breast cancer

Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>

New Key to Breast Cancer Discovered
New Key to Breast Cancer Discovered

New Key to Breast Cancer Discovered

Understanding BRCA1 mutation may lead to new treatments

(Newser) - Scientists believe they've made a breakthrough discovery in why a certain genetic mutation can cause a particularly deadly form of breast cancer. Mutations in the BRCA1 gene are apparently linked to the loss of an important protein, PTEN, that checks cell growth, according to a new study in the journal...

FDA Panel Rejects Breast Cancer Drug

Uncertainties on risk sink bid to expand uses for Avastin

(Newser) - An FDA panel rejected a drug to treat advanced breast cancer by 5-to-4 vote, the Wall Street Journal reports. The drug Avastin is already used to treat colon and lung cancer, but the panel said it did not have sufficient data to weigh the risks and benefits of using the...

Breast Cancer Deadlier for Black Women

Doctors' formula has underestimated risk, study finds

(Newser) - In calculating a woman's risk of breast cancer, doctors have been using a formula that underestimates the risk the disease poses to black women, reports the Washington Post. A growing body of evidence shows that while black women are less likely to get breast cancer than their white counterparts, when...

DIY Gene Test: Get Results in the Mail

New home exam lets users swab cheeks, send away for info

(Newser) - A new British company has developed a home DNA test that determines whether customers are genetically predisposed to ailments such as breast cancer, heart disease, obesity, and osteoporosis. Users scrape a cheek with a swab, sign a special waiver if they want to know results even for incurable diseases, such...

Ward Off Cancer by Staying Thin, Study Says

Landmark report frowns on excess body weight, processed meat

(Newser) - Excess body weight and consumption of red meat can increase the risk of cancer, even for people within a healthy weight range, researchers reported today in a 40-year international study. Being within the healthy Body Mass Index range of 18.5-24.9 isn’t enough, the Guardian reports, because cancer...

First Lady Pushes Saudis on Breast Cancer Awareness

Stigma prevents many women from seeking treatment for the disease

(Newser) - Laura Bush today swept into a country where breast cancer is such a taboo that it is often not prevented, treated, or publicly admitted—a high-profile woman trumpeting a pink-ribbon message where 70% of cases aren't reported until late stages. Though excellent care exists, many ignore "that disease" for...

Double Mastectomies on the Rise
Double Mastectomies on the Rise

Double Mastectomies on the Rise

Lack of evidence that it increases survival for most women

(Newser) - More women are choosing to have double mastectomies despite a lack of evidence that such a procedure increases survival for most women, according to a study in the Journal of Oncology. The number of women choosing the procedure after an initial tumor was found in one breast increased 150% over...

Breast Cancer Chemo Threatens Heart Health

New drugs, diet, and exercise could help

(Newser) - Certain chemotherapy drugs that can save a woman from breast cancer can also raise her risk of heart disease, according to a new study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. The spike in heart disease comes primarily from chemotherapy medicines known as anthracyclines. "We always felt...

Jury Adds Punitive $99M in Hormone Cancer Suit

Menopause pills cost Wyeth total of $134M

(Newser) - A Nevada jury has tacked on an additional $99 million in punitive damages against the Wyeth pharmaceutical company after ruling in favor of three women who argued that the drug maker's hormone replacement therapy caused their breast cancer. That amount, added to compensatory damages determined last week, makes the total...

Taxol Found Ineffective in Many Breast Cancers

Some women could be spared side effects

(Newser) - A widely prescribed chemotherapy drug isn't effective against the kind of breast cancer it's most commonly used to treat, new research has found. While Taxol worked well for women with overactive HER-2 genes, it didn't significantly help women with the most common form of the disease in which tumors are...

