The New Yorker

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Ann Coulter&#39;s &#39;Child Actors&#39; Claim Called Into Question
Ann Coulter
Makes Volatile
Claim, Author
Disavows Her
the rundown

Ann Coulter Makes Volatile Claim, Author Disavows Her

Conservative pundit says 'child actors' are portraying crying kids at the border

(Newser) - One of the more controversial views in the border separations saga was voiced by conservative pundit Ann Coulter, who argued on Fox News that kids seen crying on TV are "child actors." In response, the author of an article she cited to back up her theory says she'...

Explorer Turned Back, but Decision Came Too Late
Explorer Turned Back,
but Decision Came Too Late

Explorer Turned Back, but Decision Came Too Late

'New Yorker' looks at Henry Worsley's epic Antarctic feat and its tragic end

(Newser) - After 71 days and more than 900 miles, British explorer Henry Worsley finally made the agonizing decision to end his epic journey through the Antarctic in early 2016. The decision, however, came too late, and the 55-year-old died of organ failure after being airlifted out. Incredibly, he was just 30...

Story of a Bad Date Went Viral, Lands Woman a $1M Book Deal

Kristen Roupenian wrote 'Cat Person' for the 'New Yorker,' and it hit a collective nerve

(Newser) - An unknown writer became a viral sensation earlier this month after her short story "Cat Person," an uncomfortable narrative about an unpleasant date, appeared in the New Yorker. Now that 36-year-old author Kristen Roupenian has been thrust into the public eye, she's making yet another headline—this...

Mooch's Revenge? Ryan Lizza Fired by The New Yorker

The longtime Washington correspondent has been accused of 'improper sexual conduct'

(Newser) - Ryan Lizza has joined Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer, and Mark Halperin on the list of big-name journalists who have recently lost their jobs after being accused of sexual misconduct. Today, the New Yorker announced that they had fired their longtime Washington correspondent for engaging in "improper sexual conduct,"...

9 VPs Have 'Assumed' the Presidency. What If He's 10?

Jane Mayer takes a long look at Mike Pence for the 'New Yorker'

(Newser) - Of the 48 men to have served as vice president of the United States, nine have "assumed the presidency" due to death or a resignation, observes Jane Mayer in what Axios reports is a 16-page New Yorker piece on the current VP. Of the likelihood that Mike Pence could...

Another Bombshell Report Drops on Harvey Weinstein

Women accuse him of rape in 'New Yorker' investigation

(Newser) - Harvey Weinstein had lawyered up even before the New York Times dropped its bombshell report about him, because he knew that both the Times and the New Yorker were working on investigative pieces. Well, now the New Yorker has weighed in, and its report has allegations that are even more...

How Much More Can Tillerson Take?

How Much
More Can
Tillerson Take?

How Much More Can Tillerson Take?

Being secretary of state is quite different than heading Exxon—and Rex may not like it

(Newser) - "I don't know. I'm not a diplomat" is an odd statement to make if you're a high-ranking US Cabinet official tasked with critical matters of diplomacy. Yet those words were uttered by the US secretary of state during a September meeting at the UN regarding Iran'...

Gloria Allred&#39;s Endless Fight for the Victims of Male Entitlement
Inside the 'Creative
Lawyering' of
Gloria Allred

Inside the 'Creative Lawyering' of Gloria Allred

One of US' most famous lawyers continues the fight for victims of male entitlement

(Newser) - Gloria Allred has been accused of winning important victories for victims of harassment while simultaneously cheapening harassment as a concept. She's represented female farmworkers, female prisoners, a woman sexually abused by priests, and female marines. But she's also fought for Octomom, two of Tiger Woods' former mistresses, and...

There&#39;s a Flaw in McCain&#39;s Logic
There's a Flaw
in McCain's

There's a Flaw in McCain's Logic

Op-ed: By saving the health bill, he undermined his whole argument

(Newser) - John McCain got a hero's welcome on Tuesday when he returned to the floor of the Senate to cast a crucial vote to allow Republicans to take up health care reform. His colleagues gave him a standing ovation, given that he'd received a diagnosis of brain cancer less...

My Dentist Was Arrested for Murder. Then Things Got Weird
My Dentist Was Arrested for
Murder. Then Things Got Weird
in case you missed it

My Dentist Was Arrested for Murder. Then Things Got Weird

Inside the trial of Dr. Gilberto Nunez

(Newser) - When James Lasdun needed immediate care for a broken tooth in April 2016, he found himself in the office of his dentist, a man he had assumed he'd have to give up seeing—due to the doctor's arrest for murder six months earlier. After the tooth was tended...

