Indian Ocean

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Tsunami-Hit Nations Mark 10th Anniversary

Ceremonies pay tribute to more than 225K dead

(Newser) - A decade after one of history's worst natural disasters killed more than 225,000 people in 14 countries, memorial ceremonies for Indian Ocean tsunami victims are being held across the region.
  • In Indonesia, the worst-hit country with more than 170,000 deaths—126,000 of them in Aceh province

MH370 Likely Spiraled to Its Doom: Report

'End-of-flight scenario' places plane near current search area

(Newser) - A new "end-of-flight scenario" paints a picture of how Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 went down. Relying on satellite communications and an unanswered ground-to-air phone call placed 17 minutes after the last recorded radar data, the Australian Transport Safety Bureau arrived at the following scenario: The Boeing 777 ran out...

Hunt for Flight 370 Resumes
 Hunt for Flight 370 Resumes 

Hunt for Flight 370 Resumes

'If we've got the right haystack, we'll find the needle'

(Newser) - After a long pause to survey a huge area of Indian Ocean seafloor, investigators have resumed the active search for answers in one of aviation's greatest mysteries. The GO Phoenix search vessel has begun pulling a sonar device along the seafloor in an attempt to finally find Malaysia Airlines...

6 Months Later, Still No Answers for Flight 370 Kin

Families, friends continue to grieve for loved ones, seek closure

(Newser) - More than 30 relatives of passengers who were on board missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 gathered at a temple in Beijing today to mark the six-month anniversary of the plane's disappearance, the AP reports. Some family members and friends wore T-shirts that said "Pray for MH370 to return...

Malaysia, Flight 370 Relatives Talk Money

Families told to submit plan for financial assistance

(Newser) - A Malaysian official met today with relatives of passengers who were aboard the missing jetliner and discussed ways of providing them with financial assistance, as an unmanned submarine continued to search for any signs of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Hamzah Zainuddin met with the passengers' relatives...

Ships Race Toward 'Pings' ... as Batteries Fade

(Newser) - Searchers hunting for the missing Malaysia Airlines jet raced toward a patch of the southern Indian Ocean today to determine whether a few brief sounds picked up by underwater equipment came from the plane's black boxes, whose battery-powered pingers are on the verge of dying out. Ships scouring a...

Hobbit Director's Plane Joins Jet Search

'We may never know cause,' Malaysia warns

(Newser) - More resources are being thrown into the hunt for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, though the search chief warns that the plane may never be found . Britain has sent its HMS Tireless submarine to help search the Indian Ocean for the missing Boeing 777 and its black boxes, reports the BBC...

Jet Search Area Moved 700 Miles, Objects Spotted

MH370 may have run out of fuel sooner than thought

(Newser) - A new breakthrough in the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 : Planes are now concentrating on a new, smaller area of the Indian Ocean based on what authorities say is a "credible lead" that the plane traveled a shorter distance than earlier believed, CNN reports. The search area has...

British Airways Sorry for 'Discover Indian Ocean' Ad

Ad was planned months ago, airline says

(Newser) - Oops: British Airways has apologized for an ad in which Londoners were urged to "Escape the commute and discover the Indian Ocean." The ad, shown on a video screen at a busy train station, appeared against an ocean-blue background. The airline says the ad was created long before...

Another Jet Lead: 300 More Objects Detected

Pilot's son dismisses suicide speculation

(Newser) - Another big lead, but yet more frustration in the hunt for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: Officials say a Thai satellite has detected "300 objects of various sizes" floating near the search area in the Indian Ocean, reports the AP . Another set of satellite images released yesterday showed 122 "...

Fresh Lead in Jet Search? 122 'Potential Objects'

They were spotted via satellite Sunday, but could just be sea junk

(Newser) - The search for debris from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is facing a major obstacle in addition to bad weather: a sea full of garbage. The objects spotted in satellite images could be jet debris, but they could just as easily be some of the large quantities of the trash (think...

Malaysia: France Satellite Images Could Be Debris

On heels of Australia's sighting of a pallet

(Newser) - France today provided Malaysia with satellite images of the latest round of "potential objects" that could be from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, this time "in the vicinity of the southern corridor"—thought to be close to areas of the Indian Ocean where Australia and China provided satellite...

'Most Inaccessible Spot' Searched Again for Plane

But the day closes with no new news

(Newser) - The search for what investigators say is the "best lead" so far in the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 resumed in earnest at daybreak today as boats and planes searched a patch of the southern Indian Ocean for possible plane debris . So far, there has been no trace...

Australia: Possible Plane Debris Found
 Australia: Possible 
 Plane Debris Found 

Australia: Possible Plane Debris Found

Planes, ships sent to check on floating objects

(Newser) - After 13 days, has Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 finally been found? Australian authorities sent four military search planes to check on two possible pieces of plane debris spotted via satellite in the Indian Ocean around 1,500 miles southwest of Perth, the larger of which is around 80 feet across,...

Experts: No Way Did China's Radar Miss Malaysia Jet

Radar along northern arc too robust, analysts say

(Newser) - Momentum seems to be building behind one definitive conclusion: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 did not follow the northern arc, or so say a growing chorus of sources. China is among the Asian countries searching that huge arc for the plane, and experts say they'd be amazed if it had...

In Indian Ocean's Oldest Shipwreck, a Clue to Rome?

Archaeologists hope to learn more about a Rome-to-Asia trade route

(Newser) - A 2,000-year-old shipwreck will soon slumber silently no more: This month, archaeologists are set to scuba-dive 110 feet down into the Indian Ocean to explore what is that ocean's oldest known shipwreck. It sits off Sri Lanka's southeast coast, and its story has only begun to be...

Man on Honeymoon Killed by Shark

Surfer attacked on Reunion island

(Newser) - A French man was killed by a shark while on his honeymoon on Reunion island, AFP reports. The 36-year-old was surfing at the popular Brisants de Saint-Gilles beach at the French Indian Ocean island when the shark attacked him twice, biting his arm and thigh. A swimmer who saw blood...

'Lost Continent' Detected Under Indian Ocean

'Mauritia' believed to have sunk millions of years ago

(Newser) - The remains of an ancient continent ripped apart by plate tectonics tens of millions of years ago may lie under the Indian Ocean, researchers say. Scientists who analyzed beach sand on the island of Mauritius found tiny crystals of zirconium silicate that were hundreds of millions of years older than...

French Boat Towing Stranded Costa Cruise Ship

Costa Allegra due to arrive at Seychelles island

(Newser) - A French fishing boat is towing the Costa Allegra to the Seychelles after the Concordia's sister ship lost power yesterday , officials say. The more than 1,000 people aboard the ship will be evacuated to Descroches island, and then sent to the Seychelles' main island, Mahe. A pair of...

Somali Pirates Free Danish Family

Three children were among those held hostage

(Newser) - The Danish family held hostage by Somali pirates since February has been released and is safe. Jan Quist Johansen, his wife, their three children between the ages of 12 and 16, and two adult crew members are in “relatively good condition,” according to Denmark’s foreign ministry and...

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