Fox News

Stories 721 - 740 | << Prev   Next >>

Beck to Unveil 'Big Plan' at Saturday Rally
 Beck to Unveil 
 'Big Plan' at 
 Saturday Rally 

Beck to Unveil 'Big Plan' at Saturday Rally

Righty pundit OK with destroying Dems and GOP

(Newser) - Glenn Beck has got a “big plan” for 2010, and he’s going to let us in on it tomorrow at a Florida rally that coincides with the beginning of his book tour, insiders tell Politico . The Fox News host’s new direction is likely to involve his 9....

Fox News Lets Jon Get Under Its Skin, Again

Stewart's "go bleep yourself" to Goldberg gets O'Reilly's attention

(Newser) - Fox News commentator Bernard Goldberg is just so sad that Jon Stewart doesn’t like him anymore, and he made a point of saying so on last night’s O’Reilly Factor . Stewart slammed Goldberg the night before on the Daily Show for Goldberg's comment that liberals don’t “...

Fox Caught Fudging Footage Again
 Fox Caught Fudging 
 Footage Again 

Fox Caught Fudging Footage Again

This-just-in Palin video actually from '08 campaign

(Newser) - The incident isn’t on par with Jon Stewart catching Fox News host Sean Hannity passing off old video as new, but lefty blogger Faiz Shakir found the network doing something similar today. Noting huge crowds for Sarah Palin’s book tour, host Gregg Jarrett alerts viewers to “pictures...

Obama: We Won't Make Gitmo Deadline

Pres tells Fox's Major Garrett prison will close after Jan 2010

(Newser) - Guantanamo Bay prison won't close by the January deadline he set when he took office, President Obama admitted today, but he still hopes to shut it next year. Obama is "not disappointed" in missing the deadline, he says in a FoxNews interview airing this morning, since closing the facility...

ADL: Beck Is Top Hate Monger

He's offering 'platform to extremists,' report charges

(Newser) - Right-wing Fox mouth Glenn Beck is the most toxic media hate monger operating in the US today, according to a report by the Anti-Defamation League. "Beck has made a habit of demonizing President Obama and promoting conspiracy theories about his administration," the r eport states. He "has...

Fox News Lands Obama Interview
 Fox News Lands 
 Obama Interview 

Fox News Lands Obama Interview

Prez will sit down with Garrett in Beijing

(Newser) - President Obama has apparently softened on Fox News and will grant the network an interview while in Beijing. “I will interview POTUS on camera,” tweets Fox’s Major Garrett. “4 other networks will too. 10 mins per. Many had asked. Can say now.” Though the White...

Dobbs: CNN Didn't Want Obama Criticism

'What is immutable is that I'm staying in the public arena'

(Newser) - Lou Dobbs guarantees "100%" that he'll be staying in "the public arena" now that he's finished with CNN, he told Fox's Bill O'Reilly last night, but he demurred on whether that means a run for a New Jersey Senate seat. President Obama "isn't the devil," Dobbs...

CNN Paid Dobbs $8M to Leave
 CNN Paid Dobbs $8M to Leave 

CNN Paid Dobbs $8M to Leave

Bosses objected to reporting on immigration, 'birther' movement

(Newser) - CNN was so outraged over Lou Dobbs’ conservative reporting that they paid him $8 million just to leave, an anonymous source tells the New York Post. “They wanted him out,” the source says. Dobbs still had a year and a half left on his $12 million contract, but...

Fox Crushes Unflattering YouTube Channel

Liberal bloggers' Hannity, Beck clips yanked

(Newser) - A YouTube channel that specialized in capturing Fox commentators' most outrageous moments has been shut down after copyright complaints from the channel. News1News was the favorite choice of plenty of left-leaning blogs and news sources seeking to poke fun at Fox, notes Gawker , which has been left with plenty of...

Lou Dobbs Leaves CNN
 Lou Dobbs Leaves CNN 

Lou Dobbs Leaves CNN

Longtime anchor announces move on tonight's show

(Newser) - Anchor Lou Dobbs is leaving CNN, he announced during tonight’s show—his last after 27 years at the channel. Dobbs, whose contract wasn’t up until 2011, has made waves with his anti-immigration views and his questioning of President Obama’s citizenship; he didn’t shed much light on...

Hannity to Daily Show : Yep, We Screwed Up
Hannity to Daily Show:
Yep, We Screwed Up 

Hannity to Daily Show: Yep, We Screwed Up

Fox host calls protest footage mixup 'inadvertent'

(Newser) - Fox News host Sean Hannity admitted tonight that his staff spliced video from a Capitol Hill protest last week with footage from an earlier, much larger protest over the summer—and apologized to Comedy Central’s Daily Show and host Jon Stewart, who brought the creative editing to light. “...

Drew Peterson Wants to Sell His Home—to the Media

He's got a novel idea for those pesky legal fees

(Newser) - Drew Peterson is broke and has huge legal bills, so he’s looking to sell his home. But not to just anyone. The former police sergeant, accused of murdering his third wife, figures he’ll get a premium if he sells it to a news organization as a “base...

In Palin We Don't Trust: Fox Checks Coin Claim

GOP, not Dems, moved 'In God We Trust' to edge of coin

(Newser) - Even Fox News has started fact-checking Sarah Palin. Last night anchor Bret Baier responded to Palin's claim during a speech Friday that the phrase "In God We Trust" had recently moved from the face to the rim of the new dollar coin: Another case of Obama pushing a secular...

O'Reilly: 'We Can't Kill All the Muslims'

Fox host suggests motive for US strategy

(Newser) - Fox News host Bill O'Reilly believes the US wants to win the "hearts and minds" of the world's Muslims because we can't kill all of them, the Huffington Post reports. He let slip last night during a discussion with novelist and retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters about alleged Fort...

I Agree With Beck&mdash;Obama's Racist: Murdoch
 I Agree With 
 Racist: Murdoch 


I Agree With Beck—Obama's Racist: Murdoch

Asked about Beck brouhaha, News Corp. chairman is unrepentant

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch backed his host over his advertisers in a Sky News interview last weekend, saying Glenn Beck probably shouldn't have called President Obama a racist on the air some months back, but what he said was right. Asked about the Fox host's assertion that Obama made racist comments during...

Beck Loses Fight Against Satire Site
Beck Loses Fight Against Satire Site

Beck Loses Fight Against Satire Site

Owner gives up domain name suggesting rape, murder anyway

(Newser) - Glenn Beck came out on the losing end today in his attempt to shut down a satirical website the Fox News host alleged was defamatory and infringed on his trademark. And though an arbitrator ruled that “even a ‘moron in a hurry’ would not likely conclude that Complainant...

White House Warns Dems to Avoid Fox
 White House 
 Warns Dems 
 to Avoid Fox 
feud? what feud?

White House Warns Dems to Avoid Fox

Strategist reports intimidating phone call after appearance

(Newser) - The Obama administration has toned down its war of words against Fox News, but behind the scenes, it's warning Democratic strategists not to appear on the network. One consultant who made a recent appearance says he received a call afterward from a White House official who told him, "We...

Jon Stewart Channels Glenn Beck

 Jon Stewart 
 Glenn Beck 

Jon Stewart Channels Glenn Beck

Appendicitis attack is obviously part of a larger conspiracy, Jon says

(Newser) - Jon Stewart asked the tough questions last night: Now that Glenn Beck has lost his appendix, how are we going to stop the conspiracy to harvest the rest of his organs? The Daily Show host channeled everything Beck last night, from glasses-fiddling to chalkboard to leaps of logic. “...

Appendicitis Takes Beck Off Air

Fox host has appendix removed, out indefinitely

(Newser) - Glenn Beck’s appendix accomplished today what the nasty wishes of liberals everywhere couldn’t: It took him off the air. Beck excused himself early from his national radio show; an exec at his production company confirmed the operation. “Before going under Glenn asked the doctor to draw out...

Beck's Silent Red Phone Is 'a Hotline to Nowhere'

Host's willful nonsense is the 'new ignorance'

(Newser) - Glenn Beck likes to say that the red phone on his desk is a direct line to the White House, but of course it's a hotline to nowhere, just like the Fox host's whole schtick. Beck complains piteously that White House libbers won't call to respond to his issues, Thomas...

Stories 721 - 740 | << Prev   Next >>