Teach Me How to Dougie

2 Stories

'Dougie' Rapper M-Bone Killed in Drive-by Shooting

California police have no suspects, motives for shooting

(Newser) - M-Bone, a rapper in the hip-hop group Cali Swag District, was killed in a drive-by shooting yesterday while sitting in a car outside an Inglewood, Calif., liquor store, say to police. The 22-year-old rapper, whose real name is Mante Ray Talbert, was sitting in the car shortly after 10:30pm...

'Dougie' Is This Year's Sports Dance of Choice

Even if the NFL isn't a fan

(Newser) - It takes awhile for these things to become official, but the Wall Street Journal says it looks like this is the "Year of the Dougie" in sports. For the uninitiated, the dance involves some limb flailing and, crucially, running fingers through the hair. It's been a staple on college...

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