
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

GOP Senator on Latest Trump Threat: &#39;Let&#39;s Hope Not&#39;
GOP Senator
on Latest
Trump Threat:
'Let's Hope Not'
sunday talk shows

GOP Senator on Latest Trump Threat: 'Let's Hope Not'

Ron Johnson pushes back over possible government shutdown

(Newser) - With President Trump tweeting about a possible government shutdown, Republican Sen. Ron Johnson appeared Sunday on CBS's Face the Nation with a little pushback: "I certainly don't like playing shutdown politics," he says, per the Hill . "I don't think it'd be helpful, so...

John Kerry Calls Putin Pow-Wow &#39;Disgraceful&#39; and &#39;Dangerous&#39;
John Kerry
Uses Words Like
'Disgraceful' and
sunday talk shows

John Kerry Uses Words Like 'Disgraceful' and 'Dangerous'

Carter Page and Nicaragua also light up the Sunday dial

(Newser) - John Kerry took a hard line Sunday in describing President Trump's meeting with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki this week, Politico reports. Appearing on CBS' Face the Nation, Kerry called the private, unrecorded sit-down "one of the most disgraceful, remarkable moments of kowtowing to a foreign leader by an...

Bolton Skips Talk Show as Trump Punishes CNN
Bolton Skips Talk Show
as Trump Punishes CNN
sunday talk shows

Bolton Skips Talk Show as Trump Punishes CNN

But he does appear on ABC to talk Putin

(Newser) - John Bolton grabbed headlines Sunday for appearing and not appearing on morning talk shows. The White House nixed his planned appearance on CNN's State of the Union after President Trump apparently felt disrespected by a CNN journalist Friday, Bloomberg reports. "Actually a @CNN reporter disrespected @POTUS & PM...

Giuliani: Mueller Probe Is Totally &#39;Corrupt&#39;
Giuliani: Mueller Probe
Is Totally 'Corrupt'
sunday talk shows

Giuliani: Mueller Probe Is Totally 'Corrupt'

North Korea and Trump's upcoming Supreme Court pick also heat up the Sunday dial

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani continued knocking special counsel Robert Mueller on Sunday, calling his probe "the most corrupt investigation I have ever seen." Short on specific evidence, President Trump's lawyer didn't hold back: "We can't find an incriminating anything, and we need a basis for this...

Ocasio-Cortez: Socialist &#39;Is Part of What I Am&#39;
Dem Nominee:
'I'm Not Trying
to Impose an
sunday talk shows

Surprise Dem Nominee: 'I'm Not Trying to Impose an Ideology'

The Supreme Court, North Korea, and tax reform also sizzle on Sunday talk shows

(Newser) - So just who is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? The Democratic congressional nominee—who stunned incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley in the Democratic primary for New York’s 14th Congressional District—appeared Sunday on NBC's Meet the Press in part, it seems, to answer that question, per Politico . "It’s part of...

Dad Backs Trump, Son Doesn't: They're Running for Same Seat

The two drove to city hall together to file papers in Rhode Island

(Newser) - A father and son in Rhode Island who disagree about President Trump are running for the same office, one as a Republican, the other as an Independent. David Quiroa Sr., 47, and David Quiroa Jr., 22, both filed Tuesday to run for a state House seat currently held by a...

Obama: Look for Solutions, Not Saviors

'Don’t wait to feel a tingle in your spine because you’re expecting politicians to be so inspiring'

(Newser) - Former President Obama, who has been largely absent from the political stage since leaving office, reemerged this week at a Democratic fundraiser in Los Angeles and delivered a pointed message to Democrats: calm down and start looking for solutions, reports the Los Angeles Times and Politico . “All these people...

Trump-Putin Summit Officially Announced
The Trump-Putin
Summit Is Happening

The Trump-Putin Summit Is Happening

The event is expected to take place before or after the NATO summit next month

(Newser) - The long-anticipated Trump-Putin summit is now official. The US president and the Russian president will meet, likely in July, according to the Wall Street Journal . The meeting was announced by US National Security Adviser John Bolton after he met with Vladimir Putin on Wednesday; the timing and location will be...

Barbara Lee: &#39;When You See It in Person It&#39;s Horrific&#39;

Barbara Lee:
'When You See
It in Person
It's Horrific'
sunday talk shows

Barbara Lee: 'When You See It in Person It's Horrific'

The family-separation policy takes center stage on Sunday talk shows

(Newser) - While US officials scrambled to rectify the migrant-separation policy and heated discussions erupted at the White House, immigration talk heated up the Sunday dial. "It was heart-wrenching. The images that we seen on the media really speak volumes to what’s taking place but when you see it in...

Conway Laments Migrant Family Separation &#39;as a Catholic&#39;
Conway Laments
Migrant Family
Separation 'as
a Catholic'
sunday talk shows

Conway Laments Migrant Family Separation 'as a Catholic'

Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, and Adam Schiff also hit the Sunday dial

(Newser) - Kellyanne Conway says "nobody likes" the migrant-family separation policy but insists it's not just a bargaining chip for the Trump administration, the Hill reports. "As a mother, as a Catholic, as somebody who's got a conscience … I will tell you that nobody likes this policy,...

Ireland to Hold Referendum on Potty Mouth

The country is holding a referendum to determine if the blasphemy passage should be deleted from the Constitution

(Newser) - The Irish Constitution has a strict prohibition against potty mouth. “The publication or utterance of blasphemous, seditious, or indecent matter is an offence which shall be punishable in accordance with law,” says Article 40 of the country’s 1937 Constitution. And a 2009 Defamation Act made the act...

Supreme Court Scraps Law on What Voters Can Wear

Minnesota barred political messages, but the justices said the rule wasn't specific enough

(Newser) - The Supreme Court has struck down a century-old Minnesota law banning political apparel at polling places. In a 7-2 ruling, the court said the law was written too broadly to be reasonably enforced without violating First Amendment rights, reports Bloomberg . All states regulate political apparel at polling sites, but only...

Houston Police Chief: &#39;We Need to Start Using the Ballot Box&#39;
Houston Police
Chief: 'We Need
to Start Using
the Ballot Box'
sunday talk shows

Houston Police Chief: 'We Need to Start Using the Ballot Box'

But Ollie North doesn't see it quite the same way

(Newser) - With another 10 lives stolen this week at a Texas school, Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo argued in favor of "gun sense" on Face the Nation. "Let me tell you, people at the state level and the federal level in too many places in our country are not...

Don't Want Trump to Win in 2020? Stop Being So Preachy

'NYT' piece says liberals don't realize how 'self-righteous' they can be

(Newser) - Retaliation against liberals may be what ends up getting President Trump re-elected. That's Gerard Alexander's take for the New York Times , in which he notes liberals are inspirational in their idealism and smart—but "not as smart and persuasive as they think." Alexander warns that liberals,...

Bernie Sanders: White House Reaction Is &#39;Beyond My Comprehension&#39;
Sanders: 'Crude
and Stupid' Is
One Thing.
This Is Just
sunday talk shows

Sanders: 'Crude and Stupid' Is One Thing. This Is Just 'Beyond'

Staffer's joke about John McCain gets airtime on Sunday

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders didn't mince words Sunday when discussing the White House reaction to a staffer who made fun of John McCain's brain cancer , reports CNN . "It is one thing in the White House for somebody to say something crude and stupid and disrespectful about an American hero,...

Conway to CNN Host: You&#39;re Being Sexist

Conway to CNN
Host: 'No, No,
No, No, No'
Sunday talk shows

Conway to CNN Host: 'No, No, No, No, No'

But exchange over gender gets a little confusing

(Newser) - Kellyanne Conway garnered media attention Sunday by accusing CNN's Dana Bash of posing a sexist question—if in a slightly perplexing manner. Politico reports that Bash sparked the exchange on State of the Union by mentioning a now-deleted tweet from George Conway, Kellyanne's husband, which criticized President Trump'...

Nikki Haley Issues Threats on Sunday Talk Shows

(Newser) - Sunday morning talk shows buzzed with Syria talk following US and allied attacks on chemical facilities in the war-torn nation—with Nikki Haley leading the charge for the administration, Politico reports. "If Assad doesn’t get it, it’s going to hurt," said the US ambassador to the...

Sen. Kaine Says Trump Is 'Lying' or 'Delusional'

Virginia senator heats up DACA blame game

(Newser) - Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine fired back at President Trump Sunday over DACA's demise, which Trump blames on Democrats. "He is either lying or he is completely delusional,” Kaine says on CNN’s State of the Union, per Politico . "If President Trump believes in DACA, all he...

Warren 'Not Running for President,' But Hedges on One Thing

And Jeff Flake wants to see a GOP primary contender

(Newser) - Sen. Elizabeth Warren says she's not running for president in 2020, but another six-year term as senator? That she wouldn't confirm, Politico reports. "I am in this fight to retain my Senate seat in 2018," she said on Meet the Press when Chuck Todd asked whether...

Trump Adviser: '160 Countries ... Simply Don't Like Us'

Tariffs and gun control heat up the Sunday talk shows

(Newser) - Tariff talk and gun control took center stage on the Sunday talk shows. On State of the Union, White House trade adviser Peter Navarro refused to allow any exclusions for steel and aluminum tariffs, even for US allies, CNN reports. But "there will be an exemption procedure for particular...

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