WVa's Residents Are Taking ODs Into Their Own Hands

Some neighbors are filled with contempt for addicts; others just want to help

(Newser) - Opioid addicts are using and collapsing in public in increasing numbers—their way of ensuring they won't OD and not be found until it's too late, Margaret Talbot explains in the New Yorker . "This is survival to them," she writes. "They're struggling with using...

New Yorker's Comey Cover Is Generating Buzz

Jeff Sessions is the airport cop

(Newser) - A New Yorker cover generating a lot of buzz likens former FBI director James Comey to somebody else who suffered a very controversial removal: United Airlines passenger David Dao . The cover for the May 22 edition shows Comey being dragged off a plane by Attorney General Jeff Sessions in a...

Steve Bannon: the Hollywood Bigwig Who Wasn&#39;t?

Steve Bannon:
the Hollywood
Bigwig Who

Steve Bannon: the Hollywood Bigwig Who Wasn't?

Trump's strategist brags about his time in Tinseltown, but others' memories are murky

(Newser) - Over the past eight months, Steve Bannon has worked his way into the general US consciousness, first as an ex-Breitbart exec tapped as Trump's new campaign chief , next as a "terrifying man" who wanted to set the DC establishment ablaze, and finally, as a White House fixture . But...

His Cartoon Is So Famous It's Even on ... Thongs

It forms part of Bob Mankoff's legacy

(Newser) - "No, Thursday's out. How about never—is never good for you?" It's a line that appeared in the Yale Book of Quotations; the punchline has turned up on thong underwear. But it originates from Bob Mankoff's 1993 cartoon , which depicts a businessman on the phone and...

Chinese Media Taken in by Satirical Trump Story

They reported that he wrapped White House phones in tinfoil

(Newser) - A satirical story about a paranoid President Trump wrapping the White House telephones in tinfoil was believable enough to be carried by major media outlets in China. The story from the New Yorker's "Borowitz Report" ended up in publications such as business magazine Caijing this week after appearing...

Osage Indians Were the Richest People on Earth. Then, Bodies

FBI's first big murder mystery, on the plains of Oklahoma

(Newser) - In the late 1870s, the Osage Nation was displaced from its Kansas roots and moved to an Oklahoma reservation—land that turned out to be sitting on an oil goldmine. As told in David Grann's piece for the New Yorker (an excerpt from his upcoming book, Killers of the ...

A Son in Prison, a Father&#39;s Tragic Find
Dad Seeking Inmate Son
Finds One Devastating Word
in case you missed it

Dad Seeking Inmate Son Finds One Devastating Word

Lonnie Hamilton says he was never told his son had died in NY state prison

(Newser) - Lonnie "Ham" Hamilton is the father of four, but it was his namesake, Lonnie Hamilton III, who was his "best friend" and "shadow." Which makes what happened to the younger Hamilton in New York state's prison system, documented in Jennifer Gonnerman's piece for the...

40+ Years in Solitary: 'Ask Me in 20 Years' How Freedom Feels

Albert Woodfox of 'Angola 3' was in isolation more than any other inmate in US history

(Newser) - Albert Woodfox, the last of the famous "Angola Three," was released from prison last February after pleading no contest to manslaughter in the 1972 killing of prison guard Brent Miller. In a piece for the New Yorker , Rachel Aviv offers some insight into the "reserved" and "...

Iraq Facing Potential 'Catastrophe of Biblical Proportions'

Mosul Dam breach could pose greater threat than ISIS

(Newser) - As Iraqi forces continue their battle against ISIS in Mosul, there's another problem lurking just 25 miles away from the embattled city: the Mosul Dam, a structure the US Army Corps of Engineers has called the "most dangerous dam in the world," per a piece by Dexter...

Woman Flees Dad&#39;s Cult After 30 Years
Escape After 30
Years as an

Escape After 30 Years as an 'Unperson'

'New Yorker' tells horrifying story of 'Rosie,' who grew up in dad's South London cult

(Newser) - In 2013, a 30-year-old woman named Rosie escaped from a life of captivity—and her story, as told by Simon Parkin in the New Yorker , is a terrifying one of human imprisonment, beatings, and mind games. She grew up shuttled from one rundown South London home to another, always with...

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