Fox News

Stories 801 - 820 | << Prev   Next >>

GI's Capture Fuels Desertion Controversy

Lawmakers rip Fox analyst; blogger says Bergdahl left unarmed

(Newser) - With some speculating that the US soldier kidnapped by the Taliban deserted his Afghanistan post, conservative media are hot on the trail. Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl “walked off (his base) with a water bottle and (a military ration pack) on some kind of he-man expedition,” a military blogger tells...

'Smut-Merchant' O'Reilly Plays Naked ESPN Vid

All the while complaining about the 'ultra-disturbing' nature of the whole thing

(Newser) - Bill O’Reilly is building himself a reputation, at least in the Gawker offices, for self-righteously discussing “softcore porn on YouTube or underage strippers or whatever” while simultaneously running the “salacious clips” as he bemoans “the gross injustice.” It’s not surprising, then, that “the...

Ex-Fox News Producer Gets 10 Years for Child Porn

Bruns' prior conviction led to tough sentence

(Newser) - A federal judge yesterday sentenced a former Fox News producer to 10 years in prison for possession of child pornography. Prosecutors in Washington had recommended the 10-year term, citing Aaron Bruns' prior conviction on similar charges. Authorities charged Bruns in February with sharing pornography on a social networking website.

Beck: 'Be Afraid' of Obama's 'Socialist Wonderland'

Sees hybrid of 'France and Venezuela'

(Newser) - Glenn Beck outdid himself yesterday with a high-strung rant about health care reform. He told his viewers to “be afraid” because Obama is “remaking” America “into a place that’s a whole lot crappier. Kind of a hybrid between France and Venezuela.” He then cackled like...

Captured US Soldier May Be in Pakistan

Fox News 'expert' suggests that Taliban execute Bergdahl

(Newser) - The American soldier captured by the Taliban in Afghanistan may be in Pakistan, a potentially huge stumbling block in the quest to free the 23-year-old, ABC News reports. If the insurgent group that apparently kidnapped him has indeed moved Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl over the border to South Waziristan, the American...

Twitter Grabs $48M in Press Over Month

(Newser) - Media darling Twitter has tweeted its way to news coverage over the last 30 days that's worth the equivalent of $48 million in advertising and public relations, reports Advertising Age. Twitter trounced coverage of even giant Microsoft's biggest product launch of the year, Bing. Microsoft's advertising budget for Bing is...

McConnell: Health Plan 'Not Good' for US
 Health Plan 
 'Not Good' for US 

McConnell: Health Plan 'Not Good' for US

Republican leader says nation already has quality care

(Newser) - The fight over health care got even testier today when Mitch McConnell said Republicans wouldn’t support President Obama’s reform plan. “It’s not good for the country,” the Senate minority leader told Meet the Press. “We have quality health care now. We do not have...

Beck Melts Down, Screams at 'Pinhead' Caller

Radio host infuriated over health care

(Newser) - Conservative radio host Glenn Beck had an on-air fit yesterday when a caller questioned him about health care and wouldn’t back down, the Daily Kos reports. The caller, “Kathy,” started by talking about the high cost of care. Beck countered that he doesn’t believe there are...

Beck Complains About Softball Questions for Sotomayor ...

... except nobody asked nominee any yesterday

(Newser) - Someone might need to explain this whole confirmation-hearings process to Glenn Beck. Last night, the Fox host railed against the softball questions senators were tossing Sonia Sotomayor. “As our country burns to the ground, this is the questioning—and get ready, it’s a hard line of questioning” the...

Palin's Next Stop (and Paycheck): Fox News

(Newser) - Sarah Palin resigned because Fox News “dangled Oprah-type money plus the promise of a 24/7 platform from which she can energize the base for a few years,” blogger Ruth Ann Harnisch guesses—and that visibility would be a great move if she wants to be president. “She...

Beck Guest: US Needs Attack by bin Laden

Glenn himself seems to agree

(Newser) - Glenn Beck and his guest last night, ex-CIA employee Michael Scheuer, kicked off the 4th of July festivities early when Scheuer declared that America’s only hope “is for Osama bin Laden to deploy and detonate a major weapon in the United States.” Gawker blogger the Cajun Boy...

Fox Has Top 10 Cable News Shows

(Newser) - More evidence of Fox News' growing domination of cable TV: The network now has the top 10 programs in terms of total viewers, reports Mediabistro's TVNewser blog. Bill O'Reilly still leads the way, followed by Sean Hannity. Glenn Beck is in third, but his viewership of about 2 million is...

Geraldo's OK if You Kill a Child Molester
Geraldo's OK
if You Kill a
Child Molester

Geraldo's OK if You Kill a Child Molester

Not that, on Fox News gabfest, he was encouraging you to

(Newser) - Geraldo Rivera wouldn’t mind if someone happened to kill David Earls. Not that he’s telling you to do it, or anything, Gawker notes. On Fox News last night, Rivera and Bill O’Reilly were grousing about the convicted child rapist who got just a 1-year sentence. O’Reilly,...

Beck, Drudge Blast Obama for... Opposing a Coup?
Beck, Drudge Blast Obama for... Opposing
a Coup?

Beck, Drudge Blast Obama for... Opposing a Coup?

It's yet another way the president's a commie

(Newser) - Glenn Beck found a new and creative way of insinuating that President Obama is a commie last night, attacking him for—of all things—opposing the military coup in Honduras. See, Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro also opposed the coup, which means clearly any right-thinking non-pinko would support it. “...

Fox News On Track for Most-Watched Year Ever

Network stays strong as rivals suffer post-election blues

(Newser) - Fox News has avoided the post-election ratings drop that hit other networks and is on course to have it best year ever, according to the Hollywood Reporter. The network, helped by programming changes like shifting Glenn Beck to 5pm, has shown a steady rise in ratings and now has as...

Fox, Handed Ensign Affair, Commits Ugly Fumble
Fox, Handed Ensign Affair, Commits Ugly Fumble

Fox, Handed Ensign Affair, Commits Ugly Fumble

(Newser) - Fox News had the bombshell about Sen. John Ensign’s affair in its lap and didn’t do anything with it, Howard Kurtz writes in the Washington Post. A Fox producer tells the Huffington Post the network never received a letter Douglas Hampton, the husband of the Republican’s mistress,...

Husband Outed Ensign Affair to Fox News
Husband Outed Ensign Affair
to Fox News

Husband Outed Ensign Affair to Fox News

Hampton's lawyer made 'exorbitant demands': senator

(Newser) - The husband of John Ensign’s mistress sent a letter detailing the affair to Fox News just days before the senator’s public admission, the Las Vegas Sun reports. A spokesman said Ensign acknowledged the affair because Doug Hampton had approached “a major television news channel.” The senator's...

Actually, Beck Calms the Lunatic Fringe
 Actually, Beck Calms 
 the Lunatic Fringe 

Actually, Beck Calms the Lunatic Fringe

With O'Reilly and Olbermann, lets wingnuts 'let off steam'

(Newser) - Glenn Beck infuriates many liberals, but they should really be thanking him: His rhetoric tempers fringe sentiments and prevents violence, writes Reihan Salam for the Daily Beast. Talking heads like Beck and Bill O’Reilly “take unspoken anxieties very seriously,” giving voice to a “small and alienated...

Right Fans Flames of Extremist Fury: Rich

Right-wing rhetoric complicit in rise of extremism

(Newser) - When a Fox News anchor cautions against the rising extremism of hate-driven Americans, as Shepard Smith did after the Holocaust Museum shooting, we should take note, argues Frank Rich in the New York Times. Unlike his fear-mongering colleagues, says Rich, Smith—not known for having an agenda—had "extraordinary...

Scientologists Got Me Fired: Fox Columnist

Friedman says he was targeted for his criticism of cult

(Newser) - A Fox News columnist sacked after he reviewed a pirated copy of Wolverine insists he was actually fired because he was targeted by Scientologists, reports the New York Daily News. Kelly Preston and a Scientology spokesman pressured Fox News boss Roger Ailes to ax Roger Friedman because of his pieces...

Stories 801 - 820 | << Prev   Next >>