anti-abortion laws

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Texas Democrat Files Another Abortion Bill

This one would require women to take adoption courses

(Newser) - Yet another controversial abortion bill has been filed in Texas, this one by a Democrat in the state Senate. Eddie Lucio's Senate Bill 42 would require women to take a free, three-hour "adoption education course" before being cleared to get an abortion, the San Antonio Express-News reports. The...

Judge Blocks N. Dakota Abortion Ban

Says ban on abortions after a heartbeat is detected is 'invalid and unconstitutional'

(Newser) - A federal judge has temporarily blocked the new North Dakota law that bans abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected , calling it "clearly invalid and unconstitutional," the AP reports. The law was set to go into effect at the beginning of August but the judge granted the temporary...

Perry Signs It: Texas Abortion Bill Now Law

New requirements will take effect in October

(Newser) - Texas Gov. Rick Perry made Texas' sweeping new abortion regulations law today, signing a bill that spawned weeks of protests, a legislative three-ring circus , and Wendy Davis' last-ditch filibuster . The law, which takes effect in October, bans abortions after the 20-week mark and requires abortion doctors to have hospital-admitting privileges;...

Amid 'Circus' Scene, Texas Senate OKs Abortion Bill

It heads to Perry, who will sign it; Dems vow courts will overturn

(Newser) - Texas' Senate passed its contentious abortion bill last night in no uncertain terms, reports the Houston Chronicle , voting 19-11 to send the legislation to Gov. Rick Perry for final approval. Perry has left no doubt that he'll sign "our historic effort to protect life," and yesterday praised...

Contentious Abortion Bill Clears Texas House

GOP dissenter blasts it as 'de facto ban on abortion;' expected to pass Senate

(Newser) - Despite the best efforts of Wendy Davis , the Texas abortion bill is back. The Texas House has finally (this was the third attempt this year) approved new abortion restrictions, including a ban on abortions after 20 weeks, restricting the procedure to surgical centers, and requiring doctors performing abortions to have...

Judge Suspends Wisconsin's New Abortion Law

It set hospital-admitting rules for doctors performing procedure

(Newser) - On Friday, Gov. Scott Walker signed into law a bill requiring doctors performing abortions to have admitting privileges at hospitals within a half-hour of their practices. Now a federal judge has temporarily halted the measure, citing "a troubling lack of justification for the hospital admitting-privileges requirement." The US...

In Surprise, NC Lawmakers OK Abortion Restrictions

Senators amend unrelated bill, then pass it this morning

(Newser) - Democrats in Texas may have used creative parliamentary tactics to stall new abortion restrictions, but Republicans in North Carolina used a few of their own last night for the opposite cause. They amended an unrelated bill in the state Senate to include several new restrictions, including one that requires clinics...

It's July 1: Hundreds of New Laws Go Live

On everything from drones to tanning to Election Day drinking, and more

(Newser) - The Jersey Shore is about to get a little paler. As of today, minors in the state won't be allowed to use tanning beds—and anyone under age 14 won't even be able to get a spray tan there. It's July 1, the day hundreds of of...

Texas Lawmakers Return for Abortion Battle, Take 2

Second special session begins today

(Newser) - Less than a week after Wendy Davis filibustered the Texas bill that would shutter most of the state's abortion clinics, state lawmakers have returned to the Capitol to take up the bill again. The first time around, the bill failed on the last day of a special legislative session;...

Texas Lawmaker Likens Rape Kits to Abortions

State Rep. Jodie Laubenberg seemingly confused about their purpose

(Newser) - The lawmaker who sponsored the bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks in Texas is a little bit confused about rape kits, which are used to collect evidence after a sexual assault. State Rep. Jodie Laubenberg was explaining why an amendment that would have exempted cases of rape and incest...

El Salvador Woman Denied Abortion Has C-Section

Baby dies as docs move to save mom

(Newser) - After being denied an abortion despite serious health concerns, a Salvadoran woman known only as Beatriz has undergone a cesarean section to save her life, the AP reports. The baby girl was born without a brain 27 weeks into the pregnancy and died five hours later, the Guardian reports. El...

El Salvador Denies Woman a Life-Saving Abortion

Doubles down on laws as others in region relax them

(Newser) - El Salvador's highest court has denied a young mother's request for an abortion that could save her life, in a ruling her lawyers are blasting as "misogynistic" that underscores the country's fierce commitment to its anti-abortion laws. The 22-year-old woman, Beatriz, has complications from lupus that...

N. Dakota Bans Abortions If There's a Heartbeat

Gov. Jack Dalrymple signs bill

(Newser) - North Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple has signed legislation that would ban most abortions if a fetal heartbeat can be detected, something that can happen as early as six weeks into a pregnancy. The Republican governor also signed into law another measure that would makes North Dakota the first to ban...

GOP Donors Rally Behind Mourdock in Indiana

But new poll shows Democratic challenger with lead

(Newser) - After Todd Akin made his controversial "legitimate rape" comments in August, he quickly became a pariah in the Republican party. Indiana's Richard Mourdock, on the other hand, is seeing a rush of GOP support, despite his own controversial rape and pregnancy comments , reports Politico . The final days will...

Censured Rep Hits Back With Vagina Monologues

Playwright Eve Ensler coming for Vagina performance tomorrow

(Newser) - Hide your legislators—vaginas are coming to Michigan. After Rep. Lisa Brown was banned from speaking in the House of Representatives for using the word "vagina" in a debate about a new anti-abortion law, Brown and eight other female state legislators will protest by performing The Vagina Monologues on...

Virginia Backpedals as Abortion Debate Blows Up

Bob McDonnell waffles on signing; media piles on

(Newser) - Besieged by protests , national outcry among feminists, and even an SNL sketch , Virginia is quickly rethinking its pre-abortion ultrasound bill, with the House of Delegates yesterday again delaying a vote, reports the Richmond Times-Dispatch . Gov. Bob McDonnell, who had initially promised to sign the measure if it reached his desk,...

Almost Half of Abortions Are 'Unsafe': WHO

Globally, 49% are performed without clinical help

(Newser) - The number of women having unsafe abortions outside clinical settings is on the rise, according to a new report from the World Health Organization, published in the Lancet . While the overall global abortion rate has held steady at about 28 per 1,000 women, the percentage performed without trained medical...

Georgia Democrat Seeks 'Personhood' Amendment

Pro-life lawmakers sponsoring measure that failed in Miss.

(Newser) - A pair of Georgia lawmakers are planning to introduce legislation similar to the "personhood" amendment defeated in Mississippi last week . The bill—which would declare a fertilized egg to be a person, effectively outlawing all abortions—will be introduced in the state Senate by a Republican, but its sponsor...

'Protect Life Act' Passes House
 House Passes Anti-Abortion Bill 

House Passes Anti-Abortion Bill

House victory probably end of the road for Protect Life Act

(Newser) - The House of Representatives has passed a bill that would ban women from using the health reform law’s subsidies to buy health care plans that cover abortions. The "Protect Life Act"—which passed 251-172 after a heated debate—would also allow hospitals to turn away women who...

Woman Sues to Block Idaho's 'Fetal Pain' Law

She's believed to be first in country to challenge such laws

(Newser) - Abortion bans based on “fetal pain” are highly controversial , but until now, no one is believed to have filed a lawsuit challenging their constitutionality. Jennie Linn McCormack of Idaho became the first when she filed suit against her state’s new law, which bans abortions after the 20-week mark...

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