
Stories 141 - 153 | << Prev 

Detained Journalists Spotted in Tripoli

18 reporters remain missing in Libya fighting

(Newser) - There are now five Western journalists missing amid fighting in Libya—though Western sources recently spotted three of them, including American freelancer Clare Morgana Gillis , in a Tripoli government detention camp, the Washington Post reports. “We’re hoping they’re released soon, but there hasn’t been an update...

4 More Journalists Captured in Libya

Sources say they will be released in Tripoli

(Newser) - Four more journalists have been taken into custody in Libya, including a GlobalPost contributor and an Atlantic freelancer. Forces loyal to Moammar Gadhafi took James Foley, Clare Morgana Gillis, and photographers Manu Brabo of Spain and Anton Hammerl of South Africa prisoner Tuesday afternoon on the outskirts of Brega, according...

Syria Protests: Two Journalists Missing; Two US Citizens Detained; Security Forces Fire on Protesters
 Syria Frees Reuters Journalists 

Syria Frees Reuters Journalists

Plus: US citizens detained; security forces fire on protesters

(Newser) - Two journalist who went missing in Syria Saturday night have been released by Syrian authorities. The Beirut-based producer and cameraman work for Reuters television and traveled to Syria Thursday to cover the ongoing protests. An official says they were detained because they were filming "in an area where filming...

Libya Frees 3 More Journalists
 Libya Frees 3 More Journalists 

Libya Frees 3 More Journalists

Reporter and photographers were detained Saturday

(Newser) - The Libyan government today released three journalists captured last week near a key eastern city that has been a daily battleground between Moammar Gadhafi's forces and Libyan rebels, according to the AFP. Reporter Dave Clark and photographer Roberto Schmidt, both of whom work for AFP, and Joe Raedle, a Getty...

Freed NYT Reporters Recount Ordeal

One remembers being told, 'You're going to die tonight'

(Newser) - Tyler Hicks and his New York Times colleagues were trying to leave Ajdabiya when their driver stumbled into a checkpoint manned by Gadhafi’s forces—and Hicks immediately knew something was wrong. “I was yelling to the driver, ‘Keep driving! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!’”...

Libya Releases Captured NYT Journalists

They are at Turkish embassy and heading home soon

(Newser) - The four detained New York Times journalists have been released by the Libyan government, the Times reports. They were captured by Moammar Gadhafi's forces six days ago and were released today into the custody of Turkish diplomats. Beirut bureau chief Anthony Shadid, reporter and videographer Stephen Farrell (who was captured...

China to Journos: Cover Protests, Lose Your Visa

Activists, lawyers disappear amid 'Jasmine Revolution' demonstrations

(Newser) - As Beijing moves to prevent Middle East-style protests from taking hold in China, officials are issuing a warning to foreign reporters: If you cover the protests, you may lose your visa. Police demanded interviews with dozens of journalists this week after they tried to report on Sunday's “Jasmine Revolution”...

Libya to Treat Visa-Less Journos as al-Qaeda

Military attacks mosque, airport; Gadhafi aide defects

(Newser) - Journalists who have entered Libya to cover the unrest will be treated as al-Qaeda collaborators if they don’t have visas, Libyan authorities have told US diplomats, according to the State Department. Libyan officials say they won’t ensure the journalists’ safety if they’ve entered the country illegally; instead,...

Why Lara Logan Went Back to Egypt

CBS correspondent returned after arrest by military; 'it is in my blood'

(Newser) - CBS correspondent Lara Logan, who was beaten and sexually assaulted by a mob in Cairo last Friday, is recovering and could leave the hospital to be reunited with her two young children as soon as today, sources tell the Daily Beast. Logan, who had been arrested and interrogated by the...

Cooper Enrages Journalists With Actual Journalism
Cooper Enrages Journalists With Actual Journalism

Cooper Enrages Journalists With Actual Journalism

Calling a lie a 'lie' isn't the same as 'taking sides': Glenn Greenwald

(Newser) - Anderson Cooper has been using the word “lie” a lot in recent days while describing statements made by Mubarak and his regime. Despite the fact that the statements he’s describing are “factually false,” his liberal use of the word “lie” has gotten Cooper mocked and...

Egyptian Journalist Dies
 Egyptian Journalist Dies 

Egyptian Journalist Dies

Cairo denies systematic targeting of journalists amid unrest

(Newser) - An Egyptian reporter who was shot during clashes a week ago died of his wounds yesterday, his employer said, in the first reported death of a journalist in the chaos surrounding Egypt's protests. Ahmed Mohammed Mahmoud, 36, was taking photographs of fighting between protesters and security forces from the balcony...

Egypt Cop to ABC Producer: I'll Cut Off Your Head

Chilling threat part of mounting attacks on journalists

(Newser) - Police threatened an ABC News journalist covering the crisis in Egypt with decapitation in one of a mounting series of attacks on reporters. Two vehicles carrying producer Brian Hartman and three other ABC employees were carjacked to an isolated neighborhood yesterday where an angry mob surrounded them and a police...

Biden Tells Egypt VP to Release Journalists

'Tense calm' in Cairo, and tomorrow could be crucial

(Newser) - A 'tense calm" has fallen on Cairo's Tahrir Square after another day of clashes that saw pro-Mubarak supporters attack journalists and rights activists, reports Al Jazeera . Tomorrow could be pivotal, notes the Los Angeles Times : It's the deadline protesters have given Hosni Mubarak to leave as well as the main...

Stories 141 - 153 | << Prev