Mastectomy Is No Disability, Court Rules

South Korean military ordered to reinstate female helicopter pilot

(Newser) - A South Korean court has ordered the military to reinstate a female helicopter pilot who was bounced from her job after she had a double  mastectomy to treat breast cancer. Regulations require personnel to be discharged if they're missing body parts. The case has been a flashpoint for feminists and...

'Smart Bra' Developing as Cancer Detector

Scientists' plan: Put undergarments to work for at-risk women

(Newser) - Lingerie is about to become a lifesaver. UK researchers are developing a bra that would detect breast cancer, and hope to stitch the same technology into briefs that spot prostate cancer, reports the Discovery Channel. Serving as an early-warning system, the underwear would monitor temperature changes between areas of internal...

Lifestyle Changes Could Cut Breast Cancer by10%

Less obesity, HRT and alcohol, more exercise

(Newser) - A tenth of all breast cancer cases could be prevented by 2024, a UK cancer research foundation projects, if women made simple lifestyle changes beginning now: reducing the duration of hormone replacement therapy, avoiding obesity, drinking less, getting more exercise, and breastfeeding longer.

DDT Linked to Breast Cancer
DDT Linked to Breast Cancer

DDT Linked to Breast Cancer

Critical childhood exposure bodes ill for baby boomers

(Newser) - Women heavily exposed to DDT during childhood are five times more likely to develop breast cancer, according to a new study. Those born between the years 1945 and 1965— when the pesticide was used routinely in the US to kill mosquitoes—likely suffered the greatest exposure, reports the Los Angeles ...

Alcohol Spikes Breast Cancer Danger
Alcohol Spikes Breast Cancer Danger

Alcohol Spikes Breast Cancer Danger

More than 3 drinks a day boosts risk 30%, researchers discover

(Newser) - Alcohol in any form significantly increases a woman's risk of breast cancer, according to a major new study. Three or more drinks a day, whether wine, beer or spirits, is tantamount to smoking a pack of cigarettes, US researchers told a European scientific conference. One to two drinks a day...

Breast Cancer Death Rates Continue to Drop

Cases dipped most dramatically for women over 50

(Newser) - Breast cancer mortality rates have continued to drop 2% a year, according to the latest statistics from the American Cancer Society.  Diagnoses also fell 3.7% annually, both because fewer women were on hormone therapy which could have triggered more cases and because 2% fewer women were getting mammograms,...

Elizabeth Edwards Finds Unlikely Ally in Ann Romney

Both battle illness on campaign trail

(Newser) - Elizabeth Edwards' decision to encourage her husband's presidential campaign despite her diagnosis of incurable breast cancer has drawn considerable controversy. Lambasted by some as a "terrible mother" for leaving her young children at home to join the campaign trail, Edwards soldiers on and has found key support from an...

Tangerine Peel May Help Fight Cancer

Compound in fruit's skin attacks, destroys abnormal cells

(Newser) - UK researchers may have found a natural way to combat certain cancers. In tests, a chemical compound in tangerine peel attacked and destroyed cancer cells. The findings could lead to treatments for cancers of the breast, lung, prostate, and ovaries, Reuters says. “It is very exciting to find a...

Tumors More Resistant to Drugs in Black Women

Study explains why breast cancer is more fatal in black women

(Newser) - Doctors have long known that breast cancer is more deadly in black women; new research suggests why: They are more likely to suffer from treatment-resistant tumors, a major study at the University of Michigan concludes. Analysis of data from nearly 100,000 women with later-stage breast cancer shows that black...

Writer Grace Paley Dies at 84
Writer Grace Paley Dies at 84

Writer Grace Paley Dies at 84

'Neurotically Anti-Authoritarian' Activist and Author Gave Voice to Women of Native Bronx

(Newser) - Acclaimed writer and activist Grace Paley, who in only three collections of short stories gave earthy voice to the interior life of the Bronx Everywoman, died yesterday at age 84 in her Vermont home, the Los Angeles Times reports. Paley—whose sensibility admirer Philip Roth called "splendidly comic...

Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>