Griff Harsh

2 Stories

Old Rape Allegation Surfaces Against Whitman's Son

Griff Harsh never disciplined or charged for 2006 incident

(Newser) - Gawker takes an exclusive look at a 2006 rape accusation against Griff Harsh, son of California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman, and concludes it was "hushed up." Griff Harsh is accused of going home with a Princeton classmate after a night of partying and having sex with her....

Meet Meg Whitman's Awful Sons
 Meet Meg Whitman's Awful Sons 

Meet Meg Whitman's Awful Sons

Griff and Will Harsh have a reputation, and it's not good

(Newser) - California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman once allegedly shoved an eBay employee—and it appears she passed her bullying ways onto her sons. Griff and Will Harsh have gained quite the reputation during their years at Princeton. The latest story making the rounds involves the younger Will—a senior and captain...

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