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Most Common CEO Names ...
 Most Common CEO Names ...

Most Common CEO Names ...

Peter and Deborah, according to LinkedIn

(Newser) - LinkedIn pored over the names of members to come up with the most common in various categories, notes Mashable . The results:
  • Male CEOs (in order): Peter, Bob, Jack, Bruce, Fred
  • Female CEOs: Deborah, Sally, Debra, Cynthia, Carolyn
  • Athletes: Ryan, Matt, Jessica, Matthew, Jason
  • Sales: Chip, Todd, Trey
  • Engineering: Rajesh, Jeremy,

Stanford Drops Secret 'Jock Class' List

Officials deny list for athletes was special advantage

(Newser) - Stanford University has dropped a secret list of classes widely regarded as easy and aimed at helping star athletes get through school. Classes on the list, which has existed for 11 years, were "always chock-full of athletes and very easy A's," a soccer player tells the San Francisco ...

Mickey Rourke to Play Gay Rugby Star

'It takes a lot of courage' to be Gareth Thomas, says actor

(Newser) - Comeback kid Mickey Rourke is preparing to come back to the big screen again as another athlete, but this time with a different sexual orientation. "The Wrestler" will play Welsh gay rugby star Gareth Thomas, who's touted by the Independent as the only active male sports professional to declare...

Jury Still Out on Whether Energy Drinks Help Athletes

Either way, don't mistake them for sports drinks

(Newser) - Energy drinks have certainly been effective at marketing themselves to athletes, especially young ones—a recent survey showed that 32% of high-school athletes drink them—but do they actually improve performance? They jury’s out, but it doesn’t look good, experts tell the New York Times . “There’s...

True Story of Blind Side Is Uplifting, but Not Unique

There's a lot of Michael Ohers out there

(Newser) - The Blind Side with Sandra Bullock scored big at the box office with its true-life tale of a poor black teenager taken in by a white family who ends up in the NFL. "The remarkable thing about The Blind Side, though, isn't that it's based on a true story,...

The Science of 'Choking'
Why Athletes Choke
Under Pressure

Why Athletes Choke Under Pressure

It's 'paralysis by analysis,' says researcher

(Newser) - We've all seen it happen: a great sports star with a seemingly unassailable lead falls apart at the last minute, earning forever the least desirable moniker in sports: choker. The phenomenon is usually ascribed to "nerves," but a University of Chicago psychologist believes there's more to it. Researcher...

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