Owen Honors

3 Stories

Navy Videos Show Depths of Homophobia in Military
Navy Videos Show Depths
of Homophobia in Military


Navy Videos Show Depths of Homophobia in Military

Meghan McCain: Gay service members can come out, but who'd want to?

(Newser) - Former Navy Capt. Owen Honors' homophobic videos raise a big question in the wake of the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, writes Meghan McCain in the Daily Beast . Now that gay service members can serve openly, why on earth would they in that kind of environment? "What gay...

Officer Behind Raunchy Videos Relieved of Duty
Officer Behind Raunchy Videos
Relieved of Duty

Officer Behind Raunchy Videos Relieved of Duty

Yep, that's Owen Honors ... wearing a shower cap

(Newser) - The video is everywhere and a second and third are out, and now Owen Honors is out, too. The captain of the USS Enterprise has been permanently relieved of his command over the raunchy, gay-bashing videos that he produced and aired for his crew while on missions supporting the wars...

Navy Probing Skipper's Role in Raunchy Videos

'XO Movie Night' contained gay slurs, sailors in drag, shower scenes

(Newser) - The second-in-command aboard the nuclear-powered USS Enterprise spent an inordinate amount of time producing gay-bashing videos that he broadcast to the entire ship—often while on missions supporting the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq—and the US Navy is taking a look into the matter. As the Virginian-Pilot reports, the...

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