Mitt Romney 2012

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Romney Rebounds in SC, Up by 21 Points
 Romney Rebounds 
 in SC, Up by 21 Points 

Romney Rebounds in SC, Up by 21 Points

Romney retakes big lead, says latest Reuters/Ipsos poll

(Newser) - Three days ago, it looked like Mitt Romney's lead had collapsed in South Carolina , with Newt Gingrich just 2% behind. Now, not so much: A Reuters/Ipsos poll shows Romney back on top with 37%, a 21-point lead over nearest rivals Ron Paul and Rick Santorum. Gingrich trails in fourth...

Mitt Romney's Biggest Donors? Bain Capital

Bain-related donors have given more than $2.7M over the years

(Newser) - When Mitt Romney ran Bain Capital, his leadership made billions of dollars for the investment firm. And Bain Capital's associates have supported Romney's political ambitions in turn, giving nearly $3 million to his state and national campaigns—a sum that easily makes them Romney's largest group of...

Newt Mocks Mitt for Speaking French

'Just like John Kerry, he speaks French, too,' Gingrich ad says

(Newser) - There's still more than a week to go until the South Carolina primary but Newt Gingrich's campaign may have already reached the bottom of the barrel. His campaign's new "French Connection" ad, in an effort to portray Mitt Romney as just another Massachusetts liberal, points out...

'Mexican Mitt' Rips Romney on Twitter

He parodies ex-governor's push for Latino vote

(Newser) - As Mitt Romney battles for Latino support, a new Twitter account has popped up to parody his efforts. User @MexicanMitt launched the feed by tweeting, "Corporations are peoples, my amigos!" The account appeared yesterday, following the real Romney's comment this weekend that his father was born in...

Blame These 3 Billionaires for Drawn-Out GOP Primary

They're contributing millions to candidates that aren't Romney

(Newser) - If you can't believe how many Republican presidential candidates are still in the race and you fear the possibility of a drawn-out primary that leads to a lower chance of unseating President Obama ... blame these guys. Politico reports on the three billionaires who are contributing millions to groups attacking...

Show Us Your Money, Romney
 Show Us Your Money, Romney 

Show Us Your Money, Romney

'Washington Post' takes frontrunner to task for keeping taxes, donors secret

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has so far flatly refused to release either his tax returns or his list of fundraising bundlers, and that's "a striking and disturbing departure from the past practice of presidential candidates of both parties," the Washington Post says in an editorial today. Yes, demanding candidates'...

Your Cheeky Guide to the SC Primary

 Your Cheeky Guide 
 to the SC Primary 
Gail Collins

Your Cheeky Guide to the SC Primary

First of all, know that the palmetto is a tree, not a bug: Gail Collins

(Newser) - Gail Collins—who had quite a bit of fun with the Iowa caucuses—today turns her attention to the upcoming primary in South Carolina, the Palmetto State. In her New York Times "primary primer," she answers such important questions as, "What is a palmetto?" (Answer: It is...

Treatment of Family Pet Still Dogs Romney

Dog was in carrier on top of car for 12-hour trip, Gingrich ad reminds voters

(Newser) - A long-dead Irish setter and a revived issue has provided Newt Gingrich with more ammunition to use against Mitt Romney. In 1983, Romney and his family drove from Boston to Canada with Seamus, the family dog, in a carrier strapped to the roof of the car. At some point during...

Media Nightmare Looms: GOP Zaniness Fades
Media Nightmare: GOP Zaniness Bound to Fade 

Media Nightmare: GOP Zaniness Bound to Fade

Ho hum as crazies exit, writes Howard Kurtz

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's back-to-back victories have left the media facing their worst nightmare: A boring White House race, writes Howard Kurtz. It looks like the colorful characters are on their way out, few make-or-break primaries lie ahead, and reporters may soon have nothing to cover but a long eight months...

Pro-Newt PAC Unleashes Anti-Romney Documentary

28-minute film unloads on frontrunner over his days at Bain Capital

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's Bain Capital troubles got a lot more high-profile today. The pro-Gingrich PAC Winning Our Future released a 28-minute video (see it here) that depicts Romney and his former Bain compatriots as greedy job-killers, complete with dramatic music and interviews of those said to have lost their jobs...

