
7 Stories

Texas Doctor Moves Into Kids' Treehouse

ER doc doesn't want to risk infecting family

(Newser) - A south Texas emergency room physician has chosen a novel place to self-isolate as he's treating patients with the novel coronavirus. Jason Barnes made a temporary home of his children’s treehouse in the backyard of the family's Corpus Christi home. He is among many health care workers...

Told Treehouse Must Go, Pair Appeals to Supreme Court

Florida couple takes fight with local authorities to a much higher power

(Newser) - Lynn Tran and Richard Hazen built a Florida beachfront treehouse that would be the envy of any child. It's got two levels, hammocks, and windows looking out on the Gulf of Mexico. But the hangout has cost the couple a handsome sum: about $30,000 to construct and probably...

Grandma Living in Trees for 25 Years Told to Destroy Home

Miami-Dade County officials says Shawnee Chasser's treehouse is unsafe

(Newser) - For almost a quarter-century, Shawnee Chasser has returned home in the evenings to a house in the trees, the latest one a wooden two-story structure built high above the ground on the Florida property where her late son used to live. But Miami-Dade County officials are now ordering the 65-year-old...

Township Orders Teen to Tear Down Treehouse

She built it as part of a class project

(Newser) - A two-story treehouse sounds pretty cool, right? Apparently not so for a certain resident of a neighborhood in Leet Township, Pa., who complained about the treehouse 14-year-old Elisa Truchan built in her front yard in February as part of an eighth-grade class project. The Township Council has since ordered the...

Homeowner Fights to Keep Treehouse

City says it's a public hazard, but Washington state resident disagrees

(Newser) - Zeb Postelwait of Washington state always wanted to build a treehouse for his sons. He got the chance last summer after moving into a Wenatchee home with a big tree in the front yard. Two months later he received his first notice from the city to tear it down. Authorities...

Man, Son Spent 40 Years Alone in Jungle Treehouse
Man, Son Spent 40 Years Alone in Jungle Treehouse

Man, Son Spent 40 Years Alone in Jungle Treehouse

Ho Van Thanh fled the Vietnam War and never came back

(Newser) - After a bomb killed Ho Van Thanh's wife and two of his sons during the Vietnam War, Ho took his 1-year-old son into the jungle—and never came back. That was 40 years ago. On Wednesday, officials carried the too-weak-to-move 82-year-old away from the treehouse he and his son...

Manhattan Treehouse Survives Court Fight

Neighbor complained that it 'looks unsafe'

(Newser) - Building a treehouse in your own back yard won’t usually land you in trouble with the law—unless your back yard is in Greenwich Village. Melinda Hackett learned that the hard way, when a neighbor called the police to report a “structure in the rear which is nailed...

7 Stories
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