Mitt Romney 2012

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$50K Gets You Inauguration Access to Romney

Donation gets you spot at 'Inaugural retreat'

(Newser) - It's now clear that Mitt Romney is a shoo-in for the GOP nomination, but apparently he's pretty confident he's also a shoo-in for the presidency: For a $50,000 donation, the former Massachusetts governor is offering donors "preferred status at the first Presidential Inaugural retreat,"...

Romney on Taxes: I'd Kill These Deductions

At $2M fundraiser, Romney also pledges cuts to HUD, education

(Newser) - Having pretty much wrapped up the GOP nomination for president, but still months away from the party convention, Mitt Romney used his "spring break" for fundraising—pulling in a hefty $2 million in events yesterday alone, reports MSNBC . Yesterday afternoon, a reception at the $14 million home of investment...

Geithner: Romney Claim on Women Is 'Ridiculous'

Plus, Darrell Issa wants to clean house at Secret Service

(Newser) - Tim Geithner today summed up Mitt Romney's contention that women had lost the majority of jobs in the recession: "Ridiculous," the Treasury secretary told This Week. "It’s a political moment. You’re going to see a a lot of politicians choose to campaign in fiction,...

Ann Romney Gives 'Shout-Out to All Moms'

She joins Mitt on stage at NRA meeting

(Newser) - Mitt Romney addressed the NRA today to call President Obama soft on gun rights and personal liberties in general, but he couldn't resist bringing his "hero"—wife Ann—on stage, too. Both addressed the recent flap over her decision to be a stay-at-home mom, and Politico provides...

Obama Camp Depicts Romney as Don Draper

Strategy is to depict him as living in the past: Politico

(Newser) - The political story generating the most buzz today seems to be "The Draperizing of Mitt Romney" by Politico . In it, the writers make the case that team Obama is trying to equate Romney with Don Draper of Mad Men, basically "a hopelessly retro figure who, on policy and...

Romney Misleads With Women Jobs Stat

 Misleads With 
 Women Jobs Stat 
Fact Check dept.

Romney Misleads With Women Jobs Stat

His 92.3% number is technically correct, but missing context

(Newser) - As part of his recent bid to appeal to women, Mitt Romney deployed what he called an "amazing statistic," saying that "92.3% of all the jobs lost during the Obama years have been lost by women." If that made your eyebrows climb your forehead, you'...

Foster Friess: I Hope Obama's 'Teleprompters Are Bullet-Proof'

We can't imagine why anyone would be offended, can you?

(Newser) - Former Rick Santorum sugar daddy Foster Friess picked an unfortunate metaphor in an interview yesterday on Fox Business. "There are a lot of things that haven’t been hammered at because Rick and Mitt have been going at each other," he said, according to the LA Times . "...

Obama Camp: Happy Anniversary, RomneyCare!

New ad points out similarities between his law, ObamaCare

(Newser) - The Obama campaign is going out of its way to wish Mitt Romney a very happy anniversary today, on the sixth anniversary of RomneyCare. The new video features architects of Romney's Massachusetts health reform bill pointing out the similarities between RomneyCare and ObamaCare, with one even saying that the...

Gingrich: 'CNN Is Less Biased Than Fox'

Newt claims Fox News has been shilling for Romney all along

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is not happy with his former employer , Fox News, which he accused yesterday of backing Mitt Romney since the beginning of the Republican nomination race. "Callista and I both believe CNN is less biased than Fox this year," he said at a private meeting of Delaware...

Romney Camp on Equal Pay: 'We'll Get Back to You on That'

Campaign won't comment on the Ledbetter Act

(Newser) - Asked today if Mitt Romney supports an equal-pay for women law, the candidate's campaign declined to answer—a gaffe that President Obama's campaign quickly picked up and ran with. Romney's campaign was asked about the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act—the first bill Obama signed into...

Romney Actually a ... Hero?
 Romney Actually a ... Hero? 

Romney Actually a ... Hero?

Campaign presents stiff, all-business image, but gentle, heroic Mitt exists

(Newser) - To hear the Washington Post tell it, Mitt Romney has played the hero on more than one occasion: He has, with sons in tow, sped across a New Hampshire lake on jet skis to rescue capsized boaters; he shuttered his Boston office and took his staff to NYC to search...

Romney: 'This Has Been a Good Day for Me'

He says he was surprised by Santorum's decision

(Newser) - Mitt Romney said today he was surprised by Rick Santorum's departure from the race but predicted he would remain a strong voice in national politics, reports AP . The two spoke earlier in the day, and Romney issued a statement calling him a "worthy competitor" and an "important...

Will This Be as Good as It Gets for Santorum?

His political future may not be so bright: Nate Silver

(Newser) - A standard line of thinking about Rick Santorum: He was smart to drop out now and save face, so he can come back stronger than ever a few years down the road. Nate Silver takes a closer look at his prospects and raises some serious doubts. For example, if Mitt...

Gingrich: No, I'm Not Dropping Out, Too

Newt asks Santorum backers to support him now

(Newser) - Rick Santorum may be done , but Newt Gingrich isn't going anywhere. In fact, now that Santorum's supporters have lost their candidate, Gingrich "humbly" asks them to look his way. “I am committed to staying in this race all the way to Tampa so that the conservative...

Rick Santorum Dropping Out

 Rick Santorum 
 Drops Out 

Rick Santorum Drops Out

He leaves race ahead of Pennsylvania primary

(Newser) - Rick Santorum is out. He officially left the GOP race today in Pennsylvania, saying his daughter Bella's most recent scare in the hospital caused him to re-evaluate things. "This race is over for me," he said, adding that he'll continue to fight to help defeat President...

Obama Looks to Bludgeon Romney With Buffett Rule

Or is that the 'Romney Rule'?

(Newser) - On a recent White House conference call on the Buffett Rule , a reporter offered President Obama's staff an idea: Why not call it the "Romney Rule?" So far they haven't taken that suggestion, but they are giddy at the prospect of campaigning for the rule, which would...

Dems Poke at Romney's Swiss Bank Account

Swiss banks 'to hide something,' accuses Dick Durbin

(Newser) - Democrats are taking shots at Mitt Romney's Swiss bank account, accusing him of wanting to "conceal something," reports the Huffington Post . The issue came up yesterday in a conference call by President Obama's election campaign that was supposed to be about raising taxes on the rich....

Get Ready for Outrage Over Mormon Jokes

Conservatives prepare 'manufactured umbrage': Alex Pareene

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is set to be the first Mormon to become a major presidential nominee—so it's inevitable that we'll be hearing a lot about his religion. And as conservatives coalesce around his candidacy, they'll want to make his Mormonism off-limits for attacks. That means that soon,...

Daughter Sick, Santorum Leaves Trail for a Day

Romney drops negative ad against ex-senator

(Newser) - Rick Santorum is off the campaign trail today to be with his 3-year-old daughter, who was hospitalized last week . His campaign says Isabella, who has the rare genetic condition Trisomy 18, is getting better and could leave the Virginia facility today, the AP notes. Meanwhile, Mitt Romney's campaign has...

Karl Rove's Super PAC Ready for Anti-Obama Blitz

Crossroads America to launch ads while Romney campaign rebuilds

(Newser) - If you think Republicans have been bashing President Obama, you haven't seen anything yet. American Crossroads, the largest GOP super PAC with an expected $200 million—founded by Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie—looks ready to begin its anti-Obama ads this month, reports the New York Times . Crossroads had...

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