines angry right-wingers with libertarians, look out

(Newser) - Don't look now, but Glenn Beck could turn out to be a big factor in the 2010 elections, writes Marc Ambinder. Beck is cooking up some kind of voter mobilization project, which is a "tricky proposition" given that "conservative talk radio audiences—and Fox News viewers—tend to...

Robinson, Now a 'GOP Hero,' Hated GOP

RNC touts baseball legend who compared party to Nazis

(Newser) - Whoops. The RNC’s new “GOP Heroes” website devotes a page to baseball legend Jackie Robinson, declaring him a “great Republican” who campaigned for Richard Nixon and Nelson Rockefeller. There’s just one problem: Robinson was a registered independent who professed he’d “never identified with one...

Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>