The Elephants in Romney&#39;s Room
 The Elephants 
 in Romney's Room 

The Elephants in Romney's Room

Politico runs down the issues that could derail his candidacy

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is looking like the inevitable nominee, but there are still some elephants that have been lurking in the room since the start of his campaign. Alexander Burns of Politico runs down the issues threatening him:
  • The Bain problem: So far, Romney's deflected attacks on his private equity

Romney Hauls In $24M in Best Quarter Yet

And all those donors are free to give to him again

(Newser) - If Mitt Romney fans wanted even more good news today, here it comes: The frontrunner raised $24 million in the fourth quarter of 2011, his best total yet, bringing his yearly total up to $56 million—of which $19 million is still on hand, the campaign announced today. The LA ...

Anti-Mitts Pin Hopes on SC
 Anti-Mitts Pin Hopes on SC 

Anti-Mitts Pin Hopes on SC

Tea Partiers, evangelicals starting to panic

(Newser) - Mitt Romney now has two wins under his belt, and some conservative activists are starting to panic. Many see South Carolina's Jan. 21 primary as their last chance to unify support behind a conservative candidate, but there's no agreement on who that candidate should be, the Washington Post...

Romney: We Made History
 Romney: We Made History 

Romney: We Made History

He slams 'Europe-influenced' Obama in NH victory speech

(Newser) - "Tonight, we made history," Mitt Romney told supporters after his decisive win in New Hampshire, which makes him the first non-incumbent GOP candidate to win both the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary. The former Massachusetts governor focused on President Obama instead of his GOP rivals in...

Romney Wins Easily in NH; Paul, 2nd; Huntsman, 3rd

Huntsman staying in the race

(Newser) - Mitt Romney cruised to victory as expected in New Hampshire, with the race called by AP , CNN , and others immediately after the polls closed at 8. With 95% of returns in, he had 39.4%, followed by Ron Paul with 22.8, Jon Huntsman with 16.8, Newt Gingrich with...

Republicans, Stop Bashing Romney for His Work at Bain

Newt Gingrich and company should know better: National Review

(Newser) - The conservative National Review comes to Mitt Romney's defense over his work at Bain Capital. His Republican rivals are in a "perverse contest" to see who can paint his tenure at the private equity firm in the most "asinine" and evil terms, complain the editors. "To...

Hypocritical GOP Wages Class Warfare on Romney
Hypocritical GOP Wages Class Warfare on Romney
jon stewart

Hypocritical GOP Wages Class Warfare on Romney

They're the 99%... of the 1%: Jon Stewart

(Newser) - The Republican presidential candidates can all agree on one thing: There is no place for class warfare or class resentment in the GOP ... except with regard to Mitt Romney. Yes, when it comes to that rich jerk, the other candidates are, one might say, resentful of his vast wealth. "...

NH Ballot Order Could Hurt Romney, Santorum

But it won't be enough to knock Mitt from the top: Washington Post

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has stayed at the top of the New Hampshire polls , but he's sunk when it comes to the state's ballot. On the 30-candidate list, Romney's name is third from the bottom, a position that could hurt him in today's primary. Research shows that ballot...

Dixville Notch, Population 9, Casts First Ballots in NH

And according to this tiny village, Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman are tied

(Newser) - The village of Dixville Notch is notable not just for the fact that it only has nine registered voters, but for the fact that those voters also are the first in New Hampshire to state their choice in today's primary. Their nine ballots were cast one minute after midnight—...

Blankfein: Romney's Gonna Win

Goldman Sachs CEO predicts Republican nominee

(Newser) - Prophecy, or wishful thinking? The CEO of Goldman Sachs is apparently predicting Mitt Romney will win the Republican nomination and be well positioned to take the presidency, the New York Post reports. Lloyd Blankfein's forecast measures on the Who-Cares-Meter because Goldman Sachs successfully bet against subprime-mortgage debt (while a...

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