
4 Stories

Key Figure in the 'Plant Trees' Movement Has New Message

Ecologist Thomas Crowther says it's better to maintain existing forests than to plant new ones

(Newser) - At this month's environment COP28 summit, renowned ecologist Thomas Crowther addressed environmental officials from around the world and asked them to stop planting so many trees. Which is noteworthy given that Crowther himself is "at least partly" responsible for the worldwide push on that front in recent years,...

At Climate Summit, a Record Number of Fossil Fuel Reps

Experts fear their influence at COP28 could block vital action on climate change

(Newser) - A record number of fossil fuel representatives are attending the ongoing United Nations climate summit, something experts fear could translate to a lack of progress toward curbing climate change. The Kick Big Polluters Out Coalition, comprising more than 450 groups working in environmental and climate action, analyzed a provisional attendance...

Greta Thunberg Bows Out of Event Over 'Greenwashing'

Climate activist cites sponsorship from investment firm with ties to fossil fuels

(Newser) - Greta Thunberg has pulled out of an international book festival, where she was slated to discuss her recent book on climate change, due to what she claims is "greenwashing" by the festival's main sponsor. The climate activist said she would not attend the Edinburgh International Book Festival, to...

That Energy Star Label Might Be Lying

It's common, along with other green marketing fibs

(Newser) - Green-themed false advertising is everywhere: More than 95% of consumer products on the market make some sort of unproven claim or outright lie about environmental benefits, a new study shows. In fact, about 12,000 examples of so-called greenwashing (unsubstantiated claims of being "all-natural" or free of BPA chemicals,...

4 Stories
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