Hershey kisses

3 Stories

Holiday Baking Disaster: Hershey's Kisses Missing Tips

'Peanut butter blossoms don't deserve this'

(Newser) - Bakers are complaining that something is amiss with Hershey's Kisses. The chocolate candy's trademark tips have been mysteriously missing from batches around the country, the AP reports. Without their points, the chocolate candies are left with flat tops, and bakers have taken to social media to complain that...

Hershey Kisses Roll Out Biggest Change in 25 Years

Hershey's Kisses Deluxe will be bigger, with a hazelnut center

(Newser) - Not since Hershey added almonds to its Kisses a quarter-century ago has the brand undergone a bigger change than this, say officials: Introducing Hershey's Kisses Deluxe—a chocolate twice the size of the original Kisses with a hazelnut center and rice crisps, per USA Today . The new gold-wrapped product...

9 Great Products Launched in Downturns

Recessions don't kill innovation

(Newser) - Who says the worst recession since the 1930s means you can't debut a great product? The Huffington Post lists 9 hugely successful ones launched in tough economic times:
  • iPod: Apple unveiled it less than 2 months after the September 11 attacks, amid the resulting recession.
  • Microsoft Office: Bill Gates launched

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