Rick Santorum 2012

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In Iowa, Expect the Unexpected
 In Iowa, Expect the Unexpected 
Nate Silver

In Iowa, Expect the Unexpected

...And a lot of spin afterward

(Newser) - History suggests that it doesn’t matter who actually wins tonight in Iowa—it matters who exceeds expectations, or fails to meet them. The media is always flabbergasted by strange Iowa finishes, but they shouldn’t be, writes Nate Silver of the New York Times , because thanks to unreliable polls...

Newt Gingrich: I Can Still Win Iowa
 Newt: I Can Still Win It 

Newt: I Can Still Win It

Gingrich flip-flops on winning as Iowa rivals make final push

(Newser) - It's crunch time in the cornfields, and while polls show Newt Gingrich in fourth place, the candidate yesterday said he may still "pull off one of the greatest upsets in the history of the Iowa caucuses." The upbeat tone, however, only came after a supporter asked him...

Santorum: Fox, O'Reilly Dissed Me

Former senator complains that right-wing media dismissed his candidacy

(Newser) - Seems Dan Savage isn't the only member of the media with whom Rick Santorum has a bone to pick: Even the right-wing media stalwarts over at Fox News have dissed the former Pennsylvania senator's candidacy, he complains today in a radio interview picked up by Mark Halperin of...

Iowa Caucuses Nearly Three-Way Tie: Paul, Romney, Santorum Top Latest Poll
 Latest Poll: 
 Iowa Nearly a
 3-Way Tie 
and more from iowa

Latest Poll: Iowa Nearly a 3-Way Tie

Candidates make last-minute preparations

(Newser) - A day ahead of Iowa voting, three candidates are within two points of each other in the latest poll: Ron Paul is leading the field at 20%, while Mitt Romney follows at 19% and Rick Santorum boasts 18%, having jumped eight points since earlier this week, notes Public Policy Polling...

Romney Compares Obama to ... Kim K.

Harsh, Mitt. Way harsh

(Newser) - Mitt Romney flung a pretty low insult at President Obama yesterday, comparing him to Kim Kardashian. "I’ve been looking at some video clips on YouTube of President Obama, then candidate Obama, going through Iowa making promises," he said at a campaign stop in Iowa. "I think...

Santorum: I'm Ready to Bomb Iran

Republican presidential candidate wants inspectors in Tehran

(Newser) - Surging in the Iowa polls , Rick Santorum said today he would bomb Iran's nuclear plants if international inspectors aren't allowed inside, the Wall Street Journal reports. "You can't go out and say, 'This is what I'm for,' and then do nothing,"...

Bachmann Predicts Iowa &#39;Miracle&#39;
 Iowa 'Miracle' 

Bachmann Predicts Iowa 'Miracle'

GOP candidates are busy, busy, busy today

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann, lately languishing in last place in Iowa polling, is waiting on a "miracle" in Tuesday's caucuses, reports Politico . Appearing on This Week today, the Minnesota rep said "polls sometimes belie the truth on the ground. This is about what we're seeing in reality, and...

Romney, Paul, Santorum 1-2-3 in Another Iowa Poll

And Santorum is surging

(Newser) - Yet another poll puts Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, and Rick Santorum 1-2-3 in Iowa two days before the state's caucuses. The poll, conducted by the Des Moines Register over four days last week, puts Romney at 24%, Paul at 22%, and Santorum at 15%. However, the pollster says, "...

4 More Join Perry's Va. Ballot Lawsuit

Bachmann, Gingrich, Huntsman, Santorum also missing from ballot

(Newser) - Experts don't believe Rick Perry's lawsuit to get on the Virginia Republican primary ballot will succeed, but that didn't stop four other candidates from jumping on the bandwagon. Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, and Rick Santorum joined the suit, which claims Virginia's ballot laws...

