Newt Gingrich 2012

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Gingrich Admits Debate Answer Was Wrong

He didn't actually offer ABC any witnesses to refute ex-wife

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich's campaign today admitted that it hadn't actually offered ABC any character witnesses to refute allegations made by his second wife , as the speaker had angrily insisted it had. "The story was false. Every personal friend I have who knew us in that period says the...

Gingrich Promises Moon Colony by 2020

Wants to go boldly into future with 'grandiose' space vision

(Newser) - A stellar idea or just lunacy? Either way, Newt Gingrich wants an American colony on the moon by the end of his second term, reports Politico . Speaking in Florida, home to much of NASA, Gingrich called his moon proposal a "Northwest Ordinance for space," and "grandiose,"...

Romney Pushes Back on 'Anti-Immigrant' Charge

Says Gingrich attack 'unbecoming of a presidential candidate'

(Newser) - Immigration took center stage today as Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich fought for votes among Latinos in Florida:
  • Romney criticized Gingrich for calling him "anti-immigrant," calling it "very sad for a candidate to resort to that sort of epithet," reports ABC . At a Univision forum, he

Pelosi: 'Something I Know' About Gingrich

Well 'spit it out,' retorts Newt

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi is again dropping cryptic hints about some apparent dirt she has on Newt Gingrich. Asked by CNN's John King yesterday about the prospect of him becoming president, she said flatly: "He's not going to be president of the United States. That's not going to...

Divided GOP, Mixed Response to State of Union
 Divided GOP Split 
 on State of Union 

Divided GOP Split on State of Union

Establishment, Tea Party, libertarians all negative in different ways

(Newser) - With the Republican Party so divided, it's no surprise that its response to President Obama's State of the Union address would also be divided, notes the Washington Post . In addition to an official response by Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels and a Tea Party response by Herman Cain, Mitt...

National Polls Show Gingrich in Front

Gallup, Rasmussen have him leading Mitt Romney

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich can lay claim to the title of frontrunner for real now: Gallup's daily tracking poll has him ahead of Mitt Romney nationally 31-27, reports USA Today , while Rasmussen Reports gives him an ever bigger lead of 35-28. Both surveys credit conservative voters for the Gingrich surge. One...

GOP Hands 2012 to Obama With Loser Lineup

Voters don't want Barack, but they really don't want these guys: Bret Stephens

(Newser) - President Obama is going to win the election in November, and the Republicans only have themselves to thank. "That's what happens when you run with losers," notes Bret Stephens in the Wall Street Journal . Forget Obama's wealth of policy troubles: "It doesn't matter that...

Gingrich May Have Ducked Medicare Tax

He could owe tens of thousands, tax lawyers say

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich's tax returns might qualify him for an audit, tax attorneys tell USA Today, saying that the presidential contender may have dodged paying tens of thousands in Medicare tax. Gingrich's campaign contends that "the salary and distribution were handled properly and legally." The matter stems...

Romney Returns: $6.2M in Taxes on $42.6M

No income from wages; he'll pay 15.4% on last year's income

(Newser) - Just hours after debating tax rates during the GOP debate in Florida, Mitt Romney released his tax returns, revealing that he collected $20.9 million in income last year, and $21.7 million the previous year—nearly all of it in profits, dividends, or interest from investments. None came from...

Gingrich's Freddie Mac Contract Released

Newt reported to a top lobbyist in one-year, $300K deal

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich made $25,000 a month working for Freddie Mac, where he reported to one of the company's leading lobbyists, according to his newly released contract with the mortgage giant. The 15 pages unveiled by Gingrich's former firm cover one year of his eight-year, $1.6-million relationship...

Let&#39;s Revive Bill Clinton to Battle Gingrich
 Let Bill Clinton 
 Run Against Gingrich 

Let Bill Clinton Run Against Gingrich

The Comeback Kid would trump Newt in debates: David Maraniss

(Newser) - If the GOP can revive Newt Gingrich from his political grave, Democrats are allowed to play retro too—and bring back Bill Clinton, David Maraniss writes in the Washington Post . True, "the law prohibits the Comeback Kid from coming back to serve a third term, and Obama might not...

