Mitt Romney 2012

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Romney Backer Is Biggest Occupy Wall Street Donor

His giving is 'a little ADD,' Robert Halper admits

(Newser) - Robert S. Halper is the largest single donor to the Occupy Wall Street movement, having donated $20,000 to the anti-corporate Adbusters magazine, which launched the protests. The weirdest thing about Halper is not that he’s a retired Wall Street trader who used to vice chair the New York...

At Tonight's GOP Debate, All Eyes on Herman Cain

While Rick Perry tries to dig out of his hole, Romney tries to get over the hump

(Newser) - Herman Cain’s sudden meteoric rise from political novelty to poll-topping candidate should put him in the spotlight at tonight’s debate—which might be a very dangerous place to be. The big question for Cain is “are you serious?” Politico ’s Reid Epstein writes, noting that Cain...

Herman Cain Takes Heat Over 9-9-9 Plan
 Cain Takes 
 Heat Over 
 9-9-9 Plan 


Cain Takes Heat Over 9-9-9 Plan

Says he's killing invisible taxes with a visible one

(Newser) - Sudden GOP frontrunner Herman Cain defended his 9-9-9 tax plan on the talk show circuit today, shooting back at critics who say it would jack taxes for the poor, middle class, and elderly. "There are invisible taxes that are built into everything we buy," said Cain, adding...

Obama's 'Bundlers' Shift Into High Gear

President rakes in donations, but Wall Street turns to GOP

(Newser) - President Obama's big-money "bundlers" are on the rise, with at least 41 supporters now having raised more than $500,000 each for the president, reports MSNBC . That's a sizeable jump from the 27 bundlers—well-connected supporters who help candidates raise big money—reported three months ago. It'...

Obama Plan: Turn Wall Street Anger on Romney

But OWS protesters may have different ideas

(Newser) - With Occupy Wall Street building momentum across the US and even the world , the White House has decided to make that anger a central line of attack against Mitt Romney and the Republicans in the 2012 election, reports the Washington Post . “One of the main elements of the contrast...

Limbaugh: Romney's No Conservative

Country not ready to settle on GOP candidate, Rush says

(Newser) - Mitt Romney might be a nice guy and a "gentleman," but he's no conservative, at least according to Rush Limbaugh. "Romney is not a conservative. He's not, folks," the radio host said on Wednesday . What's more, the argument that Romney's presidential record...

Obama Camp Rips Romney Flip-Flops

Dems already homing in on Mitt-flops

(Newser) - Herman Cain might be leading GOP candidates in the latest poll , but President Obama is already acting like Mitt Romney is the man he'll have to beat. His campaign is lacerating Romney for flip-flops on health care, taxes, and even manipulation of Chinese currency, reports the Washington Post . It'...

Cain No. 1 in National Poll
 Cain No. 1 in National Poll 

Cain No. 1 in National Poll

Gingrich moves into third, but news isn't all bad for Perry

(Newser) - A new Public Policy Polling survey reflects the Herman Cain surge: While it does not take into account last night's debate , in which Cain was front and center, it shows him comfortably atop the latest national poll. Cain has 30%, followed by Mitt Romney (22), Newt Gingrich (15), Rick...

GOP Debate Winner? Either Cain or Romney
 GOP Debate Winner?
 Either Cain or Romney

GOP Debate Winner? Either Cain or Romney

Which isn't good news for Rick Perry: Pundits

(Newser) - The instant analysis from the GOP debate doesn't exactly bode well for Rick Perry, who needed a big night in the eyes of pundits :
  • "Seems to me that it was a pretty good night for Mitt Romney, and for Herman Cain as well. ... Not sure that Rick Perry

GOP Hopefuls Face Off in 'Well-Mannered' Debate

Herman Cain gets plenty of attention

(Newser) - The latest Republican debate has wrapped up, this one focused mostly on the economy and on the newest darling of the polls, Herman Cain. If Rick Perry was hoping to land a knockout punch on Mitt Romney, it never arrived. In fact, the night was "exceedingly well-mannered," notes...

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to Endorse Mitt Romney

Christie Endorses Romney

New Jersey governor gives front-runner a big boost

(Newser) - If you needed any further proof that Chris Christie isn't running, here it is: He endorsed Mitt Romney for president today, reports Fox News . "America cannot survive another four years of Barack Obama, and Mitt Romney is the man to lead America," the New Jersey governor said....

ObamaCare Modeled on RomneyCare: Records

NBC News obtains records that are sure to play a part in tonight's debate

(Newser) - As the GOP frontrunner, it's widely expected that Mitt Romney will face a tough time tonight —and it looks like tough might be an understatement. NBC News has obtained White House visitor log records that reveal that ObamaCare doesn't just resemble RomneyCare , it was actually modeled on...

Gallup Poll Shows Herman Cain Passing Rick Perry, Nearly Tying Mitt Romney for October
 Cain Leaps Past 
 Perry, Nearly 
 Ties Romney 
Poll Numbers

Cain Leaps Past Perry, Nearly Ties Romney

Gallup poll shows Romney at 20%, Cain at 18%, Perry at 15%

(Newser) - It’s not a hoax or a dream: Herman Cain really has surged to the upper echelon in GOP primary polls. Cain more than tripled his support in Gallup’s October poll , jumping from 5% in September to 18%, just a hair behind Mitt Romney’s 20%. Rick Perry, meanwhile,...

Election 2012: What to Watch for in Tonight's GOP Debate
 For Rick Perry, 
 Tonight Is 
 Do or Die 

For Rick Perry, Tonight Is Do or Die

What to watch for in tonight's GOP debate

(Newser) - The Republican presidential candidates head back to New Hampshire tonight for the Granite State's second debate of the year. What to watch for, courtesy of Politico , the Washington Post , and Reuters :
  • It's now or never for Rick Perry: Following a series of disappointing debate performances, time is running

Anti-Mormonism Is the New Racism
 Is the New Racism 

Anti-Mormonism Is the New Racism

But it's harder for us to recognize, denounce: William Saletan

(Newser) - There was quite an uproar when word got out about Rick Perry’s racist hunting camp name —Perry himself acknowledged that it was “offensive” and, thus, was painted over. But neither Perry nor Herman Cain, who was quick to denounce the camp name, worked up quite the same...

GOP Dances Around Mormon Question
 GOP Dances 
 Around Mormon Question

GOP Dances Around Mormon Question

And the field pounces on Occupy Wall Street, as Pelosi slams Cantor

(Newser) - Republican presidential contenders would not touch the brouhaha surrounding Mormonism with a 10-foot pole today. Michele Bachmann called the issue "inconsequential" and "ridiculous." "We have religious tolerance in this country, and I have a very sincerely held belief on faith, and I think we just leave...

Romney Blasts 'Poisonous Language' of Fellow Speaker

But he wasn't talking about yesterday's 'cult' slam

(Newser) - Mitt Romney got his turn at the podium at the Values Voter Summit today, though he didn't address yesterday's very public slam by a Baptist pastor that Mormonism is a cult . Instead, he criticized the "poisonous language" of the speaker who was to follow him—Bryan Fischer...

Baptist Perry Backer Calls Mormonism a 'Cult'

Dallas pastor wants evangelicals to snub Mitt Romney

(Newser) - Rick Perry spoke today at the conservative Values Voter Summit, but the guy who introduced him seems to be stealing all the headlines. That would be Robert Jeffress, a Baptist pastor of a Dallas megachurch who told reporters later that Mormonism is a "cult" and that evangelicals should therefore...

Romney: God Wants US to Lead

He calls for a new 'American Century' in foreign policy speech

(Newser) - Mitt Romney gave his first big foreign policy speech of the campaign today, going strong on American exceptionalism. Full text here . Some parts being highlighted by the Washington Post and Boston Globe :
  • “This century must be an American century. In an American century, America leads the free world and

Romney Tells Seniors to Beware 'Perry Scheme'

Social Security is safe, he promises

(Newser) - Mitt Romney, speaking at one of Florida's biggest senior citizen communities yesterday, assured his elderly audience that Social Security is safe—despite Rick Perry. The Texas governor, in a book published last year, called Social Security a "Ponzi scheme" because of its funding problems. "I think Social...

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