American Airlines

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Flight Attendant Yelled, Then Plane Began Rapidly Descending
Flight Attendant Yelled, Then
Plane Began Rapid Descent

Flight Attendant Yelled, Then Plane Began Rapid Descent

American Airlines flight diverted due to unruly passenger

(Newser) - Passengers on American Airlines flight 1775 Sunday afternoon say they heard one flight attendant yell to another to turn the lights on, they were switched back on abruptly, and then, with no warning, the plane began a rapid descent. The problem? An unruly passenger, the airline says. The plane, which...

Air Passenger Gropes Flight Attendant, Is Going to Prison

Canadian national gets 6-month sentence for American Airlines assault

(Newser) - Another ugly incident in the skies: A 50-year-old Canadian man has been sentenced to six months in a US prison after he groped a flight attendant, reports NBC News . Enio Socorro Zayas was sentenced this week in a Florida federal court after his assault on an American Airlines employee on...

This Airline Is the Best of All Major US Carriers

'WSJ' puts Delta at the top of its annual list, JetBlue at the bottom

(Newser) - Between industrywide woes , unruly passengers , and sharing a name with a coronavirus variant, one could say the pandemic has not been kind to Delta Air Lines. Now, a bit of good news has come Delta's way, as it takes the top spot in the Wall Street Journal's annual...

Flight to London Turns Back After Woman Won't Mask Up

American Airlines flight landed back in Miami

(Newser) - En route from Miami to London, an American Airlines flight instead ended up back where it started Wednesday night due to a mask-refusing passenger. Authorities say "a disruptive customer refusing to comply with the federal mask requirement" forced the Boeing 777 to fly all 129 passengers back to Miami...

Airlines Have a Dire Warning on 5G Rollout

They say it could lead to 'catastrophic' flight disruptions

(Newser) - Verizon and AT&T are set to deploy new 5G service Wednesday—and in a letter to federal officials Monday, major airlines warned there could be "catastrophic" consequences. As Axios notes, the dispute between the airlines and the wireless companies has been going on a while, with the aviation...

Boarding on This American Flight Got a Little Weird

Man storms cockpit, seems to try to climb out window on flight from Honduras bound for Miami

(Newser) - An American Airlines flight from Honduras to Miami got a very late start on Tuesday, but it wasn't due to inclement weather, mechanical issues, or tardy crew members. Instead, per the New York Times , a "more novel reason" was behind the delay: an unruly passenger who broke into...

Airline CEOs Say Masks Don't Do Much for Passengers

American, Southwest do some clarifying after backlash on testimony

(Newser) - While flight crews battle unruly passengers, most of whom refuse to put on a mask for their trip, the bosses of a couple of major airlines told Congress that the masks don't do much good anyway. "I think the case is very strong that masks don't add...

Dreamliner Delay Cuts Into American's International Flights

Boeing hasn't delivered any of the jetliners in a year

(Newser) - American Airlines is dropping some international flights for next summer because Boeing has failed to deliver planes that the airline ordered, according to an internal memo Thursday. Boeing has been unable to deliver its 787 jetliner, which it calls the Dreamliner, for about a year because of a series of...

Stowaway Endures Over 2-Hour Flight Inside Plane Landing Gear

Temperatures likely hovered below zero

(Newser) - Federal authorities have taken into custody a 26-year-old man who apparently stowed away in the landing gear compartment of an American Airlines fight that arrived at Miami International Airport from Guatemala on Saturday morning, per the AP. The man was in the wheel well area when the flight arrived...

Airline Offers Pay Incentives After Weekend of Cancellations

Staffers can pick up extra money for sticking it out through the holidays

(Newser) - American Airlines is throwing money at the problem. The problem, canceled flights , is due in part to labor shortages. So, with the holiday travel season looming, the company is offering a cash incentive to stick around and work through until the new year. Flight attendants will earn 150% of their...

37 Airline Passengers Considered for Prosecution

FAA has new process to send cases of misbehavior to FBI

(Newser) - The Federal Aviation Administration says it has referred 37 cases involving unruly airline passengers to the FBI for possible criminal prosecution since the number of disruptions on flights began to spike in January. FAA and Justice Department officials said Thursday that in the past three months, they have developed a...

Man Who Allegedly Punched Flight Attendant Says He Can't Make a Fist

Brian Hsu has been charged in American Airlines incident

(Newser) - The man charged with assaulting an American Airlines flight attendant last month is claiming self-defense. Brian Hsu of Irvine, Calif., was returning home after brain surgery, which the 20-year-old says he needed after being assaulted last year in New York City and suffering a brain injury. Hsu told FBI investigators...

1000 Flights Canceled Due to Weather, Staffing
Travel Trouble Continues
for American Airlines

Travel Trouble Continues for American Airlines

Hundreds more flights are canceled Monday

(Newser) - Update: It wasn't a great weekend to be a passenger on American Airlines, and things haven't improved much on Monday. The airline has canceled about 400 more flights, more than 14% of the day's total, bringing the number of canceled flights since Friday to more than 2,...

American Airlines 'Outraged' After Alleged In-Flight Assault

Witnesses say attendant was punched in dispute over mask-wearing

(Newser) - American Airlines says it is "outraged" by the actions of a passenger who allegedly assaulted a flight attendant on a Wednesday flight from New York City to California, causing the aircraft to be diverted to Denver. Witnesses say they saw staff duct-tape the passenger to a seat after he...

American Eagle Passengers Saw Something, Said Something

Passenger was briefly detained and released after authorities found no threats

(Newser) - People are on edge. Flying is still safe and we’re not trying to scare you. But there’s no getting around that there’s been a massive uptick in the number of unruly passenger incidents. Way back in August the FAA released a public service announcement asking people to...

After Plane Lands, Passenger Exits Onto Wing

Traveler at Miami International went out emergency door, likely faces federal charges

(Newser) - In today's chronicle of bizarre behavior by airplane passengers , authorities at Miami International Airport say a man exited an emergency door and stood on the wing of his plane after it landed. The incident took place when an American Airlines flight from Colombia landed at the airport Wednesday evening,...

Passengers Kicked Off Flight, Rest of Plane Celebrates

Two people were forced to deplane after refusing to mask up properly

(Newser) - Masks are required in airports and on commercial airliners. It’s not just a common-sense guideline to curtail the spread of COVID, it’s a federal law . And it’s not new; the rule has been in place since February . But it still seems to come as a surprise to...

Unruly Passenger Growls at Flight Crew, Shouts 'Joe Biden'

He had a 'meltdown of racist, sexist, and belligerent comments'

(Newser) - A passenger flying from Los Angeles to Salt Lake City was arrested after what a fellow passenger calls a "complete meltdown of racist, sexist, and belligerent comments." Video shared by Dennis Busch shows the American Airlines passenger swearing at flight crew members, growling, and shouting "Joe Biden?...

Flight to Bahamas Nixed After Teen 'Masked Rebellion'

Dozens of high schoolers believed to be from Mass. wouldn't mask up, witnesses say

(Newser) - Passengers on an American Airlines flight out of North Carolina found their vacation to the Bahamas disrupted after what the New York Post calls a "masked rebellion" by dozens of teens. WSOC reports that Flight 893, headed to Nassau, was prepping to take off from Charlotte Douglas International Airport...

American Canceling Flights, but Weather Is Only Part of It

Labor shortages also play a role

(Newser) - With business booming thanks to people eager to travel after more than a year of COVID-19 restrictions, American Airlines is ... cutting flights? Yes, that's right. As the Wall Street Journal explains, the more flights an airline offers, the more potential there is for trouble if something goes awry. The...

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