Romney Blasts Gingrich With Freddie Mac Ad

Mitt's team releases first negative campaign ad

(Newser) - Looks like the latest Florida poll is getting on Mitt Romney's nerves. Today his campaign released its first negative campaign ad, which says Newt Gingrich "cashed in" while the housing crisis walloped Florida families. Gingrich "has spent almost his entire adult life as a member of Congress...

Is Newt Gingrich the Next Barry Goldwater?
 Is Gingrich 
 the Next 


Is Gingrich the Next Goldwater?

If party elites can't stop Newt, it could be disastrous for GOP: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - If Newt Gingrich manages to defy party elites and score the nomination, it's pretty much "suicide" for Republicans: "Everything about Newt Gingrich screams 'general election disaster,'" writes Steve Kornacki in Salon , from his "personal and ethical baggage" to his "arrogance." Indeed,...

Gingrich: Sure, Release My Freddie Mac Records

Says it's up to his former firm

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is demanding that Newt Gingrich release records from his time at Freddie Mac—and Gingrich says that's no problem ... alas, it's out of his hands. He tells ABC News that it would be "very helpful" for his former firm to release his contract with Freddie...

Romney to 'Interrupters': 'Take a Hike'

Rips 'failed leader' Gingrich

(Newser) - Speaking at a rally in Florida yesterday, Mitt Romney had some harsh words for opponents ranging from Newt Gingrich to a group of protesters heckling him. Romney slammed Gingrich as a "failed leader," notes the Los Angeles Times . "I don’t know whether you knew that—he...

Flush Romney Camp Rules Fla. Airwaves

Florida ads expensive, Mitt rivals low on funds

(Newser) - The race for the GOP nomination may suddenly be more competitive than experts predicted, but in the next big primary state, Florida, Mitt Romney has the airwaves pretty much all to himself, reports the Los Angeles Times . Florida is one of the more expensive ad markets in the nation, and...

Newt and Barack: Two Introverted &#39;Victims&#39;
Newt and Barack: Two Introverted 'Victims'
maureen dowd

Newt and Barack: Two Introverted 'Victims'

Both politicians deflect blame in their ivory towers: Maureen Dowd

(Newser) - “I, I’m so in love with you,” President Obama sang at the Apollo this week. But Maureen Dowd heard only a rare expressive moment from a man "who came to Washington on a wave of euphoria" and "has had a presidency with all the joy...

Chris Christie: Newt Gingrich an Embarrassment to Republican Party

 Christie: Newt 
 'Embarrassed' GOP 

Christie: Newt 'Embarrassed' GOP

Admits Romney had a bad night, will pick himself up in Florida

(Newser) - Chris Christie's horse lost last night's South Carolina race, and the New Jersey governor came out swinging at victor Newt Gingrich this morning, calling the former House speaker an "embarrassment" to the Republican party . “Gingrich has embarrassed the party over time," said Christie, who has...

How Gingrich Won SC— Conservatives

'Very' and 'Somewhat' conservatives went Gingrich, 'liberals' went Romney

(Newser) - So how did Newt Gingrich pull off his stunning upset in South Carolina yesterday? Unsurprisingly, by appealing to conservatives, writes Politico . Exit polls indicate that 45% of people calling themselves "very conservative" went to Gingrich, vs. 20% to Rick Santorum and 10% to Ron Paul—Mitt Romney took just...

What Mitt&#39;s Loss (and Newt&#39;s Win) Mean
 What Mitt's Loss 
 (and Newt's Win) Mean 
Reaction Roundup

What Mitt's Loss (and Newt's Win) Mean

GOP voters angry, stuck with bad candidates, say pundits

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich's big win in South Carolina has the Republican establishment squirming and political experts churning, trying to explain what the results mean:
  • GOP base in revolt. "People are mad as hell they are about to be stuck with another boring, moderate, uninspiring choice that has at best

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