
Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>

Nicholas Kristof: 'Three Cups of Tea' Author Greg Mortenson Did Good Work Despite Scandal
 Scandal Aside,  
 Did Good Work 
Nicholas Kristof

Scandal Aside, Mortenson Did Good Work

Let's not get cynical about education

(Newser) - Nicholas Kirstof is reeling from the allegations against Three Cups of Tea author Greg Mortenson , who he considers a personal friend. “Part of me wishes that all this journalistic energy had been directed instead to ferret out abuses by politicians who allocate government resources to campaign donors,” he...

Breitbart: Glenn Beck Betrayed Me

Conservative blogger decries 'nihilist Marxist' education system

(Newser) - Andrew Breitbart thinks Glenn Beck backstabbed him during the Shirley Sherrod fiasco. In an interview with the Observer , the conservative blogger says that Beck joined him in editing the infamous video and castigating Sherrod on the radio—only to suddenly do an about-face, publish the unedited version online, and demand...

Maine Dropping $200K on iPads for Kindergartners

But will it really improve their learning experience?

(Newser) - Forget finger paint: One Maine city is looking to spend $200,000 next fall to outfit its kindergartners with iPads. "It's definitely an adventure, and it'll be a journey of learning for teachers and students," says one teacher; supposedly, the tablets will make learning more exciting and interactive....

US Spends $20M on Sesame Street Redo for Pakistan
US Spends $20M to Redo Sesame Street for Pakistan
but big bird's not invited

US Spends $20M to Redo Sesame Street for Pakistan

Makeover aimed at boosting education, tolerance, fighting extremism

(Newser) - Out of the $1.5 billion in civilian aid the US is sending to Pakistan this year, $20 million is being used to enlist Elmo in the fight against Islamic extremism. USAid is funding a Pakistani remake of Sesame Street in an effort to educate children in deprived areas, the...

Bloomberg Fires Ill-Qualified Schools Chancellor

Cathie Black had no experience in education

(Newser) - Cathie Black has resigned just three months into her tumultuous tenure as New York City schools chancellor, and city officials tell the New York Times that mayor Michael Bloomberg gave her a strong nudge out the door. Many were stunned when Bloomberg appointed Black in the first place; she’s...

Second-Grade Girls Already Bailing on Math

Study finds stereotype reaches kids strikingly early

(Newser) - A disturbingly high proportion of little girls have absorbed the stereotype that math is for boys by the time they reach the second grade, a new study finds. Researchers found that little boys and girls alike tend to associate enjoyment of math with boys, MSNBC reports. "We still don’...

Virginia Gov. Vetoes School PE Bill

'Unfunded mandate' would have required 150 minutes of PE a week

(Newser) - Virginia’s governor has vetoed a bill that would have required 150 minutes of physical activity per week at elementary and middle schools, handing a victory to school officials who complained that the measure would cost millions to staff, lengthen the school day, and take away from arts education. “...

Our Biggest Regret ...
 Our Biggest Regret Is... 

Our Biggest Regret Is...

Love, family, education, career, money all make the list

(Newser) - Love—or lust—was in the air, and we failed to take action, or took the wrong action. That's the biggest regret of our lives, according to a recent study. Nearly one in five survey respondents named a lost love connection as the one thing in their lives they regretted...

Dave Eggers: Enough With the Teacher Layoffs

System leaves already-struggling public educators in lurch

(Newser) - Public school teachers grapple with 80-hour work weeks on tight salaries, with little creative freedom, while the media attacks their unions—and on top of all that, they face mass layoffs on a regular basis. In San Francisco, for example, 2,800 teachers were warned last week that their jobs...

Preschool Sued for Ruining Tot's Ivy League Chances

$19K preschool 'just one big playroom'

(Newser) - A Manhattan mom is suing a preschool for scotching her 4-year-old daughter's chances of getting into an Ivy League university. The mother complains that the $19,000-a-year York Avenue Preschool failed to prepare the toddler for a test used for admission at top private elementary schools and sometimes put her...

It's Time to Give Teachers a Fat Raise
 It's Time to Give 
 Teachers a Fat Raise 


It's Time to Give Teachers a Fat Raise

Teachers should be praised, not vilified

(Newser) - Right-wing propaganda aside, America's teachers are underpaid and need to make more if the United States is to compete internationally, writes Nicholas Kristof at the New York Times . "We should be elevating teachers, not throwing darts at them," he says. In 1970, a starting public school teacher earned...

Obama Joins Forces With... Bush?

Jeb Bush, that is, in education push

(Newser) - Barack Obama got a little help from an unlikely ally today in Florida, when Jeb Bush appeared with him at a speech promoting the administration's education agenda at Miami Central High School, the AP reports. Bush introduced Obama, saying that education shouldn't be a partisan issue. Obama shook his hand,...

Ron Paul: Education, Medical Care Aren't Rights

They are 'things that you have to earn'

(Newser) - Neither education nor medical care are rights, Rep. Ron Paul told MSNBC—they’re "things that you have to earn." Host Cenk Uygur asked Paul whether the government should give "a helping hand" to a hypothetical poor child in his district who couldn't afford tuition, to which...

Providence Board Votes to Terminate All Teachers

More than 700 gathered to protest

(Newser) - Those 1,926 pink slips will definitely be going out in Providence: After two hours of debate, the school board voted last night to send out termination notices to every public school teacher in the city. More than 700 teachers gathered to express their feelings: "disrespected," "bullied,...

Providence Giving All Its Teachers Pink Slips

But it won't actually fire them all

(Newser) - All 1,926 teachers in the Providence Public School District are about to get termination notices. Tomorrow the school board will vote on a resolution to dismiss every teacher on the last day of school, Superintendent Tom Brady announced in a staff email today, according to the Providence Journal . Not...

Detroit to Close Half Its Schools

Michigan approves plan to cut $327M deficit

(Newser) - Michigan has approved a plan to close roughly half of Detroit’s public schools, pushing the average high-school class size in the struggling city to roughly 60 students, the Wall Street Journal reports. The plan is designed to eliminate the district’s $327 million deficit, but even its creator, district...

Ten States Losing Smart People

Utah, Texas, Iowa make the list

(Newser) - Some states are not keeping up with the others in regard to education. Declining math and reading scores, lower numbers of people with post-secondary degrees, and loss of white-collar workers all imply a decrease in "smart people" compared to the rest of the country. A look at the states...

Tree Octopus Suckers Students
'Tree Octopus' Hoax Shows Kids Believe Anything Online

'Tree Octopus' Hoax Shows Kids Believe Anything Online

Students believe everything they read online, warns researcher

(Newser) - Today's students have a worrying habit of believing everything they read on the Internet, according to a researcher who found it easy to trick young people into believing that endangered "tree octopuses" live in the Pacific Northwest. Students directed to a phony website highlighting the creature's plight continued to...

GOP Governors Going After Teacher Tenure

Momentum builds against once-sacred protection

(Newser) - The once-untouchable notion of teacher tenure might be in danger around the country, reports the New York Times . Republican governors in five states are moving to either abolish or water down long-held laws that make it all but impossible to fire even poor-performing teachers. What's more, they have solid chances...

Which States Have Nation's Smartest Kids?

Massachusetts' students test best; Mississippi? Not so much

(Newser) - Massachusetts can boast the top students in the nation, at least according to the Daily Beast . Each year, the National Assessment of Education Progress tests all the fourth and eighth graders in America in reading and math. The Daily Beast measured the percentage of kids who performed at or above...

Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>