
Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>

Queen's Poet Savages Politicians in First Poem

(Newser) - Britain's poet laureates have been criticized for writing about humdrum events on the royal calendar. If her first effort is any indication, the new laureate—the first woman—has no such intentions. Carol Ann Duffy is ticked off about the nation's scandal over lawmakers' expense accounts, and she lets everyone...

Voight Takes Obama-Is-Marxist Rant to O'Reilly

Even Bill O'Reilly doesn't agree with all his theories

(Newser) - Just in case you missed Jon Voight's speech at a Republican fundraiser where he accused a “weak” President Obama of thinking “he’s going to bring all the enemies of the world into a little playground where they’ll swing each other back and forth,” the actor...

Obamas' Marriage Once 'Frosty'

He was too ambitious; she was cold and ungrateful, says new book

(Newser) - It may be hard to believe now, but Barack and Michelle Obama have weathered "frosty" times in their marriage because of politics, according to a new book. During a painful stretch in 2000 "there was little conversation and even less romance," said Renegade author Michael Wolffe, who...

800 Brits Sign Up for Suicide at Swiss Clinic

(Newser) - Some 800 Brits have signed up to commit suicide at a controversial Swiss clinic, reports the Guardian. The terminally ill patients have become members of Dignitas so they can travel to Zurich when the time comes to take a drug overdose. The number of British residents crossing the border for...

Democratic Congressman Plans Run Against Specter

Sestak unswayed by recent party switch

(Newser) - Geez, what's a guy got to do to win some love from his own political party? Even though Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania switched parties to become a Democrat, he's still going to face a big-name challenger in a party primary. Rep. Joe Sestak told Wolf Blitzer on CNN today...

Limbaugh, Powell Escalate War of Words

(Newser) - The verbal war between Rush Limbaugh and Colin Powell has actually ticked up a notch. On his show today, Limbaugh resigned as “the titular head of the Republican Party” and sarcastically appointed Powell in his place, reports Media Matters. He blasted Powell as a representative of the “worn-out...

Time to Go After Obama Directly, Says Steele

(Newser) - Michael Steele told fellow Republicans to go after President Obama himself instead of lesser Democrats, the Washington Post reports. "If we have the courage of our convictions, and we do, then we will and we must stand up against disastrous policies, regardless of the president's popularity," the RNC ...

Edwardses Candid in Oprah Interview

Elizabeth and John talk candidly about their difficult year

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey’s interview with John and Elizabeth Edwards was intensely personal, reports the Huffington Post, particularly on their marital troubles. Referencing revelations in Elizabeth’s memoir, Resilience, Winfrey asked John if the book’s treatment of his affair made him uncomfortable. “I think that’s up to her,...

Michelle's $540 Sneaks Fall Flat
 Michelle's $540 Sneaks Fall Flat 

Michelle's $540 Sneaks Fall Flat

(Newser) - It was bound to happen one day: a misstep by Michelle Obama. She fell for a pair of $540 designer sneakers and trotted them out last week at a food bank, no less. Bad move, says the Guardian. Mrs. I'm-all-about-J. Crew should have ditched the colorful suede Lanvin sneaks and...

Kenyan Women Use Sex Strike to Sway Politics

They want political rivals to stop infighting

(Newser) - Kenyan women are withholding sex in hopes of forcing an end to the squabbling that threatens to break the government's fragile coalition and plunge the nation into chaos, the AP reports. Thousands of members of 11 women's groups are participating in the week-long strike, and they have asked the wives...

Reid Resists Torture Commission
Reid Resists Torture Commission

Reid Resists Torture Commission

Senate leader rejects Pelosi, joins Obama in opposing panel

(Newser) - Harry Reid will back President Obama in resisting calls to immediately create an independent commission to probe the CIA's harsh interrogation program, the New York Times reports. The majority leader, backed by other top Senate Democrats, said it would be "very unwise" to start establishing commissions or tribunals before...

Hannity: Waterboard Me! Lefties: Sure!

He'd undergo grueling 'enhanced interrogation' technique for charity

(Newser) - Right-wing Fox mouth Sean Hannity said he supports "enhanced interrogation" techniques like waterboarding, and has offered to undergo the grueling procedure for charity. "Are you busy on Sunday?" guest Charles Grodin asked yesterday. Hannity responded: "I'll do it for charity. I'll let you do it. I'll do...

Berlusconi Taps Babes as Italy's EU Reps

From strip joints to Italian cabinet to Strasbourg

(Newser) - A bevy of beauties with no previous political experience have been tapped by randy Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi to represent Italy in European Parliament elections, reports the Times of London. But first, they're undergoing a crash course in politics and current affairs. Berlusconi, 72, has surrounded himself with models, stars...

Obama Pandered to Lefties With Memo Release: Cheney

Ex-VP slams Obama terror policies

(Newser) - Dick Cheney said President Obama’s release of Bush administration torture memos was meant “essentially to appease a certain element of the Democratic Party or because of campaign commitments,” Politico reports. Speaking on Fox News, Cheney did a mocking impression of al-Qaeda’s reaction: “Gee whiz, isn't...

Meg: Eww, Rove Is Twitter-Stalking Me!
 Meg: Eww, Rove Is 
 Twitter-Stalking Me! 

Meg: Eww, Rove Is Twitter-Stalking Me!

Creeps like Rove and the county sheriff prove to be the downside of Twitter

(Newser) - Meghan McCain likes being able to share the "humorously uncensored" moments of her life on Twitter but she's not so thrilled about sharing them with the likes of Karl Rove, she writes in her Daily Beast blog. "I am now being followed by Karl Rove, and my...

2004 Foe Will Challenge Specter for Nomination

(Newser) - Riding a wave of dissatisfaction with Arlen Specter's vote on the federal stimulus, conservative Pat Toomey will again campaign to be the GOP's Senate nominee in Pennsylvania, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports. Although Toomey didn't announce until today, the two have been arguing publicly in the last few weeks. Specter, who...

Sick of Compromise, Christian Right Drops Politics

New generation of religious conservatives question old guard's tactics

(Newser) - A new generation of religious conservatives is turning its back on political activism, Kathleen Parker writes in the Washington Post. Today's Moral Majority accuses Christian leaders like James Dobson of bringing the cultural wars from churches to Congress and compromising their beliefs. Now, “Dobson and the Christian right political...

Obama Rolls Out Sunday Best for TV Talkers

Prez turns to political talk shows in risky strategy

(Newser) - In his embrace of YouTube and town hall meetings, President Obama hasn’t forsaken “the old gray mare of Washington journalism:” the Sunday talk shows, Mike Allen writes on Politico. Obama, Timothy Geithner, and Robert Gates will fan out across the airwaves tomorrow to advance their agenda, but...

Steele Defends Style: 'Buckle Up,' He Warns

(Newser) - Michael Steele has taken much flak in his short tenure as GOP chairman, and he offers no apologies. “I’m trying to move an elephant that’s become mired in its own muck,” he tells the New York Times. Steele has long been an impulse kind of guy,...

Here Comes Jindal; 'Oh, God,' Says MSNBC

(Newser) - After Keith Olbermann introduced Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal’s rebuttal to President Obama’s congressional speech last night, MSNBC broadcast snickers and a hushed voice intoning “Oh, God,” Fox News reports. The voice is thought to have been Olbermann’s or that of co-host Chris Matthews. Both have...

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