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'Blumenthal Emails' Take Star Turn at Hearings

Republicans press Clinton on why he had such access

(Newser) - Those tuning in to the Hillary Clinton Benghazi hearings Thursday might have been surprised to hear one name coming up again and again: Sidney Blumenthal. As NBC News explains, Blumenthal is a longtime ally of both Bill and Hillary Clinton—in fact he covered Bill Clinton as a reporter in...

Clinton: 'I've Lost More Sleep Than All of You'

She refutes accusations about misleading the public

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is in the midst of a tense, daylong hearing on the Benghazi attack, and Republicans weren't holding back. At one point, Rep. Jim Jordan accused Clinton's State Department of misleading the public in the aftermath, reports the Washington Post . "Americans can live with the fact...

What to Know as Clinton Testifies on Benghazi

It gets underway Thursday morning

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton dodged one obstacle in her quest to the Democratic nomination Wednesday when Joe Biden opted not to run . Can she remove another Thursday? She'll be testifying before a House panel investigating the Benghazi attack, an investigation that incorporates her use of a private email server as secretary...

Fired Investigator: Benghazi Panel Is a Clinton Witchhunt

Committee denies partisan slant, says former employee is sour grapes

(Newser) - The House committee investigating Benghazi is taking more heat , this time from one of its own former investigators, Major Bradley Podliska, who tells CNN that the investigation focused solely on Hillary Clinton after her personal email server was revealed, and had descended into "a partisan investigation." Podliska, a...

GOP Benghazi Remarks May Be 'Gift' to Clinton

Kevin McCarthy, likely next House speaker, takes flak

(Newser) - The man expected to be next the House speaker is backtracking after making comments about the Hillary Clinton Benghazi investigation that quickly backfired. "I did not intend to imply in any way that that work is political," said Rep. Kevin McCarthy on Fox Thursday night, per AP . "...

Clinton Will Testify in Public on Benghazi

House committee continues its investigation

(Newser) - Two of Hillary Clinton's favorite topics—Benghazi and her email server—aren't going away:
  • Benghazi: Clinton has agreed to testify publicly before a House panel investigating the 2012 attack that left four Americans dead, reports the Washington Post . Her testimony on Oct. 21 will be public. The Clinton

State Dept. Says Hillary Didn't Turn Over 15 Emails

Department cross-referenced her files to those of longtime adviser

(Newser) - The State Department is still poring over 55,000 pages of Hillary Clinton emails, but officials made an important announcement yesterday: She didn't turn over at least 15 work-related emails as requested, the New York Times reports. How the discovery was made: The House committee looking into the Benghazi...

Pentagon: Iraq Strike Killed Benghazi Suspect

Al-Harzi was key ISIS connection, military says

(Newser) - An ISIS operative suspected of involvement in the 2012 attack on the US diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya, has been killed in a US airstrike in Iraq, the Pentagon says. Ali Awni al-Harzi operated closely with ISIS-associated extremists "throughout North Africa and the Middle East," a Defense Department...

First Clinton Emails on Benghazi Are Out

So far: She got sensitive, but not classified, info on her personal server

(Newser) - If you were hoping to spend the long weekend reading Hillary Clinton emails about Benghazi, you're in luck: The State Department has released the first batch of about 300 from her personal email account , missives that have been turned over to a House panel investigating the 2012 attack. Reporters...

Former Top Spook Spills His National Security Fears

Starting with an al-Qaeda attack on home soil

(Newser) - Michael Morell may have left his post as acting director of the CIA, but he's still haunted by fears of another attack like 9/11, which he guesses would involve al-Qaeda bringing down an airliner on American soil, potentially killing hundreds of people. "If that happened tomorrow, I would...

Hillary Agrees to Testify on Benghazi, Emails

But not for two days, thank you very much

(Newser) - Hillary Rodham Clinton is willing to testify once on Capitol Hill later this month about the attacks in Benghazi, Libya , and her email practices during her tenure as secretary of state, her attorney told lawmakers in a letter today. Lawyer David Kendall says the Democratic presidential candidate will appear for...

In Clinton's Benghazi Emails, No Cover-Up, but Worry

Clinton appears to have written to staffers at private email addresses

(Newser) - The New York Times is offering a look into Hillary Clinton's emails as secretary of state—though that glimpse comes via anonymous officials rather than the 300 or so Benghazi-related emails she turned over to the House last month. Despite allegations by some Republicans, there's no indication in...

House Benghazi Panel to Subpoena Clinton's Emails

Committee wants all those from her personal accounts related to the attack

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's email trouble keeps getting worse. A House committee investigating the US response to the 2012 Benghazi attack plans to subpoena Clinton's personal emails from her days as secretary of state, reports the Washington Post . The move follows revelations that Clinton bypassed government email and used personal...

House Panel Rejects Benghazi Conspiracies

Two-year inquiry finds no wrongdoing by CIA, military, White House

(Newser) - The House Intelligence Committee spent two years investigating conspiracy theories about the 2012 Benghazi attack and has concluded they're mostly just hot air. Here's the takeaway paragraph from the AP :
  • The investigation "determined that there was no intelligence failure, no delay in sending a CIA rescue team,

Book: US Commandos Ordered to 'Stand Down' During Benghazi Attack

Authors say CIA station chief refused to let them begin rescue attempt

(Newser) - A new book written by US commandos guarding the American consulate in Benghazi in 2012 says they could have saved American Ambassador Chris Stevens, but the CIA station chief there refused to let them respond when the attack began. The book, 13 Hours, was obtained by the New York Times...

US Evacuates Libya Embassy
 US Evacuates Libya Embassy 

US Evacuates Libya Embassy

US personnel leave Tripoli for Tunisia

(Newser) - The United States shut down its embassy in Libya today and evacuated its diplomats to neighboring Tunisia under military escort amid a significant deterioration in security in Tripoli, the State Department said. Officials blamed intensified fighting between rival militias. The withdrawal underscored the Obama administration's concern about the heightened...

Benghazi Suspect Found Dead in Libya

Faraj al-Shibli's body discovered in eastern town

(Newser) - With Ahmed Abu Khattala facing justice in the US, another suspect in the Benghazi attack has been found dead in eastern Libya, CNN reports. What happened to Faraj al-Shibli is uncertain. A local militia in the town of Marj detained him this weekend, a source tells CNN; his body was...

Khattala's Fervor, Not Video, Behind Benghazi: Prosecutors

Documents say he was armed when captured

(Newser) - In newly released court documents, prosecutors laying out the case against alleged Benghazi mastermind Ahmed Abu Khattala allege that he was "motivated by his extremist ideology"—and make no mention, New York observes, of that infamous anti-Muslim YouTube video US officials initially blamed for the attack. Prosecutors say...

Suspected Benghazi Ringleader Arrives in DC
Suspected Benghazi Ringleader Pleads Not Guilty

Suspected Benghazi Ringleader Pleads Not Guilty

Ahmed Abu Khattala held in Washington, DC

(Newser) - The Libyan militant accused of helping coordinate the 2012 Benghazi attacks has pleaded not guilty to conspiracy. Ahmed Abu Khattala , who was flown to Washington, DC, was being held at the US District Courthouse there, the New York Times reports. In court, he wore a two-piece black track suit and...

Inside the Life, Capture of Alleged Benghazi Ringleader

Ahmed Abu Khattalah was captured without a shot being fired

(Newser) - What now for Ahmed Abu Khattalah, the alleged mastermind of the 2012 attack on the US consulate in Benghazi who has been captured in a US raid? The administration says he will be tried in a federal criminal court, despite calls from Republican lawmakers for the Libyan to be held...

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