New Iowa Poll: Romney, Paul, Santorum Are 1-2-3

While Gingrich continues to fall

(Newser) - With zero hour approaching in Iowa, the polls seem to be settling into a kind of clarity: Mitt Romney (23%) and Ron Paul (21%) are essentially tied at the top in a new NBC survey, with a surging Rick Santorum in third (15%). Former frontrunner Newt Gingrich, meanwhile, continues to...

Santorum Sees Big Rise in Latest Iowa Poll

Romney, Paul still in front, as Gingrich fades

(Newser) - Looks like Rick Santorum will be around for a while. He has promised to drop from the race if he finishes last in Iowa next week, and a new poll shows that almost certainly will not happen. In fact, the CNN/Time survey has Santorum in third place at 16%, up...

Santorum: If I'm Last in Iowa, I'll Drop Out

But he's confident that won't happen

(Newser) - He won't be accused of raising the bar too high, but Rick Santorum is nonetheless making a defiant pledge about the Iowa caucuses: "If I finish dead last behind the pack I'm going to pack up and go home," he tells radio station WHO, reports the...

With Week Til Iowa, Here's What We Know: Not Much

Things remain fluid, muddled

(Newser) - It's D-Day in Iowa in exactly one week, and with just seven days to go, things aren't exactly firming up among Republican voters. Most media reports use words like "fluid," "unsettled," and "muddled" to describe the situation there. Highlights of today's Iowa...

National Review: GOP Will 'Blow It' With Newt

Character flaws make former speaker the wrong choice for GOP

(Newser) - The Republican Party has reached an "uncharacteristic degree of unity" and is capable of taking control of the White House and both houses of Congress next year—but it could blow it all if it nominates Newt Gingrich, warns the National Review . An editorial in the influential conservative magazine...

With Bachmann Out, Trump Debate a Party of 2

Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum are the only candidates on board

(Newser) - Ready for an evening with Donald, Rick, and Newt? Michele Bachmann has become the latest candidate to confirm that she won't be attending the GOP debate Donald Trump is hosting on Dec. 27, leaving Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum as the only candidates who will be there, the Los ...

GOP Field Packed With Friends—and Frenemies

Gingrich 'everyone's buddy'; Romney, Perry not so tight

(Newser) - We’ve seen them battle on camera—but how do the Republican candidates relate to each other behind the scenes? The candidates’ complex network of relationships is the stuff of TV drama, a New York Times piece suggests: They range from buddy-buddy to all-out “frenemies.” Having worked together...

And the Winner Is ...
 The GOP Debate Winner Is ... 

The GOP Debate Winner Is ...

But immigration comments could end up hurting Newt Gingrich

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich got more airtime than usual in last night's national security-focused Republican debate, and most pundits agree that his performance was good enough to win over plenty of undecided voters.
  • "Gingrich showed that he has been thinking about these issues for decades," writes Corbett B. Daly

Candidates Pick Fights on Patriot Act, Immigration

Republicans debate national security

(Newser) - The Republican candidates were back at it tonight, this time in Washington and this time with a focus on national security. (Click to read about Mitt Romney's first-name moment .) Some highlights:
  • Newt Gingrich: Strongly backed the Patriot Act. "All of us will be in danger for the

How to Win Iowa: Stay Away

Best poll numbers go to candidates who meet voters least often

(Newser) - The candidates leading the pack in Iowa and New Hampshire have an unusual strategy: they’re hardly visiting either state. Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain are topping early state polls, yet they’ve been more focused on their book tours than dropping in. Mitt Romney has spent a miniscule amount...

Republicans Fight Tears at Thanksgiving Forum

Gingrich, Santorum, Cain open up about religious struggles

(Newser) - The tears flowed today as Republican presidential candidates discussed their religious faith before an audience of social conservatives in Iowa, the AP reports. The free-flowing Thanksgiving Family Forum, sponsored by an Iowa Christian group, gave candidates a chance to open up—Newt Gingrich about his inner demons, Rick Santorum about...

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