
Stories 21 - 38 | << Prev 

Trolls Take Aim at Christian Bale Flick

It's set amid the Armenian genocide, which some label a 'lie'

(Newser) - Amy Schumer isn't the only star doing battle with trolls lately. About 51% of 120,000 reviews on IMDb for Christian Bale's new movie The Promise , set amid the Armenian genocide, give the movie a one-star rating out of 10—and it's likely not because of his...

Hounded by Trolls Over Son's Death, Lily Allen Quits Twitter

Singer says 2010 stillbirth caused PTSD

(Newser) - "My timeline is full of the most disgusting, sexist, misogynist, racist sh--. Really new levels. I'm no masochist so I'll be back x." Singer Lily Allen exited Twitter thusly after a particularly ugly exchange in which trolls blamed her for the 2010 stillbirth of her son....

Dear Trolls, That Wasn't Me at the Tillerson Hearing

Doris Truong of the Washington Post becomes victim of mistaken identity

(Newser) - A homepage editor for the Washington Post relays a crazy—and scary—tale of being caught up in a fast-moving case of mistaken identity online. As Doris Truong explains in the Post , it began when someone posted video of an Asian woman at the Rex Tillerson confirmation hearing on Wednesday...

Amazon Apparently Trying to Fend Off Megyn Kelly Trolls

After flood of one-star book reviews, some are coming down

(Newser) - Megyn Kelly's new book has been getting the Amy Schumer treatment on Amazon since its release last week, with critics leaving one-star reviews along with comments such as "put some clothes on." Now Amazon has apparently stepped in. Publisher Harper Collins says it alerted Amazon to reviews...

Trolls Target Amy Schumer's New Book

They're leaving fake one-star reviews on Amazon

(Newser) - Amy Schumer's new collection of essays, titled The Girl With the Lower Back Tattoo, currently sits at the No. 2 spot on Amazon's bestsellers list, with Heidi Stevens at the Chicago Tribune describing it as "a brave, vulnerable tale" that's also "hilarious." Its Amazon...

Anonymous Devotes Friday to Mocking ISIS

Group wants everyone to take part in #trollingday

(Newser) - Anonymous has a task for everyone on Friday: Troll ISIS, the Daily Dot reports. In a note making its rounds via Anonymous-linked Twitter accounts, the hackers call on readers to do their part on #trollingday on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and "in the real world" to ridicule, mock, and...

Artists Sneak Anti-Homeland Graffiti Onto Show

They call the series 'the most bigoted show on television'

(Newser) - Three graffiti artists hired to add local color to a refugee camp set on this week's episode of Homeland instead took the opportunity to troll the makers of the show, the Guardian reports. "Homeland is racist," "Homeland is a joke," and "#blacklivesmatter" are just...

Target Troll Returns to Stick Up for Rainbow Doritos

Haters are 'slowing down collective progress for all humanity': Mike Melgaard

(Newser) - Mike Melgaard is at it again. The guy who famously trolled folks outraged that Target was taking down gender-specific signage is back, this time lending his "customer service" skills to the Doritos brand, Time reports. After Doritos' rainbow-colored chips debuted last week as a sign of support for LGBT...

Man Spends Day Trolling Outraged Target Customers

Target may have even enjoyed it

(Newser) - Facebook users angry at Target over the company's decision to remove gender-specific signs from its toy departments found themselves at the wrong end of a pranking courtesy of one enterprising Arizona man. Ars Technica reports Mike Melgaard created a Facebook account under the name "Ask ForHelp" this week...

Ellen Pao: Internet 'Trolls Are Winning'

But former Reddit CEO says she thinks the 'humans' can win

(Newser) - Ellen Pao, who just stepped down as CEO of Reddit amid much drama , has a bleak assessment about the current state of the Internet: "The trolls are winning." As Pao writes in the Washington Post , she learned this firsthand when they went after her in savage fashion as...

JK Rowling Shuts Down Homophobes (Again) on Twitter

This time it was Westboro Baptist Church protesting Gandalf/Dumbledore wedding

(Newser) - The Westboro Baptist Church protests against pretty much everyone and everything, so any shock value they may have had wore off long ago. But one person they shouldn't have set their sights on is JK Rowling, who effectively owned the anti-gay group after members started sparring with her on...

Pink Responds to Fat-Shamers, Nails It

Singer responds to angry tweets about her extra pounds

(Newser) - Pink has responded to her online fat-shamers by serving up a dish of positivity sprinkled with a little wry humor, People reports. The singer attended a cancer event in Beverly Hills Saturday night and wore a pretty black dress that, OK, revealed she had some extra on her. Naturally, the...

Let's Stop Allowing Internet Trolls to Be Anonymous

Slate's Anne Applebaum makes her case

(Newser) - It might be time for anonymous commenters to lose their posting privileges on the Internet, writes Anne Applebaum at Slate . The always controversial debate has been around for a while, but Applebaum cites new research showing that scores of nasty, anonymous comments "profoundly" change readers' perceptions about a particular...

Quit Calling People Trolls

 Quit Calling 
 People Trolls 

Quit Calling People Trolls

Trolling is essentially what everyone does all the time anyway, Damon Linker argues

(Newser) - If you want to troll Damon Linker, just accuse him of being a troll. In his latest column for the Week , Linker calls the term "facile, vacuous, imprecise," and "insipid." After all, "everyone online wants to be noticed, have a say, start an argument, be...

Don't You Dare Judge Amanda Berry, Internet

Cleveland kidnapping victim not immune from trolls

(Newser) - If you'd been imprisoned and horrifically abused for a decade and then heroically escaped, you'd think the Internet would cut you some slack, right? No, of course you wouldn't think that, because you've been on the Internet. Kidnapping victim Amanda Berry made a surprise appearance onstage...

Offend Someone on Facebook, Go to Jail in Grenada

Being mean online could cost you $37K or 3 years behind bars under new law

(Newser) - This tiny Caribbean nation of Grenada will not stand for Internet trolls. The country's legislators have approved a bill that makes it a crime to offend people through sites such as Facebook and Twitter. According to the bill, the first of its kind in the Caribbean, complaints about offensive...

Arizona Bill Outlaws Being Annoying Online

Critics say anti-trolling bill violates the First Amendment

(Newser) - Arizona is hunting trolls. The state's House and Senate have passed a bill that would make it illegal to post messages online "with the intent to terrify, intimidate, threaten, harass, annoy, or offend," HLN reports. The bill is descended from old phone laws targeting prank callers and...

Facebook Cracking Down on Abuse 'Trolls'

Vicious online slams from strangers latest concern

(Newser) - Vicious "trolls" who heap abuse on total strangers on the Internet for fun are being targeted in a Facebook crackdown. Tribute pages honoring the dead, such as soldiers in Afghanistan, have become a recent favorite of the ugly trolls, reports the Telegraph . Facebook users can manually delete abusive messages,...

Stories 21 - 38 